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Everything posted by bigun

  1. This was a good movie Just watched it. It was the first time that they weren't glamorized in a movie. My dad took me to see their car when I was really small I still remember it.
  2. Guess I got a dirty mind. Not what I thought it was going to be.
  3. bigun


    I was just wondering as I haven't heard from him. And yes he was a very knowledgeable.
  4. bigun


    Does anyone know what happened to David @ magnummaterails??
  5. Yeah I heard the same about her and she did extra great work. Yes it is nice to have a place to shoot. I think every one around here had the same idea as I heard a lot of shooting after I started. Hope you can get out in the country and have a ready made range.
  6. Hipower that is a Esmerelda Celtic Cross on a Kimber. And to tell the truth I cheat. That bench is only about 20 feet from my door. The target is 12 yards. And I have a hard time holding steady too so the bench is about 42 inches tall and I sit on a bar stool. . That is under an extension of my car port. Yeah he would be proud. All I have is .45. And I was also shooting my 686, love that wheel gun.
  7. Just had to get out in my back yard today. Sun shining, no rain or wind. so what if one of my .45's bit me it was still great.
  8. Welcome to TGO from the west side
  9. I'm just glad nobody on the left has spoken in favor of violence.
  10. Well look at the bright side. You now have something to do on all these rainy days we're having.
  11. God had his hand on her. Speedy recovery.
  12. Just got a notice from MidwayUSA that powder and primers can now be shipped together.
  13. This is a really great idea. I know I never check my lights.
  14. Yes. Because the couple that won the 500 Plus wanted to stay here. They were happy in their home and loved this little town. But within 2 or 3 weeks they were hounded so bad by people day and night they had to move.
  15. Everybody knows nannies don't have one
  16. This is what it's like to talk to a liberal.
  17. My hands hurt just looking at it.


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