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Everything posted by Garufa

  1. Sound like you may have it figured out.
  2. Garufa

    How many Masons?

    +1, 2, 3 and 4. Started following this thread because of interest in the elusive Mason society. But after 170 or so posts it's really out of hand. Your religion is between you and your god. AND NO ONE ELSE. Plain and simple. If you have no tolerance for others then maybe a review of the Constitution is in order and perhaps a litttle understanding of other beliefs.
  3. Actually, Kel-Tec is in the process of developing a "space-gun" that uses conventional gunpowder-based cartridges and projectiles in space for the space shuttle crew. The new design in the works compensates for the lack of oxygen in outer space, and therefore lack of combustion, necessary to detonate traditional propellants. Not only will American Astronauts be armed with the most powerful guns in space, but the ugliest as well!
  4. I have a half-assed theory, if you'll follow me! When I started reloading 9mm, there were a couple of times I either did not expand the case mouths enough or the bullet was just a little bit crooked when seating. The result was a properly seated and straight bullet with an area of the case crumpeled down with an big area of the bullet exposed. Those loads could have easily been chambered and fired. Wonder if something similar happened to this one? Here's a pic found on the net that kinda explains what I'm talkin about. Look at the round on the right and image that area being blown out after firing. Disregard the crooked mangled bullets, caliber, etc. Image it as a normal with just that big area compressed.
  5. So is he republican, liberal, democrat or conservative? Not that any of that matters. 'Cause it don't. Where is he coming from?
  6. Outstanding! Of everything, I like shooting those the most. I've got an IBM that was my first "high-power", or center-fire rifle. Still have it and love it.
  7. That is a fine lookin' boomstick So school me. I always thought those were stainless, but they're nickle-plated. Is that more corrosion resistant in "marine" (water) environments?
  8. That's why I stop by Wally-World every other day. It's on the way home after all.
  9. Verbatim from the campaign website about a year ago. Not one word changed. My point being they have not spoken on the issue since. There has been no action or any other mention of the issue from B.O. Please, let me know if I'm wrong.
  10. Obama has nothing to do with it. It is the mere presence of a Democratically controlled government that has sent everyone in this county on a gun and ammo buying frenzy. Everyone in the business of selling arms and ammuntion are fueling this. It's the system at work, right? It is the role of business to create demand. Civilians are also competing with the military and law enforcement agencies for ammo. PD's are buying ammo like there's no tomorrow. The military consumes alot too. I have yet to hear one word from the White House regarding guns laws and ammutition. Not one.
  11. It's highly dangerous if you're afraid of the college crowd, pseudo-hippies and the happy hour suits. No, Market Sq. is not bad at all. Unless maybe it's 4:00 in the morning when everything is closed. Now, if you're parked a couple or few blocks away and need to walk to the car late at night thay may be different.
  12. The two West Knoxville Wal-Marts do not sell guns. Every other one in the general vicintity does!
  13. Technically, it's a City of Knoxville Park. http://www.cityofknoxville.org/parks/marketsq.asp So I guess the answer would be no.
  14. Compensate! Aim right a little bit.
  15. But it gets even better. The Republicans are trying to stop the taxation of the bonuses. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090320/ap_on_bi_ge/aig_bonuses
  16. Do they sell a kit to help you spread the word?
  17. There are alot of mil-surp owners (like me) who have no problem whatsoever regularly firing 60+ year old guns. There are still hundreds of thousands if not more (each) of 1911's, Garands, M1 Carbines, Springfields, Mausers, Enfields, Mosins etc. that are in constant use. Go shoot the thing. Don't turn it into a range gun or blast thousands of rounds through it. Run a box of shells through it then put it away. It is worth a considerable sum and overuse will decrease that value, if resale value is of importance. BTW, WHERE ARE THE PICTURES!!!
  18. +1 Ya know, that brass is gonna tarnish if you keep dumping out all your bullets and playin' in 'em!
  19. This should help "justify" your deal. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/AMM223-5.html
  20. Do I get to say Oh, Snap! This is the Internet after all.
  21. Garufa

    How much longer.

    What action have you taken, sir? What are your suggestions? I'm not trying to slam you but people have been bitching about the government long before any of us were born. The usual reaction is to cling to one of two parties, both of which are abyssimal failures as they are more concerned with their "own" or imposing personal moral values on the populace as opposed to doing what is their sworn duty. So, is putting the Republicans back in charge in '10 going to set things right. No. Until there is a fundamental change in the moral and ethical character OF ALL PEOPLE IN THIS GREAT NATION. Nothing will change. Only when elected officials once again become servants of the people will we see a change.
  22. Garufa

    New GLOCK

    And....Why GF, not WIFE?
  23. Slap a big UT on the side of that and come up for a Saturday in the Fall. Looks great! Did you leave any pictures out?


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