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Everything posted by ReeferMac

  1. Tangibles investing can be incredibly lucrative, or the opposite. I see Steve Cohen and Co. are taking a bet on baseball cards? You could buy art, knives, guns, gold, silver, etc. I'm a fan of non-US denominated assets at times like this? You could pickup metals in various forms in quantity or traceless cash transactions relatively easily. Maples, Eagles, Kruggerands can be had at any reputable coin shop. I prefer numismatic coins over bullion blanks. Jewelry for the missus ain't a bad place to park some either! Jewels and worked metal has long been a store of value. Some folks are buying pallets of 30 rd. mags for future resale. Maybe you need a new tractor or outbuilding, invest in yourself as well. Something to make your life easier. If you have some risk tolerance you might want to checkout Bitcoin or other crypto. The Tulip mania was great if you got out in time! I'd be hesitant to invest in something like a car because it may be hard to liquidate in certain conditions, but since you have experience you would know better than me.
  2. No.... I'm so sorry to hear that. I remember him posting from the hospital.
  3. I was just around there Saturday w/ my wee one... not a bite! LOL!
  4. Good Gawd thats scary.. ditto. Everything . Exactly what he said. Retirement money and mad money are separate. Options gives a little cash some leverage, and if you're right, the bet pays handsomely.
  5. Divvy stocks and bonds for me at the moment (and dry powder....). Rough seas ahead. A lot of that will be going to cash if the dollar suffers. Trade short term options at times to ride down swings.
  6. There is evidence suggesting the Kung Flu has been in circulation in the US in 2019. Several people with similar stories. The sense of taste/smell issues are unique to this illness.
  7. The co-ordinated efforts at supressing some information while promoting others that has been taking place in the media should scare the bejeezuz out of everyone. Used to be the Wash Post and WSJ were a little left-leaning, while other outlets had a conservative bent. You had some balance. They are all now in lock-step with a given agenda. Dissenting viewpoints are actively filtered/removed and demonetized (OAN kicked off utube). The power google holds with their ad revenue can and is being weilded ccoercively. Their ability to (de)rank and promote viewpoints has been proven time and time again. Pravda wasn't nearly as powerful... Forget who, but know the quote you're referring to. What bothers me more than the manipulation of conclusions from the data, is the massaging of the data itself. Two very recent events (Election and KungFlu) and one long ranging one ('climate change') are very serious topics marred by illegitimate data. If you can't count on the counting (see what I did there? ), you can't make any conclusions! The vote counts are tainted and in serious question in some cases, so we dunno who's Pres., Covid numbers aren't just being fudged, and the raw instrument readings being used to make graphs that prove our planet is warming up, were actually 'adjusted' by the scientists doing the recording. I'm no scientist, but if you don't have good data, you're not going to get the right answers. The lack of truth in our society is underlying many of our ills. Why society has reached that point I'll leave for another day!
  8. Don't see this on MSM anywhere, and online links to the data are being memory holed. All hail benevolent government!!! "According to this graph constructed using data provided by the CDC from the last 6 years, total deaths have remained relatively constant and increases can be explained by various factors such as a larger population. The spikes in deaths in 2020 are consistent with historical trends, only topping 2018 by 11,292 deaths. There have been over 262,000 deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the United States, yet total deaths have not increased in any alarming capacity; they have only mirrored existing trends. In short, according to 6 years of data collected by the CDC, Covid-19 has not led to any significant increase in deaths" https://www.aier.org/article/new-study-highlights-serious-accounting-error-regarding-covid-deaths/ Oh my GOSH! You mean the 'news media' is manipulating statistics to drive an agenda? INCONCEIVABLE! Its funny how we can have a quarter million KungFlu deaths in the same year seasonal flu deaths drop by 200k. Just a coinkidink. Don't bother looking into the data at all, just parrot what the talking head on the tee vee said. Now someone will quote an unverified outlier of a story (read on facebook) about ONE guy who wasn't a morbidly obese diabetic smoker with a heart condition who died from Covid to refute the 6 years of data you posted. A co-worker of mine lost his sister suddenly this Spring (30s, no underlying conditions). I had to cover for him for a week, official cause of death? Covid. When he quizzed her doctor, he said she had a blood clot break free and get to her brain, but Sevier County recorded it as a KungFlu statistic. People will believe what they want to believe, even when reality is smacking them in the face so hard it leaves welts. I'm not your red pill. Continue going about your life like you always have. Ignore that feeling in the back of your brain that it just doesn't feel right. Probably just some bad curry.
