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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest bwhited
Just found out today you don't have to Engrave the SBR at all. Why all the misunderstanding.

Now I just have to know.... Why would you not have to engrave an SBR?

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Just found out today you don't have to Engrave the SBR at all. Why all the misunderstanding.

This thread isnt the place for debate but yes you do have to engrave any item you form 1 and "manufacture". Check the NFA handbook section 6.2.1 and section 7.4.

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humm... thanks, that 7.4 section said I need to make acceptable serial number too...

No that was not a good reference link because it only brought up 7. Check the new one and as noted read 6.2.1 (the last paragraph in particular) They both work in clarification of each other.

Really that letter should be enough to go on.

Edited by thorn
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...
Guest coldblackwind

Took mine to B&B engraving in murfreesboro. Good price, did a good job on it, and I could have had it the next day, if I hadn't told him to take his time.

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  • 3 months later...

After calling/driving around for 2 frustrating days, I was able to get Bush Jewelers to engrave my lower. They are in H'ville, engraved while I waited and only charged $7.69.

Things Remebered refused to do it-said it was corporate policy not to touch anything firearms related. Fast Fix in R'gate Mall said they could not clamp the piece in securely enough. Many other places said no for a variety of reasons. I will be completing SBR #2 soon and will be returning to Bush Jewelers.

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This thread isnt the place for debate but yes you do have to engrave any item you form 1 and "manufacture". Check the NFA handbook section 6.2.1 and section 7.4.

sorry, but i must say, my has ever had any extra engraving, approved in about 5 months, have gotten travel papers approved everytime i requested to take it out of state.

good luck and enjoyed your sbr.

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sorry to say if you didnt have the manufacture of the sbr engraved in the firearm that is now a sbr. your gun is now illegal an punishable just as it would be without the nfa stamp

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sorry to say if you didnt have the manufacture of the sbr engraved in the firearm that is now a sbr. your gun is now illegal an punishable just as it would be without the nfa stamp

okay i have had about 3 years abd like said they never had a problem, just last month they approved travel papers. that includes all the same info as the form 1 + extra any way. as i said sbr's are fun and love using them.

and for what it is worth i did have to go through a extra step to get approve because i do have a FBI file from my past. and of all the extra eyes never once was i asked about the extra engraveing, both times they called i DID ask about it, non issue is what i was told.

but do what you think is right.

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sorry, but i must say, my has ever had any extra engraving, approved in about 5 months, have gotten travel papers approved everytime i requested to take it out of state.

good luck and enjoyed your sbr.

okay i have had about 3 years abd like said they never had a problem, just last month they approved travel papers. that includes all the same info as the form 1 + extra any way. as i said sbr's are fun and love using them.

and for what it is worth i did have to go through a extra step to get approve because i do have a FBI file from my past. and of all the extra eyes never once was i asked about the extra engraveing, both times they called i DID ask about it, non issue is what i was told.

but do what you think is right.

Did you read any of this thread? There are links to ATF's website that shows you that you have to engrave a SBR that you "make" with your information. This is the simple version of what you have to do.

- You must mark the newly made NFA firearm with the S/N, Model Name or Number, *your* Name, City, State and the caliber or gauge. If you used the S/N, Model and caliber from the original Title I firearm, then you're already half-way there as far as markings go ...

- Accepted abbreviations may be used for your name (i.e., your ititials), city & state. Ex: John Q. Public, Anywhere, PA can be marked as JQ Public, ANY PA. Trust names may NOT be abbreviated

- The S/N must be marked on the receiver or frame, and must be no less than 1/16" in height and no less than 0.003" deep.

- The remaining information (name, city, state, model and caliber) may be placed EITHER on the receiver OR the barrel, and must be no less than 0.003" deep. There are no minimum height requirements for these markings.

- All required markings must be in Roman letters (English) and Arabic numerals (1,2,3 ...), and be "wholly unobstructed from plain view". In other words, they may not be placed under handguards, grips, inside mag wells, etc.

Do whatever you want, but now you are in violation of the NFA.

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