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Everything posted by K191145

  1. Yep, they try to separate Islamic terrorist attacks weather they are committed by foreign jihadists belonging to ISIS or Al Queda, Hammas etc. or Islamic Jihadists who were born here like it's not as bad or something even though it's simply, Islamic terrorism either way. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/What%20Diff._zpsgwkvvuap.jpg.html][/URL]
  2.   Christmas party from one report, it does have the smell of Jihad. Most of the time the lone psycho is just one, lone. This sounds like a cordinated planned attack, the Christmas party, (Christians) may play a role for the Muslim terrorist. Doesn't matter what the venue or building or business to them, they just want easy crowded unarmed targets of infidels no matter what or where it is.
  3.   Personally i'm hoping it's Rubio, I too believe he could beat Hillary. I don't know who his VP pick would be, what about Condi Rice if she agreed? I know she was a "W" toadie for a while but I wouldn't hold that against her, can't criticise your boss much while employed. I don't think the VP pick is that critical unless they are a real clown. Walker or Jindal might make a decent VP pick.
  4. Personally I love to fly, I have taken off in a plane about 850 times, only landed in one about 44 times. I don't like landing in a plane.  :)   Take offs are optional, landings are mandatory. That doesn't include space travel though.
  5.   A bunch more high rise/high dollar apartments and condos. I've always wondered just who the hell are these people moving to Nashville and where are they coming from?
  6.   It wouldn't hurt my feelings if it was held somewhere else, probably have better attendance. I would rather go to Dickson, probably go to more shows there. I don't really go to Nashville much anymore unless it's a necessity.  
  7. Well there's another way to protest Nashville's liberal transformation, which it's been that way for a while now.  IF, enough permit holders would do it, start carrying open everywhere you can in Nashville. I've had my reasons for not carrying open for a long time but i'm seriously considering it. And i'll be honest about it, it's called "SPITE". If I carry open it will be mainly because these sanctimonious control freak liberals hate it, it will be an "in their face, screw them" reason because after years and years of hearing their bigotry and self-rightous intolerance of any idea they disapprove of, i'm really really really really really REALLY sick of them, not getting sick of them but already sick of them. SPITE IS RIGHT. Open carry because liberals hate it.   :devil:
  8. Don't post a pic like that to a soon to be 54 year old dirty old man, makes me tempted to sell my soul to be 25 again. :drool:
  9. Well it's only logical that they got them from America, I mean the Middle East has strict gun control laws don't they? Surely they couldn't have gotten AK-47's from the Middle East. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/AKs%20in%20middle%20east_zpsmbudodt6.jpg.html][/URL]
  10.   Tin foil hat time. I wouldn't be surprised if some anti's threw a little bug in a site, not saying they did but they would if they could, they have no ethics. 
  11. Happy late Thanksgiving everyone. been a little hectic and busy.
  12.   Gotta give the Panthers their due though, they are pretty kickass this year.
  13.   The Black Panthers should be hatin on the Carolina Panthers for having a racist name, disrespecting the Black Panthers.
  14. One thing to think about is the dog food. Sorry if someone already mentioned this but my friend has a Pit Bull that had terrible red itchy skin, finally the solution was a duck or lamb based food with veggies. It's pricy though but it cleared his skin condition.
  15.   My brother like me wouldn't notice anyway, I was writing fast one day, wasn't thinking and spelling like words sound, I spelled Arkansas, Arkensaw.  :)
  16.   Thanks, do you mind if I copy and paste what you said to him in an email?
  17.   If you are like me you can only focus one eye, even with the separate focus adjustment on one lense. Wearing glasses and looking through binoculars does not work.
  18. Nashville being a liberal city now with liberal mayors, I wonder if your property is firearms, some elements employed by the city may be motivated NOT to help a robbery victim get their guns back hoping they will give up on it. 
  19.   Is he a lawyer or Metro P.D.?   Edit: Okay I googled and he's a lawyer in Franklin, i'll tell my brother his name, doesn't hurt or cost to call and inquire.
  20.   don't know who he has been talking to at Metro, i'll ask him if that's who he talked to that gets irritated with him. I see no reason why they need his guns in Metro, the punks are charged with attempted murder in Metro the day before so his guns are not a factor in that case. The only thing that I can see is if they want an additional charge, if they had felony records and caught in possession of firearms. Still they shouldn't need the actual guns, photo's are good enough.
  21. I don't have a dog right now but when I did she had dermatitis, red itchy skin. The best shampoo I found was an OTC shampoo that had Coal Tar in it, let it soak for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing, it helped her condition. I only washed her once per month and in between I used some of those pet wipes just to freshen her up a little. Also gave her Benadryl if the itching got too bad, most dogs can handle Benadryl fine, might make them a little sleepy for a while.
  22. Okay it's been 6 months since May when my brothers house was broken in to and several guns were stolen in Cheatham County. Metro caught the pieces of human sh!t a day or so after for an attempted murder in Bellvue, the day before they broke into my brothers house so they didn't use any of his guns in that crime. Metro has his guns but they don't need them for evidence in the Metro crime and it's been 6 months already and when my brother contacts them he says they get irritated with him bugging them. So now I guess it's time to get someone who can help or pressure them to get his personal property back since obviously they don't give a crap about his property. Just wondering if there is someone to contact before he has to spend money on some lawyer, I told him to talk to the Cheatham Co. DA since the break in happened in Cheatham. If he can't or wont help we will go the next step I guess and talk to a lawyer friend of his. 
  23.   Definitely not.    Go to .45  :)   No really, can't suggest weight but I have been carrying Hornaday Critical Defense +P, just my personal preference. Seen a few Youtube experts and many have different suggestions but you can't go wrong with Hornaday Critical Defense or Critical Duty in any caliber.


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