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TN's latest Brady-Bunch Scorecard

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The bad news is we scored 8 out of a possible 100...the good news is that with a few minor tweaks we can take that all the way down to -2 out of 100! It's funny that the Brady Campaign Against Something or Other but We're Sure it's for the Children thinks a high score is better. I'd like to see Tennessee look at it like golf, and go low. We're currently tied for 23rd, but the best score is only zero...-2 would take the whole thing in a rout.

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

Edited by StPatrick
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8's not bad. We all need to do better though....let's strive for a big zero for next year!!!

8 is awful, we're in the middle of the pack ranked 23rd.... Not somewhere I want to be with a constitutionally protected god given right. What if we were ranked 23rd in providing habeas corpus rights? Would you find that ok? :)

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We could cut it in half with the parking lot and college campus bills.

What's meant by the 2 points for record keeping? Does TN require more than the Fed requirements?

The short answer is yes, we do more things than NCIS would do, and we charge a $10 tax for the privilege... Seeing as TCIS is clearly unconstitutional under our state constitution we should get rid of it.

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If it's a revenue producing "tax" it'll stay. A Frenchman once said..."Once a bureaucrazy is in place it will remain in place even if the original need is no longer valid." Leprosy hospitals went from hundreds of new patients per month to two or three a year, practaclly over night...they turned the hospitals into mental hospitals. When the Bureau of Indian Affairs could no longer remove Native American children from their parents, the bureaucrazy became CPS...you have to keep all those Social Workers employed.

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The short answer is yes, we do more things than NCIS would do, and we charge a $10 tax for the privilege... Seeing as TCIS is clearly unconstitutional under our state constitution we should get rid of it.

Just a note, it's NICS and TICS.

National Instant Criminal Background Check System and TBI Instant Check System

- OS

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From the Brady Bunch site linked in the OP:

Tennessee has weak gun laws that help feed the illegal gun market...
That has to be one of the most illogical - not to mention biggest BS - statements I have ever read/heard. First, I would like to see proof of their claim. Second, exactly how in the heck does the strength of laws 'help feed' illegal activity? Illegal means against the law. Period. So, if there are laws in place and those laws are being broken (i.e. illegal) then how, exactly, would it matter if those laws were more Draconian...er...stronger? People who are involved in the 'illegal gun market' are criminals. Criminals break laws. It doesn't matter if you make those laws more oppressive to those who will follow the law because criminals will still break them. Do these nitwits think that illegal activity can somehow be made more illegal? That's just plain stupidity. Kind of reminds me of the old joke about unarmed cops in England yelling, "Halt or I'll say, 'Halt' again!" Maybe something along the lines of, "Stop that illegal activity or we'll make it illegaler!" Edited by JAB
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8 is awful, we're in the middle of the pack ranked 23rd.... Not somewhere I want to be with a constitutionally protected god given right. What if we were ranked 23rd in providing habeas corpus rights? Would you find that ok? :)

Lighten up Francis. It was a joke. Jeez.

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From the Brady Bunch site linked in the OP:

That has to be one of the most illogical - not to mention biggest BS - statements I have ever read/heard. First, I would like to see proof of their claim. Second, exactly how in the heck does the strength of laws 'help feed' illegal activity? Illegal means against the law. Period. So, if there are laws in place and those laws are being broken (i.e. illegal) then how, exactly, would it matter if those laws were more Draconian...er...stronger? People who are involved in the 'illegal gun market' are criminals. Criminals break laws. It doesn't matter if you make those laws more oppressive to those who will follow the law because criminals will still break them. Do these nitwits think that illegal activity can somehow be made more illegal? That's just plain stupidity. Kind of reminds me of the old joke about unarmed cops in England yelling, "Halt or I'll say, 'Halt' again!" Maybe something along the lines of, "Stop that illegal activity or we'll make it illegaler!"

Well spoken! I'll never understand how so many simply don't get this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest peacexxl

All of the states bordering west Tennessee have better scores than we do. We really have to work on that. Although I think we should get credit for not disallowing firearms in places of worship like MS does, and maybe AR, I'm not sure.

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Guest HvyMtl

It seems the Brady Bunch is out of touch with reality. Lets put this in perspective. California and NY have the "best" gun laws to "prevent gun violence." Does that really match with actual gun violence? No. Cali and NY have much higher incidences of gun violence than Tennessee, or Vermont, or any of the low ranked states. Matching the Brady Bunch's ranking with gun violence would show the actual failure gun control is...

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Guest friesepferd
Good 'ol Vermont.... 6 points.... no permit required :cool::up:

you mean good ol utah, alaska, or arizona?

they are at zero points :)

Still would like to see someone at -2 though. Would love to see arizona allow carry on campus.

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you mean good ol utah, alaska, or arizona?

they are at zero points :)

Still would like to see someone at -2 though. Would love to see arizona allow carry on campus.

6 points is terrific considering it's in the Northeast. :D Sorry, I have a "like" for Vermont. It's a great state from June-August (when it's warm :D:D )

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Guest Overtaker

The 10 highest scoring states have 3.032 homicides per 100,000 people.

The 10 lowest scoring states have 3.093 homicides per 100,000 people. And it's 2.311 if you remove mega-outlier Louisiana with its 10.13 per 100,000 (over twice as many as the next worst Arizona at 4.54).

Highest scoring state California (80 points) has 4.82 homicides per 100,000 people.

Lowest scoring states (0 points) Utah, Alaska, and Arizona have respectively 0.93, 2.58, and 4.54 homicides per 100,000.

Edited by Overtaker
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If it's a revenue producing "tax" it'll stay. A Frenchman once said..."Once a bureaucrazy is in place it will remain in place even if the original need is no longer valid." Leprosy hospitals went from hundreds of new patients per month to two or three a year, practaclly over night...they turned the hospitals into mental hospitals. When the Bureau of Indian Affairs could no longer remove Native American children from their parents, the bureaucrazy became CPS...you have to keep all those Social Workers employed.

And this is one of the most insightful observations I've seen in this thread. There were a couple of Germans who said the same thing: Max Weber and Emile Durkheim.

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All of the states bordering west Tennessee have better scores than we do. We really have to work on that. Although I think we should get credit for not disallowing firearms in places of worship like MS does, and maybe AR, I'm not sure.

You are wrong on this, there is no restriction on carrying in a place of worship in TN.

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