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World War Z - Movie Review

Guest nra37922

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Seldom do Pay For View, but finally watched it.


Very very disappointed. Excepting kudos for CGI and sets, it was just another actioner -- see how many times Brad can narrowly escape death against incredible odds!  Meh2


- OS

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Seldom do Pay For View, but finally watched it.

Very very disappointed. Excepting kudos for CGI and sets, it was just another actioner -- see how many times Brad can narrowly escape death against incredible odds! Meh2

- OS

Now watch the Honest Trailer for it. It is better than the movie.
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Now watch the Honest Trailer for it. It is better than the movie.


Yep, did, sums it up pretty well. Really.


Just doubly sad if you've read the book, Max really sold out, but guess I can't blame him making a wad on something that started mostly as a hoot.


- OS

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Yep, did, sums it up pretty well. Really.

Just doubly sad if you've read the book, Max really sold out, but guess I can't blame him making a wad on something that started mostly as a hoot.

- OS

I really enjoyed the book. I was having this conversation with a bud the other day who hadn't read the book but just watched the movie. He liked the flick, and I suppose I would have been okay with it had I not read the book first. It wasn't that the movie was a poor adaptation, it was that it didnt adapt anything at all from the book other than the title. This was the big disappointment I think, since expectations were that it would follow the book. I'm holding out hope that they decide to do a sequel and at least include stuff from the actual Zombie war, since this movie only covers the outbreak. Surely they wouldn't title a movie "World War Z" and not actually show the war.... right?
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I really enjoyed the book. I was having this conversation with a bud the other day who hadn't read the book but just watched the movie. He liked the flick, and I suppose I would have been okay with it had I not read the book first. It wasn't that the movie was a poor adaptation, it was that it didnt adapt anything at all from the book other than the title. This was the big disappointment I think, since expectations were that it would follow the book. I'm holding out hope that they decide to do a sequel and at least include stuff from the actual Zombie war, since this movie only covers the outbreak. Surely they wouldn't title a movie "World War Z" and not actually show the war.... right?


We are in total agreement on this. Very poor rendition of the book. Pretty much an adaptation of the Outbreak and Contagion movie stories. At least that's the way it seemed to me.


Yep the CGI work was pretty good. At least I think so. It was all run at such speed that I found it difficult to really appreciate it.


One, of several, things that puzzled me in the movie though was the scene with the C130(?) taking off from the carrier. Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems a little far-fetched. 

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We are in total agreement on this. Very poor rendition of the book. Pretty much an adaptation of the Outbreak and Contagion movie stories. At least that's the way it seemed to me.


Yep the CGI work was pretty good. At least I think so. It was all run at such speed that I found it difficult to really appreciate it.


One, of several, things that puzzled me in the movie though was the scene with the C130(?) taking off from the carrier. Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems a little far-fetched. 



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Thought of those assist rockets, unfortunately after I posed this.


Now how did it get on the carrier in the first place? Seems like even with hooks and arrestor line it would be too large.


I know, I'm trying to assign reality to fiction.

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Lol, so you accept the Zombie apoc, but get tripped up on the logistics? 


Look, as bad as an adaptation as WWZ was, it was still an entertaining action movie.  If you want to talk about blowing an adaptation, read, then see, Starship Troopers.

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Lol, so you accept the Zombie apoc, but get tripped up on the logistics? 
Look, as bad as an adaptation as WWZ was, it was still an entertaining action movie.  If you want to talk about blowing an adaptation, read, then see, Starship Troopers.

Hey, so I'm weird. It's the little things that make it enjoyable and "believable".

Totally agree with you on Starship Troopers. One of RAH"S better novels made into a joke actually.

But still watchable, if just to drool over the weaponry.
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Hey, so I'm weird. It's the little things that make it enjoyable and "believable".

Totally agree with you on Starship Troopers. One of RAH"S better novels made into a joke actually.

But still watchable, if just to drool over the weaponry.

I drool over Dizzy's boobs. Best part of the movie, twice.
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I drool over Dizzy's boobs. Best part of the movie, twice.



Erik88/TMF you perverts. Besides which, they are too small, droopy, and floppy. But she is a cute little bit of video fluff.

In the book, Dizzy doesn't make it much past the first page...and is a dude.

Yep. That's why I didn't go there. Still a good read though. Gonna have to put it on my re-read list, behind I-don't-know-how-many I still haven't read yet.

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Thought of those assist rockets, unfortunately after I posed this.

Now how did it get on the carrier in the first place? Seems like even with hooks and arrestor line it would be too large.

I know, I'm trying to assign reality to fiction.

It could be done. I wouldn't want to be in it, but it couldn't be much worse than a "assault" or "combat" landing. Having worked on aircraft carriers and around c-130z it wouldnt be as bad as you might think with good pilots and a well balanced planed

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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Erik88/TMF you perverts. Besides which, they are too small, droopy, and floppy. But she is a cute little bit of video fluff.

I don't discriminate against sporty boobs. They were nice. Liked hers better than the other chick with the giant fake ones.
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I don't discriminate against sporty boobs. They were nice. Liked hers better than the other chick with the giant fake ones.

I do have to admit that Denise Richards may have gone a bit too far, but still rather like her. But that's the wonder of all shapes and sizes.
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It could be done. I wouldn't want to be in it, but it couldn't be much worse than a "assault" or "combat" landing. Having worked on aircraft carriers and around c-130z it wouldnt be as bad as you might think with good pilots and a well balanced planed

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

Wow. Thanks, Spots. Wouldn't have thought it possible. But if it could be done one the Forrestal, I guess it would be easier on the newer generation carriers.

Thanks for the video link. And btw, I really enjoy taking them to wherever else they might lead. You get to see some really interesting things that might otherwise be missed.
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