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Palin under investigation --again

Guest Len

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Guest Verbal Kint

Key words here are "charged with". As you recently demanded in the Obama Wants DOJ to Silence McCain-Palin on ACORN thread... where is the proof? Show me the bills / tickets, otherwise quit being a hypocrite. My post clearly linked the 7 page letter authored and signed by Obama's legal counsel. Where is your basis?

Edited by Verbal Kint
Tungsten was here.
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are you serious?:screwy: You got a guy who is buddies with a terrorist, a convicted slum lord, a racist "preacher", Farrakhan, calls an avowed marxist his mentor, ACORN, has two economic advisers who made over 900 million as the CEO's of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack then jumped ship, is an admitted crack smoker, and just may not even be a natural born citizen and thus not eligible for the office he's running for and you really think Palin's got any negatives?

Whos the one who needs to be vetted here?

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I'll say THIS for Obama. He was the 3rd guy on the list when it came for kickbacks from fanny mae and freddy mac, he also voted AGAINST regulation of the housing bill that McCain co sponsored in 2005...in other words, he got paid for and screwed you and me Len..and made a significant contribution to the economic crisis in the country right now..and you're STILL gonna vote for him?

not only this, you can bet your bippy that if he DOES make president, with a democratic congress behind him he will pass the most stringent gun ban we've ever seen and probably attempt to nullify the 2nd amendment through executive powers.

I can understand voting for him if he had a good economic track record but to stand up and vote for a fella that a. refuses to wear or salute an American flag, either doesn't vote or has cast a vote that did serious damage to the economy, and to do that just because he's a democrat...

not the brightest thing...

but again I will say that the democratic party is so tired of being defeated that they want to win...even at the cost of our countries well being.

If thier actions get a couple of folks more power yet turn our country into a 3rd world power..they say well and good.

I say no way. That man is a liar and a menace.

And since you threw the family values thing out there....that kid happens to be getting married to the babies father.

you want to speak about values? how about the hateful things that democrats said about Mrs. Palin's child? that she had an affair with an Eskimo. or the jokes. Or our OWN states' democratic son that hacked her personal email?

and it doesn't stop there...heck, you've seen the acorn controversy and even the people defacing cars and stealing signs...

how are those ethics now?

Edited by towerclimber37
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Guest Dean_JC78

Another bogus attempt to smear Palin. Of course this must be getting back to the "real issues" we keep hearing so much about.

With the entire media and entertainment solid in Obamas pocket, 10x the money of McCain, slick speaking that would make Hitler proud, and pretty much everything else going in his favor... Obama is only up a couple points. That is huge.

Let me remind you all that Jimmy (I never met a dictator I did not love) Carter was ahead in 1980 by double didget margins... and we all know how that worked out. Not saying Palin and that other guy are going to win... but it sure as heck is not over.

Edited by Dean_JC78
Tungsten was here.
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Another bogus attempt to smear Palin. Of course this must be getting back to the "real issues" we keep hearing so much about.

With the entire media and entertainment solid in Obamas pocket, 10x the money of McCain, slick speaking that would make Hitler proud, and pretty much everything else going in his favor... Obama is only up a couple points. That is huge.

Let me remind you all that Jimmy (I never met a dictator I did not love) Carter was ahead in 1980 by double didget margins... and we all know how that worked out. Not saying Palin and that other guy are going to win... but it sure as heck is not over.

I thought obama was over 10 points ahead?

Edited by TGO David
Tungsten was here.
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Guest Dean_JC78

Well crap, you are correct sir. According to Zogby released just a little while ago he has jumped to 10 points.

Earlier in the day I believe it was 7 points which is the highest I had seen. Through most of it, he has held between 2-5 points on McCain.

Now before tonights new Zogby poll, the only 10 point lead Obama has had is in some states but please correct me if I am wrong.

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Oh my god, you mean she wanted her daughters with her when she flew around the country, making official appearances and attending meetings. How scandalous! How dare she! She is the Govenor after all and that should come before motherhood......

Edited by TGO David
Tungsten was here.
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Guest Honest AK

You invite the Governor, Armageddon Spice and the whole fam damily shows up.

Is it unusual to be paid a per diem when staying at your own house?:usa:

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Guest Dean_JC78

Love the polls that change every day. We got a million polls out there. I was reading an interesting article today about how in the previous POTUS elections, the polls all favored the DNC (The last 2 for sure) yet Bush won each time. Of course there was also the Carter example I posted about before as well.

Here is an article by MICHAEL BARONE, it is a great write up on the accuracy of these polls and how previous years polls have also been similar. This race is far from over.


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Seems the GOP's favorite "reformer" is at it again. What is it with public officials and their fixations on state-owned airplanes?


