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Governor Phil Bredesen Vetoes HB0962 (Restaurant Carry Bill)

Guest ColdEspresso

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Guest jg45

Since my sheriff Mark Luttrell decided to support the veto:mad: and make inaccurate comments, I fired this off to him.

Dear Sir,

I was appalled to see you attending the Governor's veto ceremony of HB962, the bill that would allow Handgun Carry Permit holders the opportunity to legally carry their firearm into restaurants that serve alcohol. Your statement "Reasonable people, when they've had a little bit to drink, do silly things, and silly people with firearms can be in a tragic situation. I think it's a bill that's not necessary." shows your ignorance of the content of this bill. The bill clearly does not allow a permit holder to consume alcohol while carrying a firearm. Sir, I am a permit holder who has gone through the training, background checks, and other legal hurdles in order to be able to carry a weapon to protect myself and my family. Sir, will you make it so that your deputies may not carry a weapon into an establishment that is serving alcohol unless it is in the execution of their duties? By your logic there would be no need for them to need a weapon as there would be no criminals there while they are dining and therefore no need to protect themselves or others. In fact, wasn't one of your deputies recently involved with an illegal shooting in an establishment that serves alcohol. I might well need to be armed to protect myself from your deputies as well as the criminal element since law enforcement and criminals are the only ones who would be armed in a restaurant like Applebee's or Macaroni Grill if the law is allowed to stand as it is. I voted for you in the last election, but I will not make that mistake again. I expect the Sheriff I elect to enforce the laws and protect the rights of the citizens, this includes the Second Amendment.

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Chief Surpuss is here at Dell today for some meeting. I saw him the the cafeteria and wanted to dress him down a bit, but I figured that wouldn't go over with the bosses too well.

I was there too. I work for the local gun friendly TV station. Not mentioning any names, but our initials begin with F and end with X. I gave him a bit of static about it. Now he wants to go on about "well intentioned people on both sides... blah blah blah".

This veto will not stand.

I still think it's time for an open carry day of protest. One day to show the anti-gunaphobes just how many of us there are.

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Guest SomeGuy
I was there too. I work for the local gun friendly TV station. Not mentioning any names, but our initials begin with F and end with X. I gave him a bit of static about it. Now he wants to go on about "well intentioned people on both sides... blah blah blah".

This veto will not stand.

I still think it's time for an open carry day of protest. One day to show the anti-gunaphobes just how many of us there are.

While I like the idea, let me ask, what exactly are we protesting? We are going to get restaurant carry, so we won't need to protest that. Open carry protests have uses, at times and places, but at the moment, I think we can get what we want easily from our homes via phone calls and letters. Perhaps meet and greet events like TGO is possibly having where we invite some elected officials, and they are around 200 or so open carriers. Little things to remind the elected officials we exist. Much less effort, much more return.

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  • Administrator
Little things to remind the elected officials we exist. Much less effort, much more return.

I'm afraid that if we took the "little reminders" and "less effort" route we'd be encroaching on TFA territory. :D

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Guest JHatmaker

Received a response back from my representative:

"The Veto override has my full support. Thanks for taking the time to contact me. If I can ever be of assistance, please let me know.


Senator Jack Johnson"

He da' man!

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Guest HexHead
tell me that wasn't a planned event...........to veto the bill the same day all the LEOs were in town.

I'm sure it was. Can you say "photo opp"?

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Guest HexHead
Just be careful with those toy guns.....lol

39-17-1362 Imitation firearm — Defined — Offense to display in threatening manner in public place.

Don't need to give the media another reason to hate us....:D

At this point, screw the media. Seriously, how much more damage can they do to us? What, you think they've been holding back these past few months? If anything, we need to go on the offensive.

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Guest HexHead
While I like the idea, let me ask, what exactly are we protesting? We are going to get restaurant carry, so we won't need to protest that. Open carry protests have uses, at times and places, but at the moment, I think we can get what we want easily from our homes via phone calls and letters. Perhaps meet and greet events like TGO is possibly having where we invite some elected officials, and they are around 200 or so open carriers. Little things to remind the elected officials we exist. Much less effort, much more return.

Think of how much fun it will be having the cops running all over town answering "man with a gun" calls, only to keep finding legal permit holders. :D:D:D

I'm beginning to really like this idea.

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At this point, screw the media. Seriously, how much more damage can they do to us? What, you think they've been holding back these past few months? If anything, we need to go on the offensive.

Well...just didn't think it would look good, any of us being arested for carrying of toy guns and those pictures in the paper.

Would be hard to make the argument to be trusted with real handguns if we don't know how to even legally handle toy guns.

Of course just having a toy gun in public is not illegal, so that is why I was saying be careful.

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Guest benchpresspower

5 O'Clock on Channel 2 folks, our own Mrs. Nikki Goeser. While we all are upset in some shape or fashion lets not forget how she may be taking this.

Edited by benchpresspower
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Here is the reponse I received back from Mae Beavers, My State Senator:

I will vote to override the veto. I had filed the same bill.

The Governor made the statement that he will veto my parks bill also.


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Guest HexHead
Here is the reponse I received back from Mae Beavers, My State Senator:

I will vote to override the veto. I had filed the same bill.

The Governor made the statement that he will veto my parks bill also.


No surprise there. I'm not so sure that one is veto proof either.

