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Everything posted by USMCJG

  1. The biggest difference is that the one from Midway is a three station and the one from CTD is a five station. With the three station press you would have to use a powder through expander die and crimp as part of the seating process. You wouldn't be able to use a traditional expander die or to crimp separately, which may or may not be something that you would want to do anyway. I crimp with my seating dies, but some people prefer to use a dedicated crimping die.
  2. Yep, got me too. And he does indeed suck.
  3. I don't want to speak for Mark, but he may be referring to their association with Lon Horiuchi as a reason for not liking HS. If that is indeed the case, I have the same qualms with them.
  4. I have a Sig Mosquito and love it. It's not as accurate as my Mark III, it's picky about what ammo it likes(although it gets less picky the more I shoot it), and the DA trigger pull is terrible. Having said all that, it is tons of fun to shoot. I rarely leave it at home when I go to the range.
  5. The Ruger Mark IIIs and 22/45s are very good pistols, as are the Browning Buckmarks(and several others). I would advise going to a shop and holding several different models to see what feels right to you. As for waiting until after you get your HCP to purchase a handgun, unless it is for monetary reasons why wait? Getting a handgun that you intend to carry before you actually want to start carrying it will give you time to get more familiar with it and to get more practice with it. It will also give you time to order a holster as lead times on holsters, depending on what you want, can be quite long.
  6. I have seen the same tactic used in Atlanta.
  7. In a heartbeat. I'd kick a puppy to hit it.
  8. On an unrelated note, this is my favorite bumper sticker-
  9. True. The sad thing is that they have so many more resources and so much more free time than the average person that they could use to educate themselves, yet they choose not to. I would like to publicly apologize to boxes of everywhere for my earlier remark. I now realize how insulting it was and humbly ask for forgiveness.
  10. I don't think he's trying to rewrite history. He's just dumber than a box of and doesn't know any better.
  11. If it is true that "that the shooter(s) often times used a hammer to close the bolt", then something was clearly very wrong, either with the ammunition or the firearm, and should have been fixed long before the failure.
  12. The most shocking part of this story is that ICE actually caught an illegal alien.
  13. I have both and like both. I couldn't really pick one over the other. The 870 is probably built a little sturdier, and it's heavier to prove it. But both my 870 and my 500 have been 100% reliable for the last 20 years.
  14. .22 S,L,LR .223/5.56 .264 Win. Mag. 7mm Rem. Mag .300 Win. Mag .308 Win. .410 12 Ga. 16 Ga. 20 Ga.
  15. You didn't really do anything wrong. It just seemed suspicious(understandably) to a couple of people because you don't really have a history of posting on TGO. Sometimes, on some websites, people will join just to advertise items for sale through PM's without posting to the website. Don't worry about it, it sounds like it was just a simple misunderstanding. Stick around and enjoy TGO, and don't be afraid to jump in with some opinions/advice/etc..
  16. We've already heard from you about a "zionist agenda". Talk about intelligent discourse. So which white supremacist organization or terrorist group did you spend the last four years studying about the "zionist agenda" with anyway?
  17. GTS, Before you accept everything from ifamericansknew.org as fact, you should follow your own advice and do a little research yourself. Just calling yourself non-partisan doesn't make it so. Alison Weir, the person who runs the website, is a self-proclaimed expert on Israeli-Palestinian affairs. She has said, in her own words, that she IS BIASED against Israel. And her bias is abundantly clear if you do the research. It's almost like getting your info directly from Hamas.
  18. Definitely not Rick or Dick. Surely he must have a middle name.
  19. Open an account with something like photobucket. Add pics from your computer to your photobucket, etc. account and put the IMG address for the pics in your posts to add the pictures.
  20. I think a Constitutional convention is our best chance of reigning in the federal government. There are currently 29 states that either have or are considering a version of the Firearms Freedom Act. That's 58% of the states right there. Only two states away from the two-thirds needed to call for a convention.


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