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It's kind of sad that Halloween isn't what it used to be.  Growing up as a child of the 70's and 80's, I remember neighborhoods just crawling with hundreds of kids in costumes on Halloween, having a lot of fun.


We didn't have a single kid stop by last night other than some friends who brought their almost-1yr old by in costume.  Granted, the neighborhood is new and there aren't even 15 houses, and we're way out in the middle of the country, but there ARE kids in the neighborhood.  None of them came out.


I guess I'll have to bust my own pumpkin in the middle of the street tonight.

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It's kind of sad that Halloween isn't what it used to be. Growing up as a child of the 70's and 80's, I remember neighborhoods just crawling with hundreds of kids in costumes on Halloween, having a lot of fun.

We didn't have a single kid stop by last night other than some friends who brought their almost-1yr old by in costume. Granted, the neighborhood is new and there aren't even 15 houses, and we're way out in the middle of the country, but there ARE kids in the neighborhood. None of them came out.

I guess I'll have to bust my own pumpkin in the middle of the street tonight.

I know what you mean i live in a subdivision of 140 houses we counted 61 that were talking part in the festivities
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in the 60's when i was a kid the streets were full.  i would bring home a big bag full of candy.  the 70's, 80's and 90's there were the same as for the amount of kids that came to my house.  that was in five different major cities that i lived in.   sometime in the last five to eight years it has been not so much.  last two year i got none, before that one or two.  i still buy a large bag of the good candy bars, the ones that i like so i can pig out.   last night i got a grand total of six at my house.  it look like ages of just starting to walk/talk to about 1st grade.  let me tell you they made out.  they were nice kids and only took one candy bar and say thank you.  then before they could walk away i would stop them and tell them to get some more.  i would let them get several.  better for them than me.

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I've noticed this too. My neighborhood has tons of house and kids. But the last few halloweens we've only had like 5 kids. When I was a kid in the 90's, we were bumping shoulders with other kids. Oh and my parents let my sister and I go out and just told us to come back when we were done. Haha my how times have changed. I think most people do the Trunk Or Treat now.
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. I think most people do the Trunk Or Treat now.

A lot do.

You just can't hardly trust people anymore. So much bad in the news that a lot don't want to trust strangers anymore.

I grew up in the early 90s and my parents wouldn't let us trick or treat where we lived in town. They took us out to where my dad grew up in the country and everybody knew everybody and if they weren't family they were church family.

That and kids just don't want to go outside anymore.
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