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Firing in a Nice Subdivision Question

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Guest m500 lover
Well, since there are no such thing as Black Panther Water Moccasins, you can rest assured I was being humorous. :wall:

Yup just trying to disspell the belief of people that we have them in east tn we do not. Only poisonous snake in east tn is copper head.

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Guest m500 lover

Thinking someone can outrun a copper head as it is striking at them at a bare minimum of 120 mph and if in florida eastern diamondbacks at 160mph is absolutely insane.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I've shot several snakes before when I was growing up, out in the country. I have no problem shooting them out in the woods, etc. But if its in a populated area, where discharging a firearm is generally illegal, I wouldnt do it.

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So what you are saying is that rattlesnakes which strike at 160mph are not fast enough to bite a human? If you really believe that i digress but what the state should take your permit away due your having gone mental.

Sent with Droid Incredible using Tapatalk.

Well, if you can draw your pistol faster than 160 mph then I would say discharging your weapon at it would be justified. Their strike radius is about 2/3 of their body length. If you are within that range then there is absolutely nothing you can do other than get bit. If you are outside that range you can simply walk away.

Edited by TMF 18B
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Yup just trying to disspell the belief of people that we have them in east tn we do not. Only poisonous snake in east tn is copper head.

Sent with Droid Incredible using Tapatalk.

Nope, timber rattler also.

Sent with Naturalist Normal using Herpetology.

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