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Everything posted by xsubsailor

  1. ^^^^^^^^^So that's what her face looked like ^^^^^^^
  2. The Lee 90486 is probably the cheapest you'll find.
  3. You must have very nimble fingers. I can barely pick up a 25 APC
  4. Wow !! I guess this falls into that "damned if you do and damned if you don't" category The Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to purchase hand sanitizer manufactured from Eskbiochem SA de CV due to the potential presence of toxic chemicals. Nine products manufactured by the Mexico-based company, which are still on the market, may contain methanol, which can be poisonous if absorbed through the skin or ingested, the FDA said in a letter. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/fda-warning-hand-sanitizers-methanol
  5. This is hilarious. Big bad robber and little bitty dog. https://twitter.com/i/status/1273812306250645505
  6. 53 years ago at approx. 7:30 P.M. eastern time my beautiful bride and I got hitched. She did a good job of training me
  7. Roberts strikes again The Supreme Court ruled Thursday against the Trump administration’s effort to end the Obama-era program that offers legal protections to young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children. The court ruled that the administration's decision to rescind the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), which sets out rulemaking procedures for federal agencies. In a 5-4 decision, with Chief Justice John Roberts joining the liberal members to author the opinion, the court said the move to eliminate the program was done in an "arbitrary and capricious" manner although they did not rule on the merits of the program itself. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/supreme-court-rules-against-trump-administration-over-move-to-end-daca-program
  8. I could never understand this either. I would stop at least a cars length behind whatever was in front of me.
  9. I haven't trusted Roberts since the Obama Care fiasco. No one will ever convince me that someone doesn't have something on him. Someone is pulling his strings.
  10. With all the doom and gloom going on around us I thought folks could use a "feel good" smile so............................................ ................................................. Smile upload anonymous pictures
  11. Don't forget, Google can control what you enter. In short, they would have control of the election.
  12. The game is over for Republicans anyway unless they go to "in person" voting with picture ID. There's no way to identify a person voting by mail. How many times have we heard about absentee ballots from the military being delayed or not processed at all.
  13. I'll die of old age before I can shoot up all I have


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