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Left Attacks Crickett as "Child Porn" etc

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The 22 ammo situation is outrageous right now.
Usually when I go visit my grandparents I take my little cousin (he's about 10) a box or 2 of 22 ammo for him to pick up. If I take him too much at once he just uses the "spray and pray" method of marksmanship, but can really shoot good when his supply is low. His parents learned this quickly and started making him buy his own ammo with his allowance. No video games for this little boy, he would rather shoot. With prices the way they are now and his always limited supply of ammo he probably isn't getting to shoot much right now.

The up side is I know of about 4 lgs that have some in stock, but they're kinda proud of it. Hopefully the supply will pick up soon.
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Okay guys...how do we identify "who" to give this to?


Is just one enough?


Given the current situation, what do we do about ammo?


I want to see this rifle (or several rifles) go to children who's parents truly don't have the extra funds to do this on their own...any suggestions?

I'll donate 200 rounds of .22lr ammo per rifle that is given away.

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Guest drv2fst

Remember that these are single shot rifles.  Each time I took my kids to the range we would be lucky to get off 25-50 rounds before they were done.  My son used it.  His younger sister used it.  After those two outgrew it, a friend asked if he could buy it from me for his son.  These get passed down like bicycles with training wheels.  Lots of kids can learn from one if they keep passing it down.


FYI, I bought my kids a light 10/22 to replace their Cricket.  They love it.  But MOST IMPORTANTLY, they did learn gun safety from the Cricket.  I've seen them correct adults at the range.  It's funny to watch kids correct adults.  I've only taken them to shoot with adults they know really well so it's not like they are walking up to correct strangers.  In addition, my son has taken up AirSoft guns.  Even though AirSoft's only shoot plastic pellets, my son still practices good gun safety when handling the gun.

Edited by drv2fst
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