  9. LOL. True... and honestly I debated about using it as a point for a moment until I realized it only reinforces my point : outside their community they are extremely shy, and if this virus _was_ as deadly and communicable, surely someone working one of their many roadside stands and stores would catch it through ourside contact. That community would then be dead within weeks, as they shun outside medicine as well. But thats not happening. Anywhere. Ever. Not once. All these isolated groups of people we're told are ignorant rubes (deplorables)... yet the virus is rampant in and killing scores in the big cities, where our best and brightest suggest they know better. Thats what the mayor of Blount is trying to point out. The data doesn't support the theory. We're being manipulated. Its patently obvious.
  10. LMAO - oh, I know... last year he got a table-top bandsaw for Christmas. Why? He wanted to start making his own crank baits!!!! Thanks for the tips!
  11. Thanks Erik, great points! I'll admit it appears incongruous. It was Rahm Emmanuel, who is most widely quoted for suggesting "never let a crisis go to waste." I'm not trying to favor one political flavor over another, as much of the debate about this virus forms up along political divisions instead of getting to the real point. Many folks are blinded to the reality of their situation due to ideology. Set that aside. Ask why are some (highly vulnerable) populations completely unaffected? Why aren't the Amish lining up at the hospitals or dying off one commune at a time? One exposed person would absolutely devestate a tight knit community like that... if what we're being sold was the truth? Motive is pretty simple, as that was the reason for me pointing out the election fraud. You don't think thats been in the works for a few years? They just pulled it out last minute? I'd dare say the virus was released in concert with the fraudulent election (just like the threat of increasing lockdowns just happens to coincide with mounting resistance to the election fraud?) but then folks would think I'm some tinfoil hat wearing nutjob! Its not like Government organs would EVER do ANYTHING to harm the American population! BLM can burn down a federal courthouse and grafitti streets without facing any charges but peacefully march to protest a stolen election and you'll be jailed for violating a(n UnConstitutional) health dept. emergency order mandate! Still don't feel that boot on your neck?
  12. Truth. Politics aside.... truly, take a deep breath and remove any political bias or right-left leaning you may have: Why aren't the homeless people dropping dead in the streets? If this virus is as deadly as some outlets suggest, if transmissivity is as easy as those same parties suggest, then this should have ravaged those populations in all the affected major cities (which is all of them) to the point they are non-existent. Seniors in nursing homes with hourly medical checks ARE dying in large numbers (and buckets of co-morbidities, but I'd digress). But a population of drug addled mentally challenged drifters with no diet, shelter, nor medical care appear totally unaffected. This population exists to varying degrees all over the world, but certainly the US. This isn't a red-city/blue-city issue, its in big ones in the heartland and little ones on the coasts. These people are not quaranteening, social distancing, or wearing masks. They share cigarettes, food and drink, and drugs (i.e. mouth contact!) with nary an infectious disease concern! Aerosol droplets of the virus can travel 30 meters and live for 72 hours on steel surfaces we're told. ...but the homeless panhandlers are immune? C'mon man.... Use your brain. There IS a reason half the 'stuff' about this situation doesn't add up. You think Newsome would dine out maskless if there was a real threat to his wellbeing? Guv of NJ was spotted with his whole fam (wife + kids) dining with friends (i.e. not same household) at a restaurant with no mask. Sound like someone who Fears for his life? Asshat had just issued lockdown orders... for the rest of the state. Wake The F Up Its not about your health, it never was! None of it is. Thats WHY it doesn't add up! You're being fed lies, and your brain knows it, thats that 'funny feeling' you can't seem to shake. Its called "cognitive dissonance" (look it up!) If this viral pandemic was half of what TPTB claim it is YOU wouldn't be going shopping at Walmart, you'd be scared as $*&t hunkered down in your basement. Instead you're arguing and fighting with friends and neighbors about politically constructed straw-man arguments... almost as if it was a distraction that was planned that way or something? Not like there is massive evidence of Election theft going on the distract you from. But lets listen to 2 factory workers on faceplant debate the efficiacy of N95 vs woven weave masks citing no medical studies whatsoever. Look, heres a celebrity with big cans and sportsball star on tee vee for you to parrot. We are so screwed....
  13. My youngest is 13, and he's taken an interest in fishing. Has spinning and baitcasting reels, swaps between monofilament and braided line like he knows which to use when (I remember using a spool of 8 lb test from the local fish store growing up for like 3 years in a row?) I was thinking a "beginner" fly fishing rig would make a good Christmas present. But man, that gear gets pricey. If he shows an interest, I'm sure a 'decent' pole will arrive for his birthday, but... do they make a "25-dollar zebco" starter kit for fly fishing? OK, maybe not literally $24.99, but you know that cheesy closed-bail rod-n-reel combo Walmart and camp stores sell by the boatload? With a couple hooks, jigs and a bobber? Do they make those for fly fishing? Is there a better way to (AFFORDABLY) get one's feet wet with fly fishing? Thanks for the advice! - K
  14. I can't speak to Crossville, but here in Roane county, the main dump has an area they collect 'green waste'. May check with DPW in your town? I've burned up stumps good with a drill, and used motor oil and diesel. Bore as many big holes as you can in the stumps with the drill, liberally soak in oil/diesel mixture - pour into the holes and let it absorb. Repeat this daily for a week. My Kids love it when Dad hands them a roman candle and asks them to come outside for a minute.... You can get a burn permit online, easy and painless: Burnsafetn.org .. which now redirects you to here: https://www.tn.gov/tnwildlandfire/prevention/safe-debris-burning Use that site all winter long... prefer to burn when its wet outside, so don't usually spark up big piles in the summer.
