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Got a TiVo, How do you like it?


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I am looking at getting a TiVo as opposed to DVR from my cable company. Best I can tell by comparing things, it will be cheaper, in my case at least.

I have extended basic (3-71) cable so looking at a TiVo Series 2DT DVR

I think the Free TiVo Desktop software will let me copy shows to my Laptop and/or PDA. Don't think I can burn a show to a DVD with that software, but I have other DVD burning software, that maybe I can use(although that is not a high priority).

One thing I am curious about is I have Window XP Media Center Edition on my computer. I downloaded a program that let me edit files recorded with MCE,(cut out segments and such) not sure if TIVO files will open in MCE or not. Some things I read on the web say yes, some say no.

Any advice or input is appreciated.

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TiVo rocks. That is all.

No commercials. Watch things whenever I want to, and on my computer when I do other things. Oh, and you can order pizza from it now.

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I'm really surprised by the positivity toward the Tivo. That's really cool to know. I'm tagging this one for future reference.

In the future, I am considering doing a whole house server with individual stations at each TV and incorporating the ability to schedule/ record/ replay/ and store.

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I use a TivoHD with Comcast and I love it.

If you can swing the extra cash, go ahead and get a TivoHD (aka series 3). It wil work fine as a standard definition Tivo, and if you ever do decide to upgrade to HDTV you will have the option. Ignore the "20 hours of HDTV", that translates out to some stupidly high number of SD hours.

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I have two TiVos and love them. Clearly or I wouldn't have bought the second unit!

The newer units are far superior to the earlier units, and allow for multiple events to record at the same time.

The only thing that I don't like is you have to re-train it every couple of years. That's really more about your personal viewing habits and not a bug in the system though.

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We have comcast DVR. Love it. End of story.

So do I.

I have almost everything Comcast Offers with two HD/DVR boxes. I don’t think the DVR could be much easier to use.

I just wish Comcast had some competition; my bill is crazy. willy_nilly.gif

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So do I.

I have almost everything Comcast Offers with two HD/DVR boxes. I don’t think the DVR could be much easier to use.

I just wish Comcast had some competition; my bill is crazy. willy_nilly.gif

Yep. My HD/DVR box is getting loud, I can smack it and it will stop, I am guessing it will go out shortly, like everything else in this house has lately, (2 tv's, a washing machine and the iron door lock/doorknob assembly)

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Yep. My HD/DVR box is getting loud, I can smack it and it will stop, I am guessing it will go out shortly, like everything else in this house has lately, (2 tv's, a washing machine and the iron door lock/doorknob assembly)

In the last few years I have had problems with two HD boxes. I just take them to the local office and swap them out for new ones.

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In the last few years I have had problems with two HD boxes. I just take them to the local office and swap them out for new ones.

I hate doing that because all of my saved shows!!!!:tinfoil:

That reminds me, I need to go watch Knight Rider from this past week!

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I use a TivoHD with Comcast and I love it.

If you can swing the extra cash, go ahead and get a TivoHD (aka series 3). It wil work fine as a standard definition Tivo, and if you ever do decide to upgrade to HDTV you will have the option. Ignore the "20 hours of HDTV", that translates out to some stupidly high number of SD hours.

Im running two Series 2 and will struggle if i ever had to go to a Series 3 setup.

The one thing a 2 can do that a 3 cant is the IR blaster. I actually am using both sat and cable at the same time with mine and if i go primary sat then it wouldn't matter i just take the tivo with me.

Btw those that love their Comcast dvr's, six words Tivo to Go and Multi Room Viewing.

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Well got my Tivo the other day...and so far really liking it. Have to keep trying to remember to give thumb ups or downs to things...lol

You'd think a brand new out of the box unit straight from the source would have the latest software on it...but no....lol

Wouldn't connect to my network since I use WPA encryption, did a search online and found out you had to software ver 8.1 or later for it to support that, unit had 7.1 So disabled the encryption got it hooked up, updated the software to 9.2, turned the WPA back on and re-set up the network connection and all was good.

Other than couldn't access a few of the extras. Called tech support after a bunch of stuff I already tried and some that didn't make sense, found out from a tech a level above could take up to 24 hours for the new software to take full effect. Sure enough later that evening all was good.

Already downloaded a movie from Amazon On Demand, got to watch it shortly...lol

Anyway...still learning, but so far very happy with the purchase.

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  • 11 months later...

I was gonna start a new thread for this but thought I would use an old one.

Back in 02 a good friend of mine bought me a Tivo for christmas with a lifetime subscription. I didn't know what it was and was like, umm thanks??

Little did I know my life was changed FOREVER..... I have no idea how to live without one today. I just wouldn't watch TV at all. Today I have 3 series 2 models which have all been upgraded several times over the years to handle more recordings.

The last time I upgraded them was about 3 years ago. I installed 160gb drives and replaced the fans. This week I decided to again go for a upgrade. I ordered 3 500gb drives from Tiger and a couple of fans... (they get noisy after a while)..

I used to keep an old pc around to do this type of thing with but after I moved last year I canned just about all my old hardware. OMG I should have never done this..

You need a minimum of 4 standard IDE ports to do a reliable backup and upgrade. The newer computers have one if your lucky.. everything is SATA.. Arrrg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So after hitting up a couple of buddies I managed to get the hardware needed to complete the upgrade..

I'm on the last one.... and thought if anyone else wanted an upgrade (while I have all this crap) I would offer to do it at no charge...

So... if you have a series two.. tired of being out of space... and willing to come to me.... drop me a line.. This is a limited time offer as my wifes office is scattered with crap from this and she's not gonna put up with it vary long....

Anyway... Long Live TIVO!

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You need a minimum of 4 standard IDE ports to do a reliable backup and upgrade. The newer computers have one if your lucky.. everything is SATA.. Arrrg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You could always buy a PCI IDE controller card ($20 or so) for this. You can buy them all day long for less than $20.

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