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Everything posted by bobsguns

  1. Ordered two extra mags & got them today. I wanted the mags now as I bet they'll run out as the gun becomes more available. I didn't take mine out of the wrap, but I did see the "Croatia" on the wrapper. My FFL tells me I can't get mine until Dec or so, after the excitement has died down. He said he'll feel guilty if he loses too much $$ on my discount that he could be making on a hot selling gun.
  2. Ole Miss lost their QB & then lost the game. GA rolled over Florida, no surprise there. MSU beating UK by two TD's, that's a surprise. Vandy scored 28 points in a loss, how'd they manage that many? MSU beats Michigan in an exciting game. Back & forth most of the game. That MSU RB is a stud! 5 TD's in one game! Penn State vs Ohio State. I can't decide which team I hate more. Iowa lost two in a row now & got rolled today. I knew they were overrated. Bowl Green's coach got ejected. I can't remember the last time a football HC got ejected from a game. Anyone know? LOL!
  3. Personally, for that kind of scratch, *I* would prefer a custom 1911 of some sort. $4k would score a NIB SA Professional or a serious Ted Yost or some other top tier 1911, IMO.
  4. Well, many in here are using a "wait & see" point of view. Clearly that's their right to do so. As for public outrage, is there any outrage when there's 50 shootings over a weekend in Chicago? Or Baltimore? Not really, other than the gun grabbers using that as a bloody prop for their agenda. As much as Baldwin has ridiculed Tump on tv, you honestly think the media is going to roast him? They're going to cover for him much like they cover for Pedo Biden's dementia. Doesn't make it right, but that's what it is, IMO.
  5. An empty chamber is a good idea for young kids as well. Obviously this won't apply to a revolver. But a young kid won't be able to rack a slide.
  6. Sadly. I think I've read 2-3 stories this year about elementary age kids being found with a gun at their school. WTF are their parents doing that a kid that young can take a gun to school? I would imagine the majority of those kids have no father in the home either.
  7. Depends. Were you speaking of suicide loudly & in front of multiple people in the days/weeks previously, then an argument could be made over negligence IF the gun owner knew you were coming for a visit. The difference is, an adult is legally considered to be able to make legal decisions. A young child, not so much. (Which is why there's age of consent laws for alcohol, driving, sex, signing a contract, etc.) My opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it..........................
  8. I have nothing to add other than I hope the gun isn't returned as a box full of parts. He might do that out of spite, I don't know. This is a perfect example of getting recommendations from people you know before one sends off a gun for some work. Hope everything turns out well in this case.
  9. Seriously?????? Fame, money & leftist politics on his side & you're wondering why he isn't arrested? Allow me to suggest you read up on Ted "where'd I park my car?" Kennedy sometime. Not only was he not arrested nor charged, he got re-elected. There's others like that but he tops the list, IMO.
  10. I agree, they'll all weasel out of this one way or another. Rarely does a famous person get actual jail time.
  11. Seems to be no clear answer on this it appears. This would be the whole point of having an armorer, IMO. The armorer should have had the guns locked away until the armorer was physically on the set, IMO. This should be laid entirely at Baldwin's feet as he was the producer. He wanted to cheap-out & that's exactly what he did. He should pay heavily for that, IMO.
  12. This is where the rookie female armorer failed miserably. A locking bag or range bag would've prevented all of this BS, IMO. All guns should've been under her control from her home to the set to the actor's hands. She failed all three of these criterion. Todays news: News Story So there was indeed live rds found on the set. She failed that part horribly. She failed to control the guns 24/7 & one got loaded with a live rd. She failed that part miserably. If the crew were playing with the gins, using live ammo or blanks (doesn't matter), then she had no control over the guns. She failed miserably again. "Rushed conditions" or not, the guns should've been under her physical control until she handed the gun to Baldwin, NOT having the Asst Director handing him the gun. This was her final & worst failing, IMO. I agree that multiple people should have felony convictions from this goat screw.
  13. No, both rims are the same. Blanks will have a live primer though.
  14. No bids. Apparently not every fool gets parted with his money? LOL!
  15. Just saw this: Offense: 14th overall, 357.1 ypg (9th rushing, 24th passing). Wouldn't they be higher with the 2nd best rusher in the league? Just looked it up, Taylor is in fact 2nd in the league. So why are the Colts only 9th in rushing? Mobile QB's? RB by committee on other teams? I'm confused.
  16. He had two sprained ankles just a couple of weeks ago. Even that aside, he's not the most fleet of foot, IMO. Should be a good game then.
  17. Really? I did not know that. I was going off of some of the radio talking heads & what they were saying about the upcoming game.
  18. World's Largest Cocktail Party this Sat. GA vs Florida. I think the Gators might hang for a half but GA will eventually roll. Too much talent for Florida, IMO. Will there be 5,000 people in the stands for Vandy-Mizzu? Crappy weather, crappy teams = poor crowd, IMO. UK-Miss State game should be entertaining. Lots of scoring there, I think. Titans should manage to eek out a win over the Colts. Colts don't have much of a running game & Wentz isn't mobile at all. I bet he's sacked multiple times.
  19. Yeah, I think that's who it was. Nice guy but a bit too high on his prices, IMO.
  20. Yes, the little turd quoted me $1999. He was yanking my chain................................. I think.
  21. Gonna have to try that line on women now.......................
  22. The irony is, MLB moved the All-Star game to Colorado. They have the same (or stronger) voting laws as GA but MLB didn't give a chit about that fact.
  23. Wouldn't bleach harm the stock finish?


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