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Everything posted by MattCary

  1. Getting at least one post out of this thread before David gets too upset...   Oh, and, "hi" to all the new members.
  2. It could just be me, but pulling his permit now is "Out front and,most importantly, Doing Something."   When they quietly reinstate his permit in a month or two, it won't make the news.
  3. :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:  :up:   We need a LOT more of this.
  4. We need something more along these lines:   http://www.theblaze.com/stories/heres-how-wyoming-lawmakers-are-trying-to-beat-obama-admin-to-the-punch-on-possible-gun-ban/
  5. When I was 4, we had a retired K9 Shepherd and one of her litter of 13. The pups name was Shadow.
  6.   LOL! Actually, the stairs were torn up when he came home, so, no subterfuge at all on his part. = P
  7.   Thanks!!   He's not responsible for the stairs, that's from the cats.
  8. My Christmas present. AKC Shepherd and the owners dropped him off at the pound in Auburn, AL. Drove down last Friday and picked him up. 4 months old, 40 lbs. Named him Independence, Indy for short.
  9. I got to: "Any deer hunter who requires a 30-round magazine to bag a buck" and had to stop.   Has anyone heard it argued that hunters need 30 round magazines?    I sure haven't.   Strawman much?
  10. I wonder if they will post the names and addresses of those sent to protect them?  :rofl:
  11. http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2013/01/journal-news-hires-armed-security-guards-153103.html   Oops. Hows that anti-gun bias working out for you?   From the article:     The Rockland County Times, a Journal News competitor, led its exclusive report citing the juxtaposition of targeting gun ownership while hiring armed guards. "Guns are good for the goose but NOT for the gander," Dylan Skriloff, the Rockland County Times' associate publisher & editor-in-chief wrote.
  12.   Yeah, the website says 3-4 weeks for shipping due to demand. But that they will be shipping any orders taken.   I'm unfamiliar with their quality/reliability, just wondering if the ammo is good stuff.
  13.   Does anyone have any experience with Freedom Munitions?
  14. It's a Facebook based organization. No way to "get it off" FB.   They are attempting to arrange for folks to peaceably march at all 50 State Capitols on Friday, Feb 8th.
  15. OP. Did this happen to you? Or are you passing along a story? Just curious if this happened in TN or not.   This is mob mentality. A mob of cowards in the OP story, but a mob nonetheless.
  16.   Isn't this what the NFA and 1968 Bills were supposed to do?
  17. ""I'm a Boy Scout and Kolton and me took a hunter safety class. One of the rules is that you treat all guns as if they're loaded," Levi told KPTV. “Who would do that? Seriously, there’s a bunch of people that go to that theater and they put a gun in there,” Kolton told KGW. Somebody who’s “careless” and “reckless,” Wright said."   Wow. This is just blowing all sorts of anti-gun fallacies to pieces, isn't it?   "Hunter Safety Class Good For Kids" should be the headline.
  18. LOL. Must be good to be David these days. = )   Fully loaded P-mags. Now THAT would be a hot seller.
  19. That is why I went with "We the People" rather than "I" or "We."   I or We might as well be "I own an AR, follow me home and confiscate it" or it might as well read "FU."   WTP is more a philosophical objection to a proposed unconstitutional piece of legislation.   If they were trying to run roughshod over any other Amendment, this graphic would be just as applicable.
  20.   You beat me to it, Dan. This is what I was thinking last night when I was reading the thread.


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