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Everything posted by bigun

  1. Welcome to Tenn. and TGO. Get comfortable and stay awhile.
  2. Just a guy riding around looking for the Darwin award.
  3. Merry Christmas and may God bless you all
  4. Had a nice breakfast this morning. Got to meet robin48 and xsubsailor. It was a pleasure men. I'm not sure but we may have broken a few federal laws. 3 retired sailors at the same place and time.
  5. Welcome to TGO and Tenn. still a semi free state.
  6. Glad you are back. Praise to God
  7. Not enough fire power for Mempho
  8. I do believe G T and 1911 are some of the most talented folks around.
  9. I was looking for something with a western type story line. I did recognize the meaning of the mule. But it does look like it maybe good.
  10. It needs some way to char a steak......well done
  11. bigun

    My Mother

    Sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.
  12. bigun

    New Grips

    Thanks to Mike .357 I was able to get these medallions mounted on the grips he gave me. Sorry for the photos but picture taking is not on my skill list.
  13. Welcome to Tenn. and TGO, from T county


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