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Scenario Question : Standing in line at Kroger...

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Guest darkstar

I dunno...I guess I'm too laid back or something because I simply don't understand the need or desire to get in someones face. Now if someone is trying to harm a friend or loved one, or myself I'll react but to get that worked up like the big cat in that video? I don't get that mentality of being hyper aggressive and confrontational, it's a good way to get your ass kicked or worse. As much as I would like to respond to a situation like the Kroger scenario discretion is the better part of vallor, save the responses for serious situations.

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Guest janwbrown616

Having lived in Miami onced and witnessed people cutting in front of each other and continuing the fight in the parking lot or just staring at each other bumper to bumper with their horn's blowing, when their both in the wrong lane, I'll never be surprised at what can happen in public.

Pulling a gun and trying to make an irate maniac lie down is really difficult for a uniformed Officer to do, impossible for a plain cloths cop or a civilian to do. If he doesn't lay down, what you gonna do...shoot him?

Course if he then comes at you and you shoot him in self defense, you're still going to jail. After hearings and such you'd probably be let go, unless the fool had lots of friends in the crowd who claimed YOU started it.

As for cutting in line.... I would have smiled and let him go thru. The sooner he's out of the store the safer everyone would be.

Some things are worth a fight, sometimes you will have to fight, cutting in line at a grocery store is not one of them.

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Guest TN.Frank

Let the jerk cut in front of you, the sooner he's out of the store the better anyway. It's not like him cutting in front of you is going to hurt anything more then your pride so I'd just let it go and go on with my life. You've got to pick your battles and this case isn't one that I'd pick.

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Guest Ranger Rick
Let the jerk cut in front of you, the sooner he's out of the store the better anyway. It's not like him cutting in front of you is going to hurt anything more then your pride so I'd just let it go and go on with my life. You've got to pick your battles and this case isn't one that I'd pick.


totally agree

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2nd: Who fired up the Black lady, what caused the "rucus" to begin with? Didnt she spit on the guy behind the counter. Woman or not, you spit on me your getting knocked silly. The big guy was big, but could have easily been taken down.

Spitting is considered assault right!? So What actions could be taken when someone spits on you? I wouldn't shoot anyone for spitting on me but at the same time I wouldn't let them go either..

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  • Administrator
Spitting is considered assault right!? So What actions could be taken when someone spits on you? I wouldn't shoot anyone for spitting on me but at the same time I wouldn't let them go either..

Freeze +P in the face?

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In the age of AIDS, etc... yeah, there is a potential for spitting in my face to be construed as a serious threat to my well-being. While I wouldn't assume that the person does have AIDS, etc. My response would certainly ensure that the person is unable to spit on me again.

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Guest mikedwood

In the senerio I'd let it go. Don't want any trouble over stupid stuff.

In the video the moment the guy pushed, would either be the time to run or attack like a wild cat and hope for the best cause the punch was coming soon. It would be a hard call because if you started beating up her boyfriend then she would probably cold cock you with something. Plus if you didn't know the neighborhood would they stand there and watch the BF get beat down like they would you? I dunno he was pretty big I don't know if I could out fight him but I know I could out run him.

My understanding of the permit is you can't draw and shoot over a fist fight. Is that right or wrong and what numbers? That one would go to court anyway and cost a fortune.

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Pulling a gun and trying to make an irate maniac lie down is really difficult for a uniformed Officer to do, impossible for a plain cloths cop or a civilian to do. If he doesn't lay down, what you gonna do...shoot him?

Course if he then comes at you and you shoot him in self defense, you're still going to jail. After hearings and such you'd probably be let go, unless the fool had lots of friends in the crowd who claimed YOU started it.

That is not true and yes an advancing criminal disobeying cease and desist orders is a threat and depending on the circumstances you can use deadly force.

Also, it is not impossible for a civilian or plain clothes officer to stop a person in that manner. If you order a guy to stop beating someone and he refuses you could use deadly force. Threat of death or SERIOUS BODILY INJURY. Especially in states like TN where the laws are in favor of self-defense.

My understanding of the permit is you can't draw and shoot over a fist fight. Is that right or wrong and what numbers? That one would go to court anyway and cost a fortune.

Also wrong. While it may be harder to prove if you are both 6' 200 pounds and the aggressor is unarmed, if someone attacks you and you tell them to stop, beg them to quit hitting you, etc and they do not, you are legally able to use deadly force. If you started it and then just start getting your ass whipped a little bit you're going to have a tough time claiming self-defense.

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Guest Jason F.
with me being a big guy. (6'5" and 300lbs) I normally dont have this kind of problem. but like the consenus here. I'd just keep my mouth shut. but if I absolutly had to say something, the best thing would be to say "exuse me" in a polite tone.

and whenever possible, travel in packs, armed packs :rolleyes:

I am in close to the same boat. I am a fairly big guy and seldom have anyone show aggression towards me even though now I am more fat than muscular. I do have the distinct problem of having a temper though. If I was alone with no risk to friends or family I would probably smart off. If he moved to attack me I would just kick in his knee. It might work or I might get my butt kicked. I have been there before and have done it. I know I should not and every time no matter what the outcome I regret it in hindsight.

I will say my temper has declined and tolerance for idiots has increased with age and experience. I have managed to suppress my temper the last couple times I was confronted. Maybe I am getting a little softer in my old age.

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Many a man have died by hands alone! If someone attacks me,or tries to attack me they will have hell to pay for that decision!

I am 60 and disabled which gives me more latitude in defense of myself.

Same here minus the age,and I feel the same way about the "latitude" :hat:

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Guest jackdog

Some one acting like a total ass is not an excuse for you to follow suit. Now then the big guy beating the guy in the video, first the guy that got beaten was having a confrontation with the black chick. So he should have just let it go and moved on. People who feel the need to act like bad asses for whatever reason, need to back it up or get the ass kicked. I'm not going to get hurt or go to jail over something like this. Now the kid getting beaten a week or so ago is a totally different story. I'd shot his ass, plain and simple.

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Now then the big guy beating the guy in the video, first the guy that got beaten was having a confrontation with the black chick. So he should have just let it go and moved on.

Wow, did they change the video? He never said a word to her as far as I can tell...

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  • Administrator
Wow, did they change the video? He never said a word to her as far as I can tell...

When the video clip starts, the black woman is already screaming at the white guy. It is implied that he said something to her about cutting in line, which set her off.

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Wow, did they change the video? He never said a word to her as far as I can tell...

I saw the same video on TruTV a while back. She came in and cut into line. Then they say the guy said something "smart" about it to whoever he was talking to on his cell phone and that is what caused her to go off and all the rest.

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