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Ording Pizza after Obama


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Guest 70below

Wow....looks like a real time saver.....how could that be scary.....and my health would be drastically improved. I'm sure the time saved would lower my blood pressure and improve my health too! :D

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That's truly messed up. Only thing missing is our SSN on that computer screen.

I can see me trying to order reloading supplies. "Sorry sir, you just received 4000 bullets and 16lbs of powder. I will have to alert the authorities to your persistent ordering habits. Please hold". :hat:

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I have often wondered about these shopping cards (krogers & food city). Like in the future your insurance co. get a hold of the kind of food you buy and adjust your premium up because you eat to much red meat or potato chips.

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I have often wondered about these shopping cards (krogers & food city). Like in the future your insurance co. get a hold of the kind of food you buy and adjust your premium up because you eat to much red meat or potato chips.

Haha, when I filled out one of those deals for a Kroger Plus card a few years back, I thought the same thing...

My plus card is registered to a Mr. Orson Wells @ 1984 Bigbro Ln... I crack myself up...

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Haha, when I filled out one of those deals for a Kroger Plus card a few years back, I thought the same thing...

My plus card is registered to a Mr. Orson Wells @ 1984 Bigbro Ln... I crack myself up...

Some day we will be amazed at the information that someone has collected on us. whether it be the gooberment or a private company.:hat:

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Guest abailey362

the shopping cards have been used in criminal investigations already. the stores trac your habits already to know what products to give coupons or special offers on.

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Guest jackdog

remember the flap during GWB's term about Nathional ID's. This is exactly why I think it sucks. They also track you via credit purchases. Supposedly they can listen to your conversations via your cell phones even if they are off. Big brother is the s**ts.

As for the video it scares the crap out of me.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest smittyb

Did anyone click on the take action link? I can't believe I might agree with the ACLU on something. I say might because I'm still wondering if they are trying to trick me some how.

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