Someone really should teach the McCain people how to vet. First the family values party is dealt a pregnant umarried 17year old, then the abuse of power scandal and now this.

After thinking a second....................:popcorn:

Yes, Reformer! At least this lady has the fortitude to stand up to corruption in her state and handled it. WHO, just tell me in your fantasy land, crack pot, freak show, "political" party has even attempted to grow half the spine this lady has?? You think your "boy" does?, or the boob he's picked for vp? Tell me one thing he's done, one thing. What is it with self righteous democrats, and their fixation on trying to bring everyone else down to their level? Is it gettin to be to much work to climb high enough to look down your nose at the rest of us?

Someone should teach the demcrats how to vet. Take a look at what you're running. But, I suspect the ONLY reason they're running him is because he hasn't been in the limelight long enough for people to realize what he is, and new enough in politics to cover for him. Has ever written any legislation? Can he write legislation? Can he even write?? Tell me what you got when John McCain of all people can keep a tight race with him. You harp on Govenor Palin's supposed inexperience, while ignoring the fact that your candidate has absolutly NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZERO, CAN'T HOLD A CANDLE TO A DOG CATCHER!!!!!!! He is where he is by hook and by crook!!!

All these "scandals" the garbage in the media and the democrats are churning up about Govenor Palin is out of sheer terror. Her presence to the democrats is the equivilent of turning a light on in a room full of roaches. No, she's not perfect, neither is her family, or mine. But it's her family and it's a damned shame that an "adult" would take a chicken sh** shot at a seventeen year old girl. Did you ever think that YOUR party has worked dilligently to flat out destroy the family fabric that ties this nation together? Don't you think that your party's policies, and lack of values may have contributed to this? Of course not!, Look at those silly Republicans trying to teach their children some self control and responsibility, and their daughter got pregnant, Har Har Hardy Har Har. But your daughter gets pregnant, and it's " Oh, poor victim, Come we can fix that..", then you can go do it again.

To the rest of you I apologize, for this rant. But, I am soooo sick and tired of these lopsided "investigations" on this lady, personal attacks on her children, that I had to say something. This could be one of mine. I wonder what's next for the media and the democrats? Making fun of her little boy with Down's Syndrome??

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Goodness gracies people! Yall act like you've never seen an election before.This is what happens.

Republicans throw crap a Democrats.

Democrats throw crap at Republicans.

Sometimes this said crap is serious,and sometimes its just silly.

Get used to it and move on.

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Shouldn't they be working?

you know..I've re edited this about 5 times now. I'm pretty stunned that you could open your sewer like that.

then again, you have so far stated that you're not for the democratic party, yet you defend them ..so that tells me you have no problems misrepresenting yourself.

you have also stated that you're not a socialist..yet you espouse socialist ideals with every post.

Edited by TGO David
Tungsten was here.
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Search for the interview with the former DEMOCRAT AK senator. He said people need to stop trying with these scandles - Palin was justified in everything she did (trooper, per diem, kids on planes). The way she did everything was well with in Ak law and she took LESS than she was entitled to get by law AND by selling the Gov's plane saved AK a ton of cash.

Seems weird (or very slick) that a Dem would tell the Dems/media to STFU about Palin 'cause it's gonna bite them in the butt.

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Goodness gracies people! Yall act like you've never seen an election before.This is what happens.

Republicans throw crap a Democrats.

Democrats throw crap at Republicans.

Sometimes this said crap is serious,and sometimes its just silly.

Get used to it and move on.

:popcorn: I know, I have no problem with mudslingin' (ya can't have a fair election without it :usa:) . Just leave out the kids & family out of the media, I don't care that they are in the public eye.

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My I struck a nerve here!

I can only imagine the uproar in the GOP if Obama (Mr or Mrs) or Biden (Mr or Mrs) had done the same thing! And people call me a hypocrite!

No doubt the "Palin factor" has worn off for most Americans (surveys support this) and people are really starting to wonder about the entire GOP ticket. Polling supports this. (www.fivethirtyeight.com for expert analysis and summaries of the polls on a daily basis along with electoral simulations, etc.)

As for my support of Obama, while still being in the NRA and moderating this forum:

1) I was asked to moderate this forum back when it became clear to the admins that I knew my way around the political block and that I was a resource for those who wanted to be politically active in support of the 2A.

2) As far as I know, there is no political litmus test to be a member of or moderator of this forum. The fact that I vehemently disagree with most of the political views expressed here should not matter. In fact it should be welcomed as part of a diverse set of voices that help make any community more interesting and informative.

