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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. So my Woot! order arrived last week. I'm quite happy with all 3, but the Burst and the Drone are pretty close to one another, so one will be a keeper and the other gifted on to someone.
  2. First, welcome to TGO. Second, the law that states it is TCA 39-17-1359*. The one that describes how to legally post. Here is section 3 C of that law: Notice how it says property in there. Cool Springs Galleria is posted at all street entrances to the property itself, with the one known (by me) exception being the Logan's parking lot. But since that's not really an entrance primarily used by persons entering the property, even that's kind of pushing it. The doors to the mall are also posted, but not the doors to the department stores, and not the interior entrances from the department stores to the mall. By the letter of the law, you could enter through Logan's (see above...this may not be compliant) then enter through a department store and not have carried past a sign. Otherwise, simply entering the parking lot is passing by a legally posted sign and a violation of the law. In that case, the worst they can do is detain you until the Franklin PD arrives and have you charged with a Class B misdemeanor with a possible fine of up to $500, along with whatever trespassing charges their lawyer may try to toss your way. The cops may keep your gun for a while and once the TDOS gets wind of it (and they will), you could be losing your HCP. That's not very likely, but it is the worst case and is far worse than just being asked to leave. Does anyone know if there has been a case yet of an HCP holder carrying past a proper posting and being charged with something? *You can find TN Code Annotated items here: http://www.lexisnexi...ttopics/tncode/ Edit to fix the auto-smilies in the middle of the TCA language
  3. Cool Springs Galleria is posted at most* parking lot entrances. You can't even leave it in your car and be legal. *I'm pretty sure that if you enter from Logan's parking lot, you won't be driving past a sign, then you can enter via a department store where no doors are posted. That's to follow the letter of the law, but their anti-gun stance is pretty evident, so I'm not sure how that might be seen in court.
  4. Any word on this? Yes....I read the Announcement post....just giving TGODavid some crap.....
  5. China is just flexing its muscles in regards to the developing world. They want more countries to look to them as trade/military partners instead of to the U.S.A. They have that with Iran and are getting it with Pakistan. They want it with more African nations that have oil and mineral deposits. They would love to have Afghanistan. There are some untapped deposits of lithium in that place that will make some people very rich. They just want access to natural resources. They prefer trading for it, but I wouldn't put it past them to go take them if push comes to shove.They'll eventually want Siberia.
  6. Right on! If they'd pass a law like that, then this stuff wouldn't happen.
  7. I guess you guys didn't read the whole story. It clearly says "the gun accidently fired a single shot in her chest" This guy is just a victim of a poorly designed product.
  8. decaying human flesh...that stuff Taco Bell calls "beef"....pretty much the same thing.
  9. After re-reading your first post, I can see what you meant.
  10. That is wronger than a wrong thing that is wrong. When State A recognizes permits from State B, that does NOT mean that State B's laws apply to the permit holder while in State A. State A's laws apply and the permit holder is responsible for learning what State A's laws are and following them while in State A. Louisiana, for example, does not allow carrying in places of worship but Tennessee does. Having a TN HCP while in Louisiana does not override that restriction. Likewise, a Lousiana permit holder may carry in a church in Tennessee though they would not be able to do so legally at home in Louisiana.
  11. From: http://www.state.tn.us/environment/dws/waterwel.shtml The Tennessee Water Well Act of 1963 requires all persons drilling a water well to be licensed. A water well is any well for the production of water for beneficial use such as: domestic use, irrigation, livestock watering, etc. A person installing a pump or water treatment device on a water well must also be licensed.
  12. The USC doesn't apply to a PO according to 39 USC 410. The CFR I quoted doesn't require posting and only applies to the PO and it says property, so that would mean that the CFR is violated by having a weapon on the property that is not for official business. I assume that shipping one to an FFL counts as engaging in the official business of the post office. For reference, here's the USC, even though it doesn't apply to POs: The parts in red could be read to include HCP holders. Does anyone know of case law that affirms or rejects this position (for non-PO buildings, I mean)? I suspect this is where the TN HCP of it providing a defense rather than making the act itself legal comes in to play since techincally we're not carrying for lawful purposes, but rather unlawful ones, but we have a defense to that unlawful carry. Right?
  13. +1 to OS, but the USC says in a Federal facility pretty much all through it in regards to weapons where the CFR says property. I don't see how the USC would apply to parking lots, except maybe those with controlled access.
  14. Title 39 CFR 232.1 says postal property, not facility. This would seem to certainly apply for the stand-alone post offices, but I'm with subsonic on the strip mall POs, not that my opinion would matter to a federal prosecutor.
  15. I like Gaia GPS. It's not hunter specific, but is highly recommended on lots of back country hiking web sites. It has several different topo maps (along with road maps and Google satellite) and allows you to download the map panels for the area you'll be in, so when you lose cell reception, your map still works. The default iPhone Google maps require cell signal to load new panels. Gaia also lets you set waypoints and mark your truck/trailhead using the GPS of the iPhone instead of the cell signal. It's about $10, IIRC, but worth every penny.
  16. I have the Magpul M&P15 and really like the MOE handguard. It has slots on 6 angles (IIRC) where you can add in the rails where needed of varying lengths to fit your exact configuration.
  17. I have ordered a shotty and a CMMG .22 conversion kit from them. Both orders shipped quickly.
  18. i saw a show on History/TLC/Discovery about some body armor manufacturers. One of them (don't recall which one) requires all employees to strap on the gear and take one.
  19. They do that on purpose. It prepares the pilots and crews for civilian life with the airlines.
  20. This almost makes me want to give Comcast some more of my money to get the Nat. Geo. channel.
  21. What you're not telling us is you shot that at 3 yards and you had a dozen FTF/FTE during those 70 rounds. Everyone knows Kimbers are junk. Besides, that gun's not safe. You left the hammer pulled back. Just kidding. That's a good looking gun.
  22. Unless the parking lot is posted, it's like sleeping with the boss' wife. Not illegal, but don't get caught if you like your job.
  23. Yeah, probably so. I saw that about them being assembled here in some random person's post when I did some quick Google-fu this morning before placing my Woot order. That information is probably worth what I paid for it.


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