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2 Afghan pilots missing in Valdosta... didn't report... hopefully nothing.


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Land of the big PX is very tempting. If intentional, they will likely try to claim asylum.

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I think if they were going to claim asylum they would have done it when they first entered the country...........jmho

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-also worth noting that no national news outlets are reporting this.   :)


I heard it on NPR last night or this morning. In fairness, it could have been the local WPLN portion of the news break. I was navigating traffic and not paying super close attention to the radio.

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It's been on numerous print media sites, as well as national and local news broadcasts today.  As others have said, most likely a normal AWOL scenario, however given recent events in the country, most likely considerably less thought went into this one than the typical transgression, and that's saying something ...

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I think if they were going to claim asylum they would have done it when they first entered the country...........jmho

I don't think they can do that at the school house while under the command of their superiors. Defecting may raise them to that category where asylum may be considered. I've seen it happen with partner nation servicemembers when I was at Ft Bragg. I don't know whatever happened with their cases, but I do know that the US Gov ain't going to send them back knowing full well they will be imprisoned for life or executed. Not that the Afghan gov will do that to these guys, but them being awol from the base may give them the opportunity for asylum that they couldn't exploit while in training.

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