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    Counce, TN
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Ruger LCP
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 43X

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  1. Frog4aday


    It sounds like you have your shopping down to a science. You are a "mall walker" but without the mall! That's great thinking for getting in your steps while avoiding the heat and cold. Your neighbor lady sounds nice offering to help w/the lawn mowing (her boys) and taking you where you need to go. Kinda renews my faith in people a bit. God bless her for offering to help during your time of need. Your son scored big finding another wheelchair w/the parts you needed. Sounds like you are covered for mobility. I hope you keep recovering quickly and can get back to enjoying some time @ the range soon.
  2. I've owned a six round, 4" barreled, blued GP-100 since the late 1980s and it has been shot a lot over the years. It was bought to replace a S&W 686 (no dash) that I really liked but the factory had screwed the barrel on crooked and it spit a ton of debris out of the barrel cylinder gap. The GP-100 has been very accurate, especially with 140gr XTPs. It is still 'in time' after all these years and high number of rounds put thru it. Trigger pull is smooth and reasonable weight after lots of use, but it was actually pretty good out-of-the-box. Since your goal is lots of shooting and reloads, go for the extra thickness/margin of safety of the six shooter. The 7 shot gun would be preferable if you were going to compete at matches w/it. Since that's not the intended use, the simpler/stronger six shot will serve better. Oh yea, I bought some PACHMAYR® grips all those years ago thinking they'd cushion the recoil more but found I preferred the feel of the factory rubber and wood grips better. Seems like Ruger got those right, at least for my size large-glove hands. I hope you get as much enjoyment from your GP-100 as I've gotten from mine. They are great guns for someone that actually likes to shoot a lot.
  3. His delivery and timing were perfect. He cracked me up. Sad to see him pass. I hope God enjoys the laughter Bob will bring.
  4. Frog4aday


    Dang, you sure are an active fellow for just having a big tumor taken out of your cranial cavity. Shopping at six stores in a day? I'd be worn out from that. It sounds like you've got good family helping you & a way to safely get around (wheelchair). That is great news. Hopefully your sleeping patterns can get back to normal soon, along with the odd hearings issues. Hearing a 'tic' in your head and realizing later that was your heart is interesting. Adapt and overcome - you've got this!
  5. That looks like the National Guard parking lot. Fun!
  6. Rent that van! Rent that van! Rent that van! ROAD TRIP! 'Cause 'Merica!
  7. Frog4aday


    I'm glad you have family helping out. Sometimes they do a great job, sometimes they fail. What can you do? Just hope they come thru when really needed. Noise sounds like an issue. Hopefully by the time more mowing has to happen, someone will have gotten you some muffs or ear plugs to use. I'm glad pain doesn't seem to be an issue. That's a big plus.
  8. Frog4aday


    Thank God you got thru the surgery okay & are safely back home. I'm happy for you and your family. Hopefully each day brings improvement and you start to feel better in many ways. It sounds like the road ahead will be long and require very little movement. That sounds hard. Hopefully you have a TV, some books, and a good laptop or tablet to use to fill the awake hours. We are all praying for you to fully recover.
  9. Thanks Leroy. I'm good with this. This is enough to keep me happy. When neither major party will publicly state support for the Bill of Rights, and specifically the second amendment, it will be another sign of the apocalypse for the USA. I hope to never see it. @Moped - I feel you got us all spun up for nothing.
  10. To answer the OPs headline question, YES, I'M FEELING BETRAYED. It feels like the Dems have moved on to Marxism & Socialism and the Republicans are evolving into 1980 Democrats. If neither of the two parties will openly come out in support of the second amendment in a public way, we have a serious problem. It is looking like we need a third party to form and stake out a platform of fiscal responsibility (balanced budget), total support of the constitution, and securing the borders. Maybe call itself the Constitutionalist Party. With no 2nd Amendment, we no longer have a Republic. We will just be another European sh-thole, heading toward the exit of being a superpower, ushered quickly along by our enemies (China/Russia/N Korea/Iran). Even if the RNC dropped any mention of the 2A to try and capture some 'middle of the roaders' it still sets a bad precedent. It means they don't think they can win by taking a hardline on guns. And that will lead to thinking they can/should "compromise" on some gun control to capture even more voters in the future because, who else can pro-gunners vote for anyway? It means they take our vote for granted & won't be a reliable bulwark against infringement of our rights. I don't like it at all. It's a bad precedent for them to be setting. If the RNC doesn't think this matters, they are wrong. DJT needs to wake up & realize where his base comes from. I will not support a party that won't support me. Even if that means "throwing my vote away" on some distant nobody just to send a message. It's all I've got, really. Message to RNC and DJT - put 2nd Amend support back into the party platform. There is no Republican Party without a Republic. And there is no Republic without armed citizens to stand against tyranny. It's not negotiable or optional.
  11. @Worriedman Your work on behalf of our rights is amazing and yet has to be so frustrating. Justice is slow and people seem so ambivalent at times. And even when you are right and have SCOTUS rulings on your side, you still can't get the TN Gov't to quit violating the law & usurping our rights. Maddening. Thanks for your work & explaining it to us in a way we can understand.
  12. Ruger 10/22 Any semi-automatic 20 gauge Lever action in .357mag/.38 Spcl Bolt action in .223/5.56 to shoot watermelons with (they'll love it) Targets matter. The more action/instant feedback the better. Full soda cans. Clay pigeons. Water bottles or milk jugs filled with water. Ballons. Watermelons. The less kick the gun has, the more fun they'll have.
  13. Thanks for sharing this. Most of us are not familiar with the ins & out of the legal system. Anytime somebody knowledgeable shares insight, I appreciate the glimpse behind the curtain.


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