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Gasoline Shortage? - Freak Out!


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I just found it for 3.65 at the station that is normally the most expensive around. The line wasn't too bad either. It is times like this I wish that I didn't have a V8 Grand Cherokee.

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$3.99 to $5.00 here in the Shelbyville/Tullahoma are. Wally World was $3.51 last night when I "Panicked" and filled up. Now It's $3.89. Glad I listened to the Tin-Foil hatters this time, instead of those saying "BS".

I deliver to Bordeaux, Joelton and Ashland City. Today 4 stations in A.C. were out, the others were $3.89. The guy that runs the Hwy 12 Marklet in Ashland City told me he had plenty in the ground, but would need a load by Sunday. He said he called to get the price and was told his next load would be $4.59 wholesale per gallon. Says he'll probably charge $5.00. I've known this guy 5 years, he doesn't bullsh*t.

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Guest bang-flash

Paid 3.79 for regular few hours ago. Girl behind the counter said it was the busiest she had been in a while. I didn't need much but thought topping off wouldn't hurt since I was in the area.

I passed 2 other stations getting home and one had bags on the pumps and the other was out of regular.

I sure hope the people in ikes path come out the other side ok.

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Any decent houses for sale?

Some, sure. One in my neighborhood, in fact. Town of Arlington has it figured out - set minimum lot sizes to keep small houses out, no apartment complexes, attract residents and businesses that will try to 'keep it clean'...

Love it here.

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