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Help me put a value on a HVAC unit

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I have a 5ton Goodman split zone unit on my house. It is a little over 1 year old. It is too big for my house and due to other things dealing with the lawsuit(crooked builder), my attorney told me to have the unit changed out and do away with the zone system(my house does not fit within the parameters required for a zone system).  How do I put a value on my old unit, so I can sell it to recoup some of my money? Is craigslist the best place to list it?

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Ive got to ask about the logic, unless the attorney is trying to show the court that an excessive system was used to gouge you, it doesn't make sense to me.


If you have one unit and two zones, you probably have a system that has duct controls to direct airflow to the other zone. You would have to dig those out too or just ender them inop.


A system that is too big will work and probably be more efficient (not 100%sure on energy use) but it should work better than a smaller unit to require less energy.


Are you going to swap out the air handler too? I've found a unit on ebay for under $2,200 of course a contracted install price would probably be more than double that.



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A system that is too big will work and probably be more efficient (not 100%sure on energy use) but it should work better than a smaller unit to require less

Actually a system that is too large will be less efficient and less comfortable. In the summer it will not remove the humidity so you never really feel cool. In the winter it will heat the house too fast and not allow for balanced heat. The unit must be sized correctly so it can condition the load correctly. I would suspect that comfort is the main issue in this case.
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My bills are almost double what they should be considering the size of my house. From what I have been told and the research I've done myself, it is better to be too small than too big. Too big heats/cools an area very fast but does not run long enough to circulate all the air in the house, so you are left with hot and cold spots. Also, it's just like a big block vs a 4 cylinder, yes both will work and the big block is more fun but the big block is going to burn a lot more fuel.  A zone system requires the two different areas to be within 60% of one another in size, my bonus room is right at 20% of the rest of my house. Therefore when just the upstairs calls for heat/air, there is not enough vents to except the air being pushed in and the unit builds up pressure and has to shut itself off. The Teddar Company has tried to get me to let them patch on this one and get me by but it's a 1 year old house that was not done correctly. Doing this will further help my court case and will have my house done correctly.


I know how to search craigslist but that does not give me a way to price what I have. Just because someone is asking $10,000 don't mean they will get it.

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Actually a system that is too large will be less efficient and less comfortable. In the summer it will not remove the humidity so you never really feel cool. In the winter it will heat the house too fast and not allow for balanced heat. The unit must be sized correctly so it can condition the load correctly. I would suspect that comfort is the main issue in this case.

Right on, Thanks for the education! 


Gomer, Your clarification does clear the air. You've been chicken boned.


I have seen the Goodman sets on the floor of appliance shops for around the price on ebay. Good luck!

Edited by Still Ugly
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Set the fan (air handler) to "on" so it runs 24/7. That will keep the air moving which will equalize the temps through the house and prevent the system from cycling so frequently.

The power required to run the fan 24/7 will likely be more than offset by the reduced cycling of the system. Net = your electric bill should get smaller. Edited by peejman
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