3) My membership in NRA is well-known, as is my support and hard work for the NRA Foundation and the NRA Education and Training Department. (I am an endowment life member of NRA -just have not updated my profile.) If anyone doubts my dedication to the cause, I can offer a list of various NRA employees and volunteers to vouch for my efforts. Membership in the NRA does not require I be a Republican or a McCain supporter. (In fact, until recently, McCain was not seen as a friend of the NRA by the NRA.) I clearly disagree with the self-serving political opinions of NRA. I've made peace with that. Their good outweighs their bad. (I am not the first NRA member to disagree with the Fairfax bunch, I doubt I will be the last.)

4) My support for Obama is based on many factors, his 2A record not being one of them. To blindly support one candidate over another based on a single issue is incredibly short-sighted. Sure, I'd like Obama to be a stronger advocate for the 2A, but the reality is that there is such a mess to be cleaned up in DC that gun issues simply wont be a priority in the new administration, no matter who wins. I feel quite comfortable that the jack-booted thugs wont be taking my guns away anytime in the next 8 years.

5) My political views, while well-known here, have been very low-key. I stay out of most of the political discussions as they don't interest me and my role here is not to stoke the flame wars. I have been fairly quiet out of respect for the opinions of others. I should be given the same respect and be noted for my restraint.

6) I have been accused on throwing non-factual information up on this forum, been accused of hypocrisy, of making baseless allegations, etc. Let's see what I've had to read about on this forum regarding Obama:

a) That he's buddies with a terrorist. Hmm, he met the guy a couple of times DECADES after his domestic terrorism conviction. Dang, we can't find Bin Laden, might as well hang Obama!

B)Palin has more experience than Obama. Yeah, right. Let's see Obama was a community organizer (a good thing, by the way), a law professor, a state senator, and a US Senator. (Both of his Senate districts served a population greater than all of Alaska.) Palin ran a town of 6500 people and then one of the smallest states population-wise for less than 2 years. Obama went to Harvard and edited the Law Review there. Palin bounced around 5 colleges before getting that BA.

c) ACORN is evil. ACORN has a long-term record (38 years) of registering and empowering poor/disadvantaged people. How is this bad? They registered 1.3 million this cycle alone. Virtually ALL of the fraudulent registrations noted in the investigations of ACORN were found and reported by -get this- ACORN itself! Zero people fraudulently registered by ACORN have actually voted. Over-zealous volunteers for an organization devoted to doing a good thing makes Obama a bad candidate. There's some awesome logic. (Oh, and would these investigations be "politically motivated?" I guess its ok if the politics suit you.)

d) Obama is a socialist. Please. First look at his record. Then read what socialism is. Then compare the two. He's a Democrat, not a socialist. The "spread it around" comment stoked some fire within the GOP -the same GOP that helped create the current tax system -a system that existed before Obama was a Senator- that in essence causes the top 5% of earners to pay about 50% of the taxes in this country. Spreading it around? Sounds to me like we've been doing this ever since the progressive income tax was instituted -decades before Obama was even born. If support for a progressive income tax makes one socialist, then count all the Republicans, Democrats and others over the decades that supported it as socialist as well.

If John McCain wins in 12 days, life will go on. Things, in fact, will likely be better than they are now. (How could they be worse.) If Obama wins, life will go on as well. And yes, things will likely be better. Obama/McCain to me boils down to what we need right now at this moment in our history. I think my reasons for supporting Obama are exactly the same as General Powell's -we are in need of a transformational leader at this moment. Gen. Powell knows a thing or two about leadership, so I am willing to stand in his company. I think we also like to remind this country that liberals are not bad, in fact quite the opposite. Nothing will help clean up the right-wing imposed tarnish on the reputation of liberals than a liberal in the highest office in the land. When that happens, and then the sky does not fall down, I think the country will be a better place.

Finally, if TGO feels my political views and the supposed intellectual weaknesses of my posts do not warrant support for me as 2A issues moderator position here, then talk to Tungsten. If he wants me to step down, then I will. Its his house, I play ny his rules. So should we all.


Unabashed gun-toting liberal

Oh my god, you mean she wanted her daughters with her when she flew around the country, making official appearances and attending meetings. How scandalous! How dare she! She is the Govenor after all and that should come before motherhood......

Really Len, this was even worth bringing up? Verbal Kint hit the nail on the head, hypocrite! :cool:

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  • Administrator

Finally, if TGO feels my political views and the supposed intellectual weaknesses of my posts do not warrant support for me as 2A issues moderator position here, then talk to Tungsten. If he wants me to step down, then I will. Its his house, I play ny his rules. So should we all.


Unabashed gun-toting liberal

You're my mole inside the DNC... we need you to stick around! :cool:

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