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Everything posted by Makiaveli

  1. If I remember what I've been told correctly, he is never heard from again in the comics. Apparently this isn't a typical story. People come and go and unless they meet up with the group again, their story isn't told. More realistic and thus far darker than usual.
  2. On the Dale thing, I think he was right, but some of his reasons were wrong. The whole "I don't want to live in that world" bit. Cry more and see if that changes things, mmkay? News flash, you live in that world. Doesn't mean they have to sacrifice their humanity, but at least grow up and admit that to stay "civilized" and "human" you will have to take on more risks etc. That said, does it seem like they are trimming the extreme characters? Dale is gone. Shane is rumored to be gone. Daryl is softening up a bit. Maybe they are making room for more Glenn and T-Dog to step up?
  3. Pretty sure I can....now I just need to see if my gun can!! No seriously, I may have to buy a new gun.....at least that is what I will tell the wife!! **edit** Oh yea...that is my way of saying thanks.....I forget not everyone knows or gets my sense of humor
  4. Ok now I am nervous Just how accurate do you need to be? I am sure I can hit the paper, but haven't shot a honest to god NRA type target in many many many moons.
  5. In reference to the B/C section, I think C is there to make it legal for you to possess a legal firearm while you are in your vehicle. I think it is a example of "'legalese". Basically, they can elect to enforce C and let you go. Whereas if you caused trouble, they could enforce B (which might not stand up in court). Not a lawyer, just pick up pieces here and there. Working Police IT support I get a lot of legal questions tossed my way (seems they think since it's a e-form on a computer, then it's a IT issue) and occasionally I even get to hear the actual answer.
  6. Ha-ha you like soap operas......oh wait. I do to. Umm....uh...this one has zombies so that makes it ok!!! Yea I think Daryl is a bit too a-holish but I do see his point and can't say I wouldn't be acting the same way. And would love to see Merle show up just to catch a bolt to the face!!
  7. I'm guessing Rule of Cool and next episode he will be using that hand to chop firewood etc like it never happened.
  8. Gee and here I thought I was going to get thru the day without using excessive profanity.
  9. For use after the apocalypse and the local stores are out. I think he meant more along the lines of a good source in TN and how to extract/purify it once you acquired some. I would like to know my self.
  10. If the "grid" is up, you should be able to get a new phone if yours dies. If the grid goes bye-bye, no point in having spent the no doubt large sum they would want for this phone...unless I am missing something....
  11. It all depends on how much of a "crash" there is. If it's just JReed's riots, then yea you won't need tons of ammo. But in the event of a large scale, global event, I would want to have as much ammo (and everything else) as possible, and as many different weapons as possible. One thing on my wish list is a adapter for a 12ga. that allows you to fire .38/.357 out of it. Doubt its a good idea just for kicks, but in a SHTF scenario might be useful to have laying around in case I acquire some .38 ammo. Note I am not a tinfoil hat guy. I think zombies are about as likely as any other event. But after seeing the fun and games when Nashville flooded, thought it would be a good idea to prepare for something a bit bigger.
  12. As to your original question, I think it's more that their "chosen" apocalypse is just the one that got them to thinking or the one that they think is most likely to happen. That or the producers made them pick something to prepare for. And I just tell people I am preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse. Anything else will be easy compared to that On a side note, any reason why people look at me funny now?
  13. Ok I think we are talking apples and oranges. I am talking about a situation where I am attacked and by shear dumb luck I manage to kill the other guy, then I am for damn sure am looting his weapon, ammo and anything else he has. I am not talking about wandering around looking for the scene where the local good ol' boy's tangled with the National Guard.
  14. Some would, some wouldn't. Which would lead to your well-armed society once the dust settles. However, I take exception to your portraying those of us who consider the possibility of surviving a fight as thinking we are badasses. As I believe I mentioned, if you die, then it doesn't matter. If you don't, then planning ahead does. If you expect to die in the early stages, then your planning is done already. I will no more go looking for a fight after a collapse than I do now. I have no illusions about surviving a "fair fight". That said, if I am alive and someone else is dead, then I will scavenge what they have whether it's food or weapons. Doesn't really matter who killed them does it?
  15. Oops....sorry wasn't sure where to put it, and I usually don't visit gen. chat. Thanks for the link.
  16. If you are in fear, then by definition you believe there is eminent danger. Else you wouldn't be afraid. If we agree his logic was reasonable, then his fear was justified.
  17. I tend to agree with the ones saying stockpile what you know etc. @Baron If you did pick up ammo after a fight that didn't match any of your guns, couldn't you likely just pick up the gun the bad guy was using? Even if you didn't trust it to be reliable/safe etc, trading it off is always an option. Also, why wouldn't you think it would be plausible? At some point the only looters left will be the ones who are armed. The odds of them being able to police the area while retreating (if you lose the fight, this debate is moot) and so you would likely be able to scavenge afterwards.
  18. I think Dolomite nailed this one. I would bet he hasn't tried to buy a gun and is just freaking out over nothing.
  19. I guess this answers my question about whether my employer has the right to include whether I have a permit or not on my background check. Wasn't planning on advertising once I got it, and wanted to see if I could stop it but guess now I will just have to deal with it. Maybe someone I don't like will be the one to say something and I can get them on violating a GO
  20. I think some of it may depend on which agency pulls you over. So the information that just pops up could be different. I do believe any officer in TN would be able to get the information. By having dispatch run the info if nothing else.
  21. A 4 yr old draws a picture of a gun in school, so dad is arrested. Link
  22. This is one reason I mentioned "why" as a important factor. Karate/Tae Kwon Do etc have a philosophy to go with the physical aspects. Helps develop the mind. That's part of why they have the katas etc. If you just want something that will help you kill people, then sure go for Krav Maga. The downside is I don't see it as something you will stick with for a long time. I could be wrong, but are you going to keep paying for lessons week in and week out just to keep doing the same thing over and over again? Whereas a good dojo will have you on a path to truly learn a martial art as opposed to a martial system. A firearm vs a gun if you will.
  23. I've been reading zombie stuff blah blah, but this one is the one that I find scary. I mean zombies don't shoot at you. They don't set (deliberate) ambushes. Most of all, they don't go around scavenging all the toilet paper!!!!!!


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