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Homebrew Ballistics Gel

Guest LittleBear571

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Guest LittleBear571
Anyone tried it? I've looked up a few recipes and how tos online, and I think I'm gonna try it. I know it won't be FBI grade or anything fancy, just something fun to shoot at. Any advice or tips would be great! Thanks
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Ummm.... http://bit.ly/X517iH



wow, why so cynical  he just asked if anyone has tried it.  


If the law catches you making something like that they will label you a terrorist.  It's not that expensive to buy exploding targets that are legal.


I think you're misreading this thread.  Its just a thick jello that stops bullets

Edited by Lumber_Jack
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wow, why so cynical  he just asked if anyone has tried it.  



I think you're misreading this thread.  Its just a thick jello that stops bullets

Yeah calm down. We strive for an environment here on TGO where there are no dumb questions. If I got smart with every newbie who came on here asking about best caliber for defense or how to get a HCP I'd tear out my hair, or what's left, from frustration. Plus, I've always wondered about making my own ballistics gel but never took the time to look it up so this thread will even benefit me.


Edit - My apologies to Wew for jumping all over him and not realizing who he was responding to. My fault brother.

Edited by gnmwilliams
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Guest LittleBear571

wow, why so cynical he just asked if anyone has tried it.

I think you're misreading this thread. Its just a thick jello that stops bullets

Thank you lumberjack. And thanks to those who actually responded to my question, and didn't call me a terrorist, link me to a search engine that I already used, or question my knowledge of laws that I know plenty about (I am an officer, after all)

I have heard that the refrigeration part is really important. From everything I've read, its about a 3 or 4 day process. I've got a spare refrigerator I could use for the amount I'm wanting to make. I think I'm gonna make a small batch on my next off day and test it out. thanks guys.
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Guest LittleBear571

WOW, Really?? The OP did not ask how to, even mentioned he had looked it up, He just asked if anyone had any tips or thoughts

Speaking of which, Keep it cold until time to shoot. You will get more life out of it.

I have heard that if its done correctly you can melt it back down and remold it. Have you tried it before?
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Thank you lumberjack. And thanks to those who actually responded to my question, and didn't call me a terrorist, link me to a search engine that I already used, or question my knowledge of laws that I know plenty about (I am an officer, after all)
I have heard that the refrigeration part is really important. From everything I've read, its about a 3 or 4 day process. I've got a spare refrigerator I could use for the amount I'm wanting to make. I think I'm gonna make a small batch on my next off day and test it out. thanks guys.

Can't wait to see how it comes out. Enjoy it(shooting it :) )
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Guest LittleBear571

yeah let us know your results, and how difficult it is. I might try it too one of these days.

I think the only problem I will run into is being able to find a container big enough to make a big brick of it. May use a storage tub or something. I'll give y'all an update at the end of the week when I try a small batch.
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I have heard that if its done correctly you can melt it back down and remold it. Have you tried it before?

You can but we never have. It really is just very thick jello.


I think the only problem I will run into is being able to find a container big enough to make a big brick of it. May use a storage tub or something. I'll give y'all an update at the end of the week when I try a small batch.

build a plywood or OSB form and line it with that clear plastic you buy in a big roll. You can make any shape you can build.

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Thank you lumberjack. And thanks to those who actually responded to my question, and didn't call me a terrorist, link me to a search engine that I already used, or question my knowledge of laws that I know plenty about (I am an officer, after all)

I have heard that the refrigeration part is really important. From everything I've read, its about a 3 or 4 day process. I've got a spare refrigerator I could use for the amount I'm wanting to make. I think I'm gonna make a small batch on my next off day and test it out. thanks guys.


Well... some Libtards will identify you as a terrorist just because of your NRA membership. :) I've seen threads on homemade gel. The info is out there somewhere. I'm watching with interest too.

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Guest LittleBear571

You can but we never have. It really is just very thick jello.

build a plywood or OSB form and line it with that clear plastic you buy in a big roll. You can make any shape you can build.

Thanks for the info. Me and a co worker are gonna try this. Probably start the process Wednesday.
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wow, why so cynical  he just asked if anyone has tried it.  



I think you're misreading this thread.  Its just a thick jello that stops bullets



Yeah calm down. We strive for an environment here on TGO where there are no dumb questions. If I got smart with every newbie who came on here asking about best caliber for defense or how to get a HCP I'd tear out my hair, or what's left, from frustration. Plus, I've always wondered about making my own ballistics gel but never took the time to look it up so this thread will even benefit me.


WOW, Really?? The OP did not ask how to, even mentioned he had looked it up, He just asked if anyone had any tips or thoughts


Speaking of which, Keep it cold until time to shoot. You will get more life out of it.

Yeah...PMs sent.  But for anyone else that wants to get upset at me bashing the OP with a lmgtfy link for asking a question, take the time to notice I wasn't responding to the OP.  At least yell at me for what I do and not stone me for what you think I did.

Edited by wewoapsiak
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Yeah...PMs sent.  But for anyone else that wants to get upset at me bashing the OP with a lmgtfy link for asking a question, take the time to notice I wasn't responding to the OP.  At least yell at me for what I do and not stone me for what you think I did.

LOL, you got hammered and didn't even have a dog in the hunt ... :stir: 

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Guest LittleBear571

Please post pics when this is complete as well before/after the slaughter...... i was thinking about making this as well.

I will. Looks like I won't be able to start the process till Tuesday, and shoot it this weekend.
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