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First time Ive ever felt unsafe.

Guest eyebedam

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Guest eyebedam

So Friday Dec 26 my wife asked me to go run around town & spend the day with her while she did a few exchanges on Xmas items. First went to Opry Mills. It was fun there was plenty to look at whie she shopped. Next stop Hickory Hollow. This is where it goes downhill. I have never felt so out of place in my life it was nothing more than thug life trashy ask punks in the whole dam mall. If it happened once it happened 10 times just thugs bumping into my babys stroller & just running off at the mouth. Im am not prejudice by any means & any 1 that knows me will tell you that. I only saw maybe 10 white folks in the mall other than mall employees & maybe only a couple of black families & the rest were just groups of thugs. I was carrying as usual & it was concealed in my MTAC but I honestly was temted for the first time ever to take my overshirt off & just let it be seen. Ive completly forbid my wife from ever stepping foot in that mall again & told my mother the same thing. Im willing to make a prediction & I will almost bet that someone will be shot inside that mall withen a year its just that bad out there plus all the stores are pretty much pulling out. Sorry for the pointless rant but Im sure others have experienced simliar situations out there.

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Sorry for the pointless rant but Im sure others have experienced simliar situations out there.

You would be correct. It reminds me of the transition the Southland Mall and Mall of Memphis in Memphis went through. You almost expected to see Mad Max working security!:screwy:

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You would be correct. It reminds me of the transition the Southland Mall and Mall of Memphis in Memphis went through. You almost expected to see Mad Max working security!:screwy:

He was towards the end. He'd get drunk and steal the zamboni. I feel like that alot here in Memphis. There are places I have to go that are just awful and when I'm there I wish I could carry my AR.

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Guest coldblackwind

Yeah, stick with opry mills. I don't go in hickory hollow unless its a last ditch effort to find something I just can't find, and then I don't take my family, and I don't go alone.

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Guest Wilson1
You would be correct. It reminds me of the transition the Southland Mall and Mall of Memphis in Memphis went through. You almost expected to see Mad Max working security!:D

Yep - and if you're lucky enough it will be razed to the ground, just as the 'Mall of Murder' (oops: Mall of Memphis) was:). Still waiting on Southland and Southbrook to be razed, closed, or maybe burned to the ground:popcorn:!


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Most people aren't perceptive enough to notice that you're carrying openly, especially in a place like HH mall. But if you do, I highly suggest a holster with active retention for the firearm (i.e. SERPA, thumb strap, etc.) to keep one of the many opportunistic thieves in that place from picking your gun. One of the first things I do before going into HH mall is to make sure that I've moved my wallet to my front pocket where it's harder for someone to pick off as they brush by.

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Yep - and if you're lucky enough it will be razed to the ground, just as the 'Mall of Murder' (oops: Mall of Memphis) was:). Still waiting on Southland and Southbrook to be razed, closed, or maybe burned to the ground:popcorn:!


Don't forget to salt the earth so that nothing may ever grow there!

I was raised here in Shelbyville, about an hour south of Nashville. I can remember as a child Mom taking us to Hickory Hollow and it was awesome. I went back a few years ago and was shocked by the decline. It hasn't become a black mall or a hispanic mall, it's a pure thug mall. I can't believe there aren't full blown wars down there all the time.

It may be time to carpet bomb all of Antioch and have it done.


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My fiancee and her mother wanted to got o HH when they came up for the holidays. I told them to keep driving and go to Opry Mills. I grew up going to there with my parents and it was a great mall at one time. I'm guessing the management as well as the surrounding demographics have really changed since then.

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I was carrying as usual & it was concealed in my MTAC but I honestly was temted for the first time ever to take my overshirt off & just let it be seen.

That's an interesting temptation, but I can't see where you would want to reveal your defense in a situation where you are so outnumbered, so good choice. The escape strategy you took was best.

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Guest eyebedam


I was carrying as usual & it was concealed in my MTAC but I honestly was temted for the first time ever to take my overshirt off & just let it be seen.

That's an interesting temptation, but I can't see where you would want to reveal your defense in a situation where you are so outnumbered, so good choice. The escape strategy you took was best.

Yeah Your right. I dont plan on ever going the again either. I just sad when you cant enjoy a evening with your family because of the thugs.

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Guest nraforlife
:bowrofl: Cool website. i must admit that is a rather interesting indeed. Oh yeah and about open carry, I wouldn't do that. Just be aware and ready to do whatever means necessary to defend you and your family. Don't let the other guy know what you have. Just my ;)

But when walking out to the car I would keep my gun hand on my firearm.

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I call on car dealers in that area for my work? It is a !@#% hole. Pretty much my

entire territory in Nashville is in bad areas, so I carry everywhere. In the early 90's I live up the street in Nashboro Village and it was really nice back then. So much can happen in 15 years.

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I wonder how many firearms are in that store at any given time. I would venture to say that HCP holders would find themselves in a minority. Maybe we should shop in packs?

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I wonder how many firearms are in that store at any given time. I would venture to say that HCP holders would find themselves in a minority. Maybe we should shop in packs?

Well if they would post a proper sign, I bet no guns would be in there. :koolaid:

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The Raliegh Springs mall here is getting just as bad as the Mall of Murder and Hickory Hood malls were before their destruction. Man tore down the Mall of Memphis, but God tore down the Hickory Hill Mall (tornado).

My wife does not go into the Raliegh Springs Mall anymore, and she carries!

Nothing in Raleigh to go to anymore.

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I do not have any problems with shopping at HH.

That is as long as I have a good security detail with me, adequate air support and a couple of artillery batteries on standby.... oh yeah a low yield nuclear option would be nice, but not completely necessary.

Otherwise... I would rather just keep my distance. :rofl:

Edited by creeky
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