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Choatecav last won the day on January 15 2023

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About Choatecav

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  • Location
    Dickson, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Springfield Armory XDs 45
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Ruger LCP

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  1. Oh don't worry..... Sequatchie county has plenty of coyotes......
  2. I love the Mossberg, as well, but I keep a Remington 870 right next to the bed.
  3. I say Amen to this comment. Don't know what the allure is to messing with a vintage handgun. But that's just me.....
  4. You did good!! Have you fired it yet? Or is it strictly for collecting purposes??
  5. I have to say that I have never even fired one. Have hardly even seen one.
  6. Choatecav

    Family pistols

    Really nice. I know it means a lot being a family hand down.
  7. Very wise...........
  8. Personally, I like the way it looks already. I'd leave it alone.
  9. I'm actually surprised that this thread has so much discussion. Seems obvious to me that a spartan and stripped down version for your EDC would be a must. But, I realize that opinions are like elbows..... everyone has one or two.
  10. I can second Jeff's work as being high quality. He has done two or three good jobs for me. Not re-barreling, but in general he does great work.
  11. Thanks for posting. Damn shame that we have to go all the way to Louisville to get a good gunsmith.
  12. "They're coming to get you, Barbra......"
  13. You're exactly right. The .40 takes a lot of undeserved shade thrown it's way by folks that do not understand it or have not taken the time to shoot it enough. One of the best deals I ever got on a handgun was about 15 years ago when one of the middle TN dealers got a hold of a bunch of Sig P229's in .40 where one of the Police dept's (I think Metro Nashville) were cycling out. The price was crazy low and I got up there early and got to pick one out that looked as though it had hardly been fired. Below are picts as it looked when I got it and then after I added a couple of things to it. It is my bedstand gun right beside me at night.
  14. Note to self...... "NEVER sell nothin'"


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