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EDC setup question

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Here is an honest answer, MANY carry a spyderco or benchmade to be in the "IT" crowd.

Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... they are just like you and I, they picked out a knife that serves their purpose. They just so happen to prefere those brands. I prefere the Kershaw Ken Onion folders, I have several, and do not believe that my prefered knife can do any more or any less task than their spyderco,benchmades,or your gerber.

If it works for you then carry it.:koolaid:

I agree with what Jack said above as far as the knife choice, carry a well made knife that will hold up if needed for whatever, brand does not matter too much to me.

I would like to comment about the flashlight carry. When choosing a flashlight to carry I look for size verses lumen output, I want the smallest light I can comfortably carry with the highest lumen output I can get. The light comes in very handy on a daily basis, (you will be surprised how much you use one if you start carrying one daily).

The light is also to blind an attacker if is relatively dark where you are when the incident takes place if it takes place!

The link you have is IMO not a bright enough light for defensive carry purposes, you want a light that will really blind them!

I have bought a few lights from this sight with good results:

DealExtreme: Cree Lights (Page 1)

I carry one in my pocket like this one on a daily basis:

DealExtreme: Cree Lights (Page 1)

The "teeth" looking jagged edges on the end of the lights are for self defense if you get to that point, they can inflict some damage if used with force.

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I normally carry a NAA Guardian .32acp, Fenix PD20, Kershaw Leek, Surefire EWP-01 pen, Tag Heuer Link Automatic Chronograph, Blackberry Curve and a wallet.

I will say that I loved the weight of the leek, but I've not been impressed with the durability of the blade. MIne is the black teflon serrated model. I've messed up the teeth a bit through casual use. The casing is also missing a bit of metal from carry. I'm surprised since my Beretta Airlight and CRKT M-18 have been carried for much longer and display much less wear.


Edited by wareagle
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I normally carry a NAA Guardian .32acp, Fenix PD20, Kershaw Leek, Surefire EWP-01 pen, Tag Heuer Link Automatic Chronograph, Blackberry Curve and a wallet.

I will say that I loved the weight of the leek, but I've not been impressed with the durability of the blade. MIne is the black teflon serrated model. I've messed up the teeth a bit through casual use. The casing is also missing a bit of metal from carry. I'm surprised since my Beretta Airlight and CRKT M-18 have been carried for much longer and display much less wear.

How does that NAA Guardian treat you? I'm not familiar with them at all.. I see they also make a .380 which is pretty appealing...

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I carry a Gerber. It serves me well and is light weight. If it's dark, sometimes I will carry a small LED flashlight. I picked up a Coleman light at Walmart that is 115 lumens. It was cheap ($29), works well, very bright, and I like it. Somehow it got left out of the pic... :foot:


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Spyderco pretty much perfected serrated blades. They are well made and razor sharp. Most Gerbers are not as well made as a Spyderco or Benchmade. Gerbers are lower end but serviceable knives. Just like a Glock is lower end compared to a USP or Dan Wesson Valor. But there is nothing wrong w/a Glock.

Well, I wouldn't hardly call a Gerber "lower end" by any means. I've owned several Gerbers, and they have all been top shelf blades, heck,I can quarter a hair with my Gerber multi-tool! Holds a keen edge with very little sharpening on my part, and their warrenty department is second to none!

Each to his own, is what I always say, and variety is the "spice of life" :biglol:

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I carry an SOG Flash II with my business casual slacks, a Kershaw Blur (154 CPM Steel) with my jeans, and my Kershaw Skyline when I wear tactical pants.





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I carry either my Benchmade Pika II, My Buck Bantam BLW, or my Gerber EZ out. They are comfortable for me to carry and use.

I don't usually carry a flashlight, but I have 3 of the Coleman LED flashlights that I keep around. One of them is 115 lumens, the other two are 75 lumens. They are small enough to keep around without being bulky, and they are bright.

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carrry a CD subcompact 1911, surefire backup, wallet, keys, phone, and a blackhawk folding knife (approx. 3.5" blade)(impulse buy).

you guys must not use your knives much because my blade looks like hell compared to the ones ive seen pictured, but I use my knife for everything, cutting, prying, for a flathead screwdriver, to deburr soft metal pipes, stab and make holes, you name it I have done it.

The best way to ruin a knife is to use it for purposes other than to cut something. If it is a last resort thing and nothing else is close, I can understand it. I've done it, I've got the drawer full of broken knives to prove it.

Most of the best knives I own have come with a big note either, on the box, in the manual, or on it's own brightly colored slip of paper wrapped around the knife. It goes something like this; "Our knifes are built to last, to be the best cutting implement we can offer you. They are NOT prybars, screwdrivers, icepicks, or shovels."

Just one of those things that if you take good care of it, it will take good care of you.


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I tend to abuse my tools so maybe thats why. However, a real heavy-duty knife is much more than a simple cutting implement. It can be used for many things, almost as many as a multi-tool, if you know how to use it. My knife isnt ruined, a little dull and scratched, but not ruined. If I weren't in construction, I'd never be this hard on my knife or have a reason to.

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