I sure wish they had made State parks and local parks two separate bills. I was afraid the local parks thing was going to mess it up. State parks was the biggie, because if we can't carry in State parks, we're probably not going to be able to carry in National Parks within TN either.

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Guest HexHead

Assuming for a moment that the restaurant bill does override the veto, since it was supposed to go into effect June 1, does that mean the moment whichever clown in the Senate drops the gavel, it becomes effective?

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Here's the response I got from Senator Randy McNally:

Thank you for your recent communication regarding HB962. I appreciate you taking the time to contact me on this matter.

I originally voted for this bill and feel that, under the second amendment it is a right of the people. I am opposed to the Governor’s veto.

You have my assurance that your concerns and suggestions, as well as those of my other constituents, will be reflected in my decision making process as the Senate continues its work.


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Since my sheriff Mark Luttrell decided to support the veto:mad: and make inaccurate comments, I fired this off to him.

Dear Sir,

Sir, will you make it so that your deputies may not carry a weapon into an establishment that is serving alcohol unless it is in the execution of their duties? By your logic there would be no need for them to need a weapon as there would be no criminals there while they are dining and therefore no need to protect themselves or others. In fact, wasn't one of your deputies recently involved with an illegal shooting in an establishment that serves alcohol. .

According to the TN AG it is just as illegal for an LEO to carry, on or off duty, in an establishment that serves alcohol unless it is in the execution of law enforcement duties. Having lunch or dinner is not an official duty.

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Guest benchpresspower
According to the TN AG it is just as illegal for an LEO to carry, on or off duty, in an establishment that serves alcohol unless it is in the execution of law enforcement duties. Having lunch or dinner is not an official duty.

You're absolutely right but the LOOPHOLES are there.

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Guest canynracer

Mine to the Governor.

We the People. 3 words that mean so much to what makes us American that tens of thousands have given their blood to protect. And yet in one fail swoop YOU decided that YOU know whats best for "The People", even after admitting that you know that the PEOPLE want this. Your people, the majority, WANT this, but YOU dont.

We the people elected you to represent us. We the people will elect a leader that puts their own personal agendas aside, and do what we hired them to do; represent WE THE PEOPLE.

We the people will elect a LEADER. You have proven that you are not that, instead a follower. You were bullied by police chiefs and resturaunt owners that do not do research. Look at our surrounding states. LEARN THE FACTS, then lead.

This bill was NOT about bars. It was so I can protect my family at the Olive Garden. I dont drink alcohol. How many of the people you are protecting drink? How many go to bars? You didnt do that research did you?

This was about resturaunts.

We the People learn from our mistakes Phil. You will understand that come re-election time.

Enjoy your security detail, while WE have to figure out OUR protection while YOU make arrogant decisions.



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Mine to the Governor.

We the People. 3 words that mean so much to what makes us American that tens of thousands have given their blood to protect. And yet in one fail swoop YOU decided that YOU know whats best for "The People", even after admitting that you know that the PEOPLE want this. Your people, the majority, WANT this, but YOU dont.

We the people elected you to represent us. We the people will elect a leader that puts their own personal agendas aside, and do what we hired them to do; represent WE THE PEOPLE.

We the people will elect a LEADER. You have proven that you are not that, instead a follower. You were bullied by police chiefs and resturaunt owners that do not do research. Look at our surrounding states. LEARN THE FACTS, then lead.

This bill was NOT about bars. It was so I can protect my family at the Olive Garden. I dont drink alcohol. How many of the people you are protecting drink? How many go to bars? You didnt do that research did you?

This was about resturaunts.

We the People learn from our mistakes Phil. You will understand that come re-election time.

Enjoy your security detail, while WE have to figure out OUR protection while YOU make arrogant decisions.




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Guest jg45
According to the TN AG it is just as illegal for an LEO to carry, on or off duty, in an establishment that serves alcohol unless it is in the execution of law enforcement duties. Having lunch or dinner is not an official duty.

Maybe so, but I see Shelby county Sheriffs Deputies in places that serve alcohol all of the time. La Playita on Macon Rd. is just one example. Every time I eat lunch there, I see deputies there eating that are open carrying and the table next to them is having margaritas.

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Maybe so, but I see Shelby county Sheriffs Deputies in places that serve alcohol all of the time. La Playita on Macon Rd. is just one example. Every time I eat lunch there, I see deputies there eating that are open carrying and the table next to them is having margaritas.

Call in "man with a gun" call to MPD from the pay phone down the street? Make sure no cameras are watching. :D

DO NOT really do this...it was just something to contemplate.

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Guest jg45
and the argument being if there is a serious enough call, the cop could take off in the middle of said consumption. that is the loophole. when can you define "off duty".

Then I guess they should be locking their weapons in their cars just as they expect us to do.

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I received a response today from Senator Steve Southerland concerning the e-mail I sent to him yesterday. Here's what he had to say:

Thank you, *****(I omitted my name), for the e-mail and the phone call yesterday. I agree

with you and will firmly support veto override efforts. Procedurally,

the House will be the first to act. If the override is successful in

the House, the sponsor will make the appropriate motion once the bill is

transmitted to the Clerk and properly before the Senate.

Again, I appreciate your input.

Steve Southerland

:D Thumbs up for Senator Southerland.

I also took the time to contact Representitive John Litz. I have received no response.

Today I e-mailed the Governor. I don't expect a response but I feel better now that I have expressed my disappointment.

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