  15. This, along with 5,000,000 other incidental data points just like it, aught to make everyone scratch their head about this whole situation.
  16. Thanks!! (Was looking at that very item a week ago but held off).
  17. I've been watching stuff like this ('fuel filters' ), and thinking, it ain't about the money. I'm not condoning nor endorsing, but... There was an implied connection to boogaloo boys community (online chat forums, Ha!), again, not endorsing nor condoning... But if you had plans for and could produce 3D printed auto sears (or 80% lowers, et. al.) and affordably distributed them to like-minded individuals.... in this day and age (and political climate), some people might view that as a patriot acting to help arm his compatriots? Browns Ferry ring any bells? Just thinking out loud....
  18. Anyone want to split shipping? (Kidding!!!) https://www.gunsamerica.com/digest/man-selling-full-auto-ar-15-sears-as-portable-wall-hangers/
  19. Good stuff Junkie, thanks! Not a fan of plastic baits, but my youngest swears by them, too.
  20. LMFAO!! PT Barnum said it best: sucker born every minute! The beauty of Capitalism, is you get to choose wether to participate, or not. If you willingly pay 200 bucks for 500 .22 shells, thats you're business.
  21. Lol. Try disrupting its roosting places. Maybe it will take to your neighbors house instead.
  22. I can tell you the whole state of TN is very veteran friendly (tho I LOVE!!!! seeing those Purple Heart parking spaces at SMKW). Its one of 2 things that happened/I noticed shortly after we moved down here, that confirmed I'd made the right decision: 1 - my kid sang CHRISTMAS songs about BABY JESUS at his public school annual CHRISTMAS concert program held in the cafeteria beneath a Cross above the stage. 2 - High School's Spring band performance, they asked all the graduating seniors to stand when their names and future plans were announced, and those enlisting received a much louder and longer applause than the kids going to college out of State. Y'all got your heads on straight down here. Don't ever forget it.
  23. Are we going to stop for ice cream or not?
  24. @Erik88 Skip NYC. The 'romantic' impression that filthy ####hole has cultivated in film and television is 1000x better than the real thing. The food is the only good reason to go there. DC is a great town, but I'd avoid it from now until about March, then re-evaluate. The musuems are incredible, but if you go during peak tourist season, you will find it detracts, especially at solemn moments like the war memorials. My time at the Korean War monument was very touching... until 3 busloads of animals from some Philly school district unloaded. That corner of the country occupying NETN, SWVA. and NWNC has got to be some of the most beautiful land in the country. From Greeneville to Elizabethton is some of the prettiest cow pastures I've ever seen... the hills outside Bristol (they're not big enough to be mountains) are the epitome of "Rolling green farmland" (and home to 2 swanky golf clubs and quite a few celebrity homes dontchaknow?)... but I've caught more than a few sunrises on that stretch of Rt. 81, and just about anywhere from Rt 66 on down will give you a breathtaking photograph. Its understandable why the early settlers from Europe congregated in the Shanendoah... Ditto the Blue Ridge Parkway. If I was retired and independently wealthy I'd like to take Lee Highway up and down that stretch (Rt. 11?) Detoured on it through Richmond a couple times due to weather/traffic. I could make that drive last 3 days if time and money were no object!
  25. I've found a lot of the fishing lore and knowledge I learned as a kid in Western NY is pretty useless down here in Eastern TN (though bass still love a polka-dot Mepps). I live close to Watts Bar, though only have a canoe. Winter fishing was exclusively ice fishing - did that twice as a kid, never again. Down here if its sunny and calm in Nov/Dec ... its like 50 degrees out!! Whadya run? Minnows? Best I can do is one of the coves around here... my tackle box has proven useless thus far. My youngest was telling me White Bass will look for spawning beds after a frost... but we didn't catch anything. Crappie are all done now, right? Catch anything big out in the channels in the lake? Used to be you could find the occasional walleye near the mouths of streams on warm days when I tried fall fishing in my past-life up north. Thanks for the suggestions!


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