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Everything posted by -boatman-

  1. I have been caching since the end of 2004 and although I don't have the time to do it as much as I once did I still enjoy it when I can. You can discover lots of cool places but now days you have to sort through the junk to find them. You would be surprised how many places are near home that you never knew about. It's also a fun way to use technology.
  2. I have never seen any like those but I like them. I might consider that over a quad rail if I could see one up close.
  3. That is correct but Wal Mart in Jackson will only take two gallons a day. BUT they will sell you all you want. They said their reason for this was that they would fill up their tank and not be able to hold any more.
  4. \Aint that the truth. I still do mine myself most of the time but disposing of the old oil is a hassle. With four vehicles and two boats, one with twin engines and a gen set, I have a lot of used oil to get rid of. I carried off about 15 gallons last week. If anything causes me to start getting someone else to change it this will be the reason. If you check around there are some good places to get it done that does not cost that much more. I just hate to go some where and wait for anything. Yeah I know I'm impatient.
  5. Your right and that is the most sensible solution and will take care of illegal immigrants at the same time but government will never take the most sensible route. Before this is all done the US will pump more than enough money into Mexico than it would take to secure the border.
  6. I'm afraid you are right on that. I get more concerned every day that a lot of this will fail.
  7. And then you stumble out the door.............
  8. Call Kel tec and have them send you a mag follower. They wear down to the point that it does not engage the stop. Call the service dept. and they will send it to you free.
  9. If you have the plastic catch and have been inserting the mag without pressing the catch you have probably worn the catch down. Like someone else said, get the metal one. Kel Tec has also been lightly grinding the edge of the mag on the catch side when they install the metal catch. After that you can slam them in without problems.
  10. I agree its better than nothing but I feel like they got it backwards. If I cold choose between carry in a state park or local/city park I would pick the local park anytime. I know they are doing what they have to do to get it passed but come on. I have been in many parks geocaching and I have never felt like I needed my weapon in a state park but I have had a uneasy feeling in city parks many times.
  11. +1 8:00 to 5:00, no firearm. Other than that carry. How can they fire you if you have interaction after hours. You cannot control who comes up to you in public and the state cannot disarm you on your own time..
  12. I don't know if we will start seeing firearms postings or how many BUT I do think I'll have more choices to eat a meal while armed than I do now. I really do not think every restaurant in Jackson will post.
  13. I agree completely and if news papers in this state had not published the HCP info it would stay that way. I never heard anyone complain about this info being public until after the papers put the data base online. I know I would not be complaining about it being public record if it had never been published. The papers that are screaming about this in their editorials are also the cause of this.
  14. I now someone at work that has one. If I do not forget I'll see what I can find out. I know it attaches by magnet and has the software for the PC. I have seen him run it on the PC after he loads the info from the unit. Pretty cool. I know some one else who hid a hand held in the back of his sons SUV but this will not work very well if you need it quite a bit. It's hard to hide and still get sat reception.
  15. I hate to tell you this but it just keeps getting worse. But it's still better than the alternative.
  16. I'll be watching this one also. I have slings on two guns and I'm not really satisfied with either but don't really know what I want or need.
  17. -boatman-


    We are really getting it here. I did not think it could snow like this in Jackson TN. It's been years since I have seen snow like this. I just measured seven inches and still coming.
  18. Now I have seen it all.............
  19. You really told him with that one. I was too nice in mine but I'm not much of a writer and had forgotten about he said about Holder.
  20. I just picked up a copy at the used bookstore. I can't wait to get to work this afternoon and get started reading it.
  21. Good for her! She should go ahead and do it if that is what she feels like she should do. I wish my wife was as determined to carry as this lady. I have been trying for several years to get my wife to do this but so far have not succeeded. She may be slowly coming around but its not close yet.
  22. I need somebody to explain this to me. The national parks does not have a ban any longer. I'm sure I'm missing something here but I need someone to point it out to me.
  23. He just brought up the infamous picture with his finger on the trigger. It looks to me like this is all about damage control and regaining lost business.


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