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LegallyArmed.com receives "F" from the BBB

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It appears Gene Kennedy and LegallyArmed.com / Carrying Concealed Weapons Association have been taking money for goods, but never sending said goods to the buyers.

He and these "businesses" are based out of Tennessee, so I thought it would be worth passing along.
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It appears Gene Kennedy and LegallyArmed.com / Carrying Concealed Weapons Association have been taking money for goods, but never sending said goods to the buyers.

He and these "businesses" are based out of Tennessee, so I thought it would be worth passing along.

I'd heard people years ago talk crap about them but I didn't know anything about them. I guess they were right?

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I have no knowledge of the business mentioned here. However, to me, the BBB Is a crock of sh*t. Basically, as a business owner, you get the "opportunity" to pay xxx amount of dollars to tell your side of a story to the BBB. They will believe you or not--no real loyalty unless you put big money on the line--which is done frequently.
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Guest Ceolas

I have no knowledge of the business mentioned here. However, to me, the BBB Is a crock of sh*t. Basically, as a business owner, you get the "opportunity" to pay xxx amount of dollars to tell your side of a story to the BBB. They will believe you or not--no real loyalty unless you put big money on the line--which is done frequently.


Agreed. Just went through this with a client who had pulled the same crap with their previous agency.


The BBB never even reviewed the case, just went through the three steps of "Are you satisfied with this answer?' to the client.


Plus all the stories of extortion and bribery out of California for good ratings are starting to add up.

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I have no knowledge of the business mentioned here. However, to me, the BBB Is a crock of sh*t. Basically, as a business owner, you get the "opportunity" to pay xxx amount of dollars to tell your side of a story to the BBB. They will believe you or not--no real loyalty unless you put big money on the line--which is done frequently.


This.  The BBB seems to have become the bad businesses bribes or something --- I swear some of the worst companies have great ratings while great companies have low ratings.   Thankfully the web has replaced it... just do a search on the business and if you find tons of hits about bad practices, you have your answer.   You have to take the web with a grain of salt, but when hundreds of people say the same things about a business, consider it to at least have a kernel of truth.

Edited by Jonnin
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I believe that's the one that was selling a folder at one of the first gun shows that I went to that contained printouts of relevant TN laws with a promise of updates to be sent on any changes to the laws. It still sits there, unopened and un-updated since the day I bought it. The internet is a better source for such things anyway but I know I feel I was taken.

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Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't trust the BBB. I searched for a scumbag collection agency, who was mistakenly calling me to make threats on a bull$hi+ debt. I found hundreds of sites where people were complaining about them lying and breaking FDC rules, but the BBB gave them an A for responding to each complaint with a canned statement. In each case the complaintant was dissatisfied with the result, but the BBB closed the complaint in favor of the company.


Gotta be some kind of scam going on there.

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