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Disarmed....1/25/01 1400 hours


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Guest Bonedaddy

Got mine on my 30th Bday. Wide awake. It was NOT painless! When they pulled on those little tubes I thought they were trying to pull my guts thru my sack. The next week was HELL ridin' around on these bumpy ass country roads! It was free so I should've expected it. Wife signed me up for it. Mean ole woman!

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Got mine on my 30th Bday. Wide awake. It was NOT painless! When they pulled on those little tubes I thought they were trying to pull my guts thru my sack. The next week was HELL ridin' around on these bumpy ass country roads! It was free so I should've expected it. Wife signed me up for it. Mean ole woman!

What'd she do, sign you up for the free neutering at the local vet's office??? :drama:

P.S. You don't know what pain is, 'til you've had a vasectomy, then developed an adhesion or two.... And then had to walk up and down stairs. :screwy:

( An adhesion is when things that aren't supposed to be attached heal up together instead of apart. Think about having the ends of those tubes that were cut suddenly becoming attached much higher up than they were originally, then having to stand up and move around. )


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Got mine on my 30th Bday. Wide awake. It was NOT painless! When they pulled on those little tubes I thought they were trying to pull my guts thru my sack. The next week was HELL ridin' around on these bumpy ass country roads! It was free so I should've expected it. Wife signed me up for it. Mean ole woman!

And stories like that give me the motivation to not get it done :D

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Guest Bronker
They put you to SLEEP!!!!!???:snore:...was wide awake for mine back in the barbaric 80's...getcha some good "support"...or the kiwi's will bruise


I did my own.:D


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Had mine back in 98 or 99, can't recall exactly. The surgeon was good. I started feeling it a bit towards the end and he just shot some demarol in the IV that was already going and it was NO issue, at least I don't remember any issues.

My problem was as the "working man" I had to schedule it with vacation. Got cut on Friday and drove to Ft. Walton Beach Saturday. Yep, I drove, with an ice pack in the lap. Spent the week on the beach not being able to get in the water per Dr.'s instructions. Painfully went to the air museum at the Air Base there. Did finally get in the ocean the day before we left as it was driving me crazy to just look at it or wade up to my knees. No repercussions.

If your certain you want no more children (and we were after 3, she got pregnant with me just leering a bit at her) this is a must have guys. Life is really much easier and cheaper (no birth control needed by either side) after the scary part.


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got a shot to numb the area. wide awake and reading a magazine the whole time. no pain medication afterward. the doc said if it hurts take tylenol, i never had to. back to work in 2 days with very little discomfort. 3 months later my wife got the ole tubes tied. we were makin sure that three kids was going to be it.

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Guest louderthebetter

I had mine clipped back in 1974 and its not something I would want to do on a regular


Having to shave was bad but when the hair was growing back,it was like having steel wool in my shorts for a couple of weeks.

I did it for my wife.The risk for me to get fixed was much less than for her to have

a tuballigation(spelling?).

Anyhow,it all worked out and I have no regreats.Everything works like it should and

everything felt and feels the same as before.

In no way am I disarmed,I'm just shooting blanks..lol

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Ahhhhhhhhh, I knew this would be my day. You kids have me laughing and my boys aching...in a good way.

BTW..yeah, they taped me in the UP position, and his nurse, well...wasn't worth breaking the tape if ya get me.

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Had mine done about 12 years ago. Just gave me a local and I could feel a tugging in the top of my stomach. A couple of bags of frozen peas and tylenol 3 were my best friends for the first 24 hours.

A friend of mine had his done and decided to go to a concert the same night instead of the 24hrs of bed rest the Doc told him to do.

Poor guy..... he swelled up bigger than a grapefruit!!

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Had mine done nearly 20 years ago. Didn't get knocked out for the procedure, just a little shot of local anesthetic. The needle was probably the worst part of the whole thing.

Funny thing is me and the dog got done the same week, and I think it was father's day weekend. Oh the irony.

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Guest jackdm3

We disarmed our cat Tiger in June and I really hated myself for that. Somehow he handled it well. See for yourself. Completely gone despite what you see. For some reason he likes to show "them" off anyway.


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Guest Sgt. Joe

Reading this thread has been quite like slow creeping past a bad car wreck, I know I should just have moved on, I know it involves pain yet still I read.

Everyone I know who has had one says it does not hurt......Why then does it hurt so much to think about?

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We disarmed our cat Tiger in June and I really hated myself for that. Somehow he handled it well. See for yourself. Completely gone despite what you see. For some reason he likes to show "them" off anyway.


I did not think my dog was going to forgive me when I had him fixed

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Guest Gun Geek

LMAO what a thread, My turn.

I didnt get a vasectomy , but lets just say I had something similar done through the VA.... mistake one already admitted. They put me out but I definitely felt it after I woke up in the middle. And the, "feels like pulling guts through the sack" would be an accurate description for what I felt.

Ok second mistake I wore my wranglers, to go get this done... no I didnt bring extra pants.. Wranglers + sensitive & slightly swollen = pain. So they gave me a pair of hospital pants.

Mistake 3, I thought for some reason I could go to the Opry Mills mall and walk around since we were in Nashville anyway... I ended up in a wheel chair to go back to the truck.

Mistake 4, We drove back to Sevierville from Nashville that same day. Not a bad drive normally but the bumps and the long time sitting did not serve me well.

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First day of med school, we all had to stand up and introduce ourselves. For some reason, one of my classmates decided to announce to the whole room that he had a vasectomy the previous week. I do not understand pride involved in that. :up:

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