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I need a longer toybox.....

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I got the call today, from John Anderson here in Tullahoma, that he'd finished up building my 'Tennessee non-typical' longrifle.

It's a fullstock, has a 42" Octagon to round (and slightly swamped) Colerain barrel. L&R Durrs Egg lock & Davis triggers.

John built it in a style suited to me, rather than following any existing 'pattern'

It's influenced by the Southern Mountain rifles, but it has been altered to suit my own tastes. OAL is 62" :poop: I may need to buy a box to stand on to load the thing!

The stock doesn't show up particularly well in my shoddy photos, but it's one of the prettiest pieces of Maple I've seen!






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I worked with a man in Nashville who was into traditional muzzleloading, complete with buckskins, made the annual pilgrimage to Friendship and all that. He has one of John's rifles, a flintlock, one of the nicest smoke poles I've ever seen.

Congrats on your purchase.

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Guest ochretoe

If it had a flint it would be perfect. Just kidding, it is a super nice gun. I agree with going non typical, I did it 25 years ago and am glad I did. Enjoy, it will serve you well.

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Thanks for the kind words y'all!

Got out in the back yard this afternoon to give it it's trial run.

I only loaded light, 50gn of FFG under a .530 ball & .018 patch. I'll get some range time at the weekend to start working on a load (although I may just wait until I've got a hundred of so shots through it) & start dialling it in.

Here's the first 5 offhand at 35yds though. Encouraging so far.....


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Guest ochretoe

Thats the differance betwee a built and a manufactured gun. A builder makes them true. That gun is gonna be a shooter. In about 200 shots you will be cutting playing card and busting lifesavers at 25yds.

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