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My Glock is going to get me fired!

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My EDC used to be my 1911 Commander. I can shoot it well, and the bullets are big. I decided to buy a glock, just to see what it was like. I heard that it carries great. Well after two weeks of carrying the damn thing, I am pissed and tired.

I wake up, put on my pants, shirt, belt, knife, socks, shoes, gun on. Then I go and drop off baby at daycare. I don't disarm for this. I then drive to the parking lot of my work.

Almost every GD day I get to or on the elevator before I realize that I am armed. I made it in twice. Now I have TURN AROUND, WALK BACK TO MY CAR, DISARM, and walk BACK THROUGH THE COLD! I look like an idiot because the elevator opens and I have that look on my face of -oh ****. My 1911 was big and heavy enough to let me know that it was there everytime I would exit the car. I might switch back because the glock is too comfy :hat: or maybe not.

P.S. This is not an attempt to start a 1911 vs Glock thread. This is merely a pleasant surprise and my sharing of happiness and objective experience. I love both.

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Sounds like you need a better job, where you don't have to enter a 'gun free killing zone' to go to work :rolleyes: Then the look on your face would only happen when you forget your firearm :)

My EDC used to be my 1911 Commander. I can shoot it well, and the bullets are big. I decided to buy a glock, just to see what it was like. I heard that it carries great. Well after two weeks of carrying the damn thing, I am pissed and tired.

I wake up, put on my pants, shirt, belt, knife, socks, shoes, gun on. Then I go and drop off baby at daycare. I don't disarm for this. I then drive to the parking lot of my work.

Almost every GD day I get to or on the elevator before I realize that I am armed. I made it in twice. Now I have TURN AROUND, WALK BACK TO MY CAR, DISARM, and walk BACK THROUGH THE COLD! I look like an idiot because the elevator opens and I have that look on my face of -oh ****. My 1911 was big and heavy enough to let me know that it was there everytime I would exit the car. I might switch back because the glock is too comfy :) or maybe not.

P.S. This is not an attempt to start a 1911 vs Glock thread. This is merely a pleasant surprise and my sharing of happiness and objective experience. I love both.

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Dang I'm glad I work for a boss that requires me to be armed at all times :-)

One of the few perks of working for yourself I guess. Only time I disarm is when I have to go into a restricted zone. Most of my clients know I'm armed, I've even converted a few.

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Dang I'm glad I work for a boss that requires me to be armed at all times :-)

One of the few perks of working for yourself I guess. Only time I disarm is when I have to go into a restricted zone. Most of my clients know I'm armed, I've even converted a few.

Are you hiring? I could use a job like that.

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Guest Tn.Mitch
Dang I'm glad I work for a boss that requires me to be armed at all times :-)

One of the few perks of working for yourself I guess. Only time I disarm is when I have to go into a restricted zone. Most of my clients know I'm armed, I've even converted a few.

The same here,one of the perks of being self-employed.

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Most people's reaction to Bad Guy with gun.

First thought when Bad guy has a gun, sh*t, he has a gun

second thought, wish I had a gun.

I don't want to be in that group. However work is a big exception, would get me fired in a heart beat. My boss got nervous when overheard me talking about hunting a few weeks ago, oops.

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This is but one more reason why we need to push the legislature to mandate that people can ALWAYS be armed in their vehicle/traveling from location to location, etc. and be able to leave their firearm locked in their vehicle if they are going into an area (employer's building, store, shopping mall, etc.) that is posted against firearms because right now, many, many of us can't carry even to our company parking lot without risk of losing our jobs. In other words, while we preserve the private property rights for the most part, you couldn't be forced to be unarmed just because you needed to park in a parking lot of an employer, etc. that didn't allow firearms withing their actual buildings (I know there is a better way to say what I"m trying to get across but the words aren't working well tonight for some reason!). ;)

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Guest rebelyell

When i was interviewing for my job i have now,New company and i was to be the first employee hired in,The owner gave me the rules to read over before my start date and said if i have any ?'s we would talk it over. Well one rule was that there would be no firearms on company property,we negotiated.We are now allowed to have a firearm in our vehicle but not inside the building,that's been 4 years ago.Maybe this new year i can negotiate to change that also (fingers crossed)i also have forgotten that i had my gun on,its easy to do when you get used to it being there.Of course i work for a great guy and i don't think he would fire me for that mistake,just tell me to put it away.:D

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Guest mcgyver210
My boss (me) also requires me to be armed at all times. He's (I'm) a great guy to work for!

I am lucky my boss also me has no issue with my G27 LOL One of the few benefits of being the boss in this age of the KGBs goal to tax the small business out of existence.

Edited by mcgyver210
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This is but one more reason why we need to push the legislature to mandate that people can ALWAYS be armed in their vehicle/traveling from location to location, etc. and be able to leave their firearm locked in their vehicle if they are going into an area (employer's building, store, shopping mall, etc.) that is posted against firearms because right now, many, many of us can't carry even to our company parking lot without risk of losing our jobs. In other words, while we preserve the private property rights for the most part, you couldn't be forced to be unarmed just because you needed to park in a parking lot of an employer, etc. that didn't allow firearms withing their actual buildings (I know there is a better way to say what I"m trying to get across but the words aren't working well tonight for some reason!). :dunno:

+1! My work schedule and location mean that I'm often driving through some not-so-nice areas late at night, and I HATE not being able to carry and lock it in my vehicle at work to avoid breaking the rules.

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