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Everything posted by Makiaveli

  1. They are actually their own PD. Just like TSU. Unless this changed very recently.
  2. I got reminded of this recently and did some digging (this may have been noted here but want to mention it JIC) that Clinton signed some orders/laws/whatever that made it legal for the govt to confiscate supplies from "hoarders". My question is does anyone know what they would consider hoarding? Curious to know how much, and if it has to be stored in one place to count etc. Note I am not trying to break the law etc, I just want to know the guidelines etc. I am in no danger of actually having a hoard anytime soon, but want to get some ducks in a row.
  3. Ok, I was just getting my zombies mixed up. Course with what Lester said about the original series, Rick might be psychic
  4. I for one will head to my local store since I am not an expert and since I want to talk to one when I try to pick out my "real" gun (I have a POS 9mm atm), I am more than happy to pay a bit more. Granted I get what Bkelm is saying, buy alot of guns and ammo and it adds up. But if you are buying on a regular basis, then ask for a frequent flyer discount. Or just call it a donation to the 2nd Amendment charity. Wally World trying to blow people's guns up with the wrong ammo sure isn't going to help spread goodwill.
  5. That has potential. Otherwise it would be like Garufa said, you would have to explain it. So we have a person paying with obscure bills, rambling on about how the "2" represents the 2nd Amendment to someone who likely thinks that is the one where the govt has the power to give us the right to have a warrant when they search our houses for Prohibition. Or is that the one where the press has freedom to speak? And didn't Lincoln come up with that when he crossed the Mississippi in our war with Canada over Mexico in 1492?
  6. Seriously? You are a better man than me if you didn't get some time off for excessive use of profanity.
  7. I believe the second guy was shot when he got out of the truck. So not a stretch to think he was in fear of the guy coming at him. Remember this guy had ALREADY been shot at, and was approaching the victim a 2nd time. Seems to me that means he is either delusional and thus likely to pose a threat or has some plan to harm the victim despite the shotgun.
  8. My wife is on the safety committee at <insert name here> college and I told her they should invest in some Rape-Buster signs to go along with the Gun-Buster signs as that would solve the problem. Fortunately for me she laughed. Fortunately I had my yearly Good Idea and suggested using Work Study money to hire students to work as escorts for the night classes etc. A radio and a armband isn't much but beats walking alone. Course since Barney is 65 and weighs 275 it would take 45 minutes for help to arrive but hey it's better than nothing.
  9. Hmm that's a scary thought. I was wondering if maybe the series was going to take a religious turn and make it a Good vs Evil thing, like The Stand or Adrian's Undead Diary. As in the good Doc said there is no virus, it just happens. Also I have forgotten, does one have to be bitten/infected by a zombie to turn or if someone just dies will they rise up? I got reminded of that when it seemed Rick shot the 2nd guy in the head.
  10. If this is the guy I am thinking of, he was charged with 2 rapes, 1 att. rape, and 1-2 counts of robbery. The best part is he was out on 50K bond already. Speaking of which, does being re-arrested cause you to forfeit the bond? I know that would mostly punish the bondsman since he would likely never get paid by the waste of carbon, but still, less bondsmen could lead to less crime.
  11. Gotcha. Dain Bramage moment there. I would say thought that being stupid is being negligent, and those Remington rifles sure sounded like AD to me. So your solution is what? Make every person who wants to sell a gun have to go get a license? Go thru a dealer? Sounds awful non-American to me. So if I want to buy a gun, I have to go check with the Feds first? So you want to repeal the 2nd amendment? I mean based on what you say it would be meaningless. Also, please explain how banning guns in churches would stop people from carrying them anyway when the existing laws don't seem to be doing much? Oh gotcha. Since some other people are morons, I have to be punished. How about we just punish the idiots severely enough that maybe the remaining ones will wise up or else wind up imprisoned for life or buried at state expense?
  12. Exactly. No new laws needed here. Just enforce the ones we have. Someone was holding that gun when it went off. End of story. Also, what does "ND" mean? I am guessing "discharge" but N?
  13. I think this is where it came from. Some one made a offhand comment a 100+ years ago, and next thing you know it's being taught in schools. That was always a worry, but I remember several times growing up when we stopped because she wouldn't be able to live with herself wondering if someone died because she didn't stop.
  14. My mom is a nurse and she always said she had an obligation to render aid. So maybe it was a law (or something they taught in school) back in the day. I am over 40 FTR so this could go way back.
  15. Here's hoping he comes out ok, but isn't chasing them down a no-no? As in they fled the confrontation and he continued it? Not saying he shouldn't have, just trying to get the law straight. BTW, can you volunteer for jury duty?
  16. Good to hear he isn't being charged....now let's hope the store changes it's policy.
  17. As a side note, where do you get dry ice from? I've always thought it was hard to come by for some reason....
  18. While I believe corruption could exist with only one or two people involved in actually committing the crimes (Penn State), I have to go with Dave on this one.
  19. As soon as I am good enough to do that I am with you! Till then it's shoot till the clip runs dry or they all fall down
  20. Meth ingredient I'm guessing? As to the supply issues, talk to your doctor. There are options as to number of pills and size etc. Not saying do anything illegal, but make sure you are getting the largest amount per refill and for the longest time your insurance will cover.
  21. How long would such items last if stored unopened? The thinking here is it will be a while before I can get into reloading, but if it lasts indefinitely then I can keep an eye out for sales etc and maybe grab a deal here and there etc.
  22. B as the wife is a nurse and so would probably choose A regardless of what I thought. When my son is a few years older, I would hand him the pistol and just hold my knife to the guy's throat while the wife worked on him to reduce the risk if he tries to take away my weapon.


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