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Everything posted by USMCJG

  1. I could only take 31 Beibers in a fight. Who is this Beiber anyway?
  2. 1911's in 9mm have a reputation for being spotty as far as reliability is concerned. As far as carry goes, there is no size or weight difference between a 9mm and a .45 except for the weight of the ammunition. 1911's with barrels shorter than 4.25"(commander size) also have a reputation for spotty reliability. That doesn't mean you can't get an officer size 1911 that will run 100% though. I don't think the barrel length makes much difference when carrying. IMO the advantage of the officer sized pistols for carrying is not the shorter barrel, it's the shorter officers frame. You can get 1911s from several manufacturers with officer frames but commander length barrels. Bobtails reduce weight and grip size which makes them popular choices for carry too. My choice for a 1911 for carry would be a commander sized with an aluminum and/or bobtail frame. JMO. The big difference is in hand fitting and attention to detail. They may or may not be more accurate than your average high quality 1911. Whether that extra care in manufacturing is worth the extra money or not is up to the individual who's buying one. I don't own any ultra high end 1911s but have handled and shot quite a few. They don't function any differently than anything else, but I have to say that there is something that just feels right about them. The last Les Baer I picked up would have come home with me if I'd had a little more cash.
  3. I took the quiz and worked under the assumption that the more intelligently constructed quotes must have come from the unabomber. I was right 75% of the time.
  4. I have a couple of stainless rifles one with silver scope and matte rings, the other with matte scope and stainless rings. I think they look good both ways, as much as looks really matter. There are a whole lot more options with matte scopes though. Not a lot of silver scopes out there really.
  5. Type X drywall is used(or at least should be) for all walls and ceilings in all commercial buildings. As far as construction goes, two layers of 5/8" Type X drywall, one layer on each side of the studs, equals a 1 hr. fire rating. Two layers on each side equals a 2 hr. rating. As has been said, if you want to increase the fire resistance of your safe, add extra layers of Type X drywall. In a safe application, the steel body should do most of the actual flame resisting, the drywall will help to hold the heat down. The reason that drywall is used in gun safes is because the gypsum that drywall is made of contains hydrates that boil off as they are exposed to heat, keeping the temperature down to the boiling point or less on the side of the board that is not directly exposed to the heat source(the inside of the safe). The more layers of drywall you have, or the thicker the drywall, the more hydrates that have to be boiled off before the drywall becomes ineffective at resisting heat. Typically, the only real difference between Type X drywall and regular drywall is that Type X drywall has glass fibers running through it that helps it maintain its shape once the paper burns off and the hydrates in the gypsum are exhausted. If you look at the end of a Type X drywall board you will be able to see the tiny glass fibers sticking out.
  6. The crappiest movie I own is Orange County. The cheesiest is Undercover Brother. And the cheesiest movie that I own that is still awesome is Major Payne.
  7. I think by lesser of three evils he meant the one with the least conservative views. The least offensive to liberals.
  8. I was off today too. Went to the gun range to shoot my new Beretta M9 and a few others. Cleaned, deprimed, and prepped a few hundred cases when I got home. All in all a good day. And I also dread going to work tomorrow.
  9. Get in touch with Remington and send that stuff back. They need to know that they have a bad lot of ammunition that could be dangerous.
  10. It's a reasonable suspicion that they have committed or are in the process of committing a crime, not a reasonable suspicion that they are illegal(even though that is a crime). TN is not a stop and identify state, but you can be detained and forced to show ID if it is believed that you have committed or are in the process of committing a crime. Arizona law is no different. Under Arizona law you cannot be stopped and ordered to produce identification because you look like you may be an illegal alien. That is not how it works, no matter what the messiOh, Maddow, or any other socialist mouthpiece would have you believe.
  11. Yep. gregintenn, ukerduker, and roverboy are right. Your die isn't pushing the shoulder back enough and it's causing your bolt to be hard to close. The following is how I set up my sizing dies to size my cases so that they are tight in the chamber without making the bolt hard to close: 1) Set your die up per your die instructions. 2) Lube up several fired cases and run one into your sizing die on the press. Assuming you are using a full length sizing die, when you get the handle all the way down check and see if you have a gap between the shellholder and the bottom of the die. If you do have a gap, which I suspect you do, then that's good- you have room to move. 3) Next, put the case you just sized in your rifle and see if it chambers without significant resistance. If it does, size another case and chamber it to confirm that it is good and you are done. If it doesn't, move to the next step. 4) Turn your die down 1/16th-1/8th turn and size another case. Put the sized case in your rifle and see if it chambers without significant resistance. Repeat this step until your case chambers without a lot of resistance and you're good. Cliff
  12. You haven't even read the Arizona immigration bill, have you?
  13. It's scary to think of all of that lead making its way into the ground. You know, the ground it came out of.
  14. Well actually, BATE. Don't forget the explosives.
  15. The Andy Griffith Show. But without some serious advances in the scientific field of zombification I don't see it happening. In lieu of that, I always liked Tour of Duty.
  16. I can say from personal experience that several years ago some out of state speeding tickets would show up on your license and insurance. Kentucky and North Carolina both showed up on mine, but Virginia did not. As for whether or not you should fight it, that depends on a couple of things. Do you have any points on your license? And is your insurance likely to go up over a single speeding ticket? If the answer to both of these questions is no, then just pay the fine and go on with your life. If the answer to one or both of these questions is yes, then it might be best to lawyer up. It will ALWAYS cost more to hire a lawyer than it will to just pay the ticket. In my experience, if you do hire a lawyer it will ALWAYS reduce your penalty- significantly. Don't ask me how I know all this.
  17. USMCJG

    Health care?????

    This is ridiculous. I haven't commented on this thread but I have read it all. You were never threatened. Get over yourself and grow a pair.
  18. The last time I was there was for a company get together. They took us on some sort of "Gangster Tour" on a bus through downtown that was pretty cool. Went to where the St. Valentine's Day massacre happened and some other places. They showed us some bullet marks in some walls around town that they said came from gunfire during the era of the prohibition gang wars, but they really could have been from the night before for all I know. The Navy pier and the Sears tower are okay. Actually, I've spent quite a bit of time in Chicago and there is really nothing there that I gave a crap about except Wrigley Filed.
  19. USMCJG


    I'm psyched that they are bringing Futurama back. Matt Groening's best cartoon by far.
  20. I don't see how anyone can say that the officer escalated this situation. The only thing he could have done to avoid this would be to look the other way and let the girls just break the law and walk off. He witnessed a crime being committed and had a duty to respond. The girls escalated the situation. They could have just stood there and taken their warning or $25 ticket and been on their way. But no, they had to be extremely disrespectful and antagonistic even to the point of becoming violent. I am 100% against unnecessary use of force by police, but this wasn't it. He did the best he could with the situation he was given. JMO.


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