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Parts or a handgun?

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I have on a couple of occasions been with friends in a downtown setting carrying my handgun and then needed to enter an establishment where I was not legally allowed to carry. I am not near any other location to secure my handgun. So I have field strip my Glock dropping the barrel, slide, recoil spring in different pockets and putting the frame assembly back into my holster. So my question is at this point do I have a handgun or parts from a legal stand point? Any thoughts?

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Guest HvyMtl

Um. Uh. IMHO, I think you will prolly still have an issue. Perhaps giving the slide/barrel to another person? That way you do not have a full functioning firearm on you.

Sad to say, your best bet is to get full on legal advise from a licensed attorney to ensure you dont get bit.

However, the big issue here is you are going to be relying on another person's viewpoint (as to whether to call the Police) and then relying on the Officer's interpretation.

I understand (fully) the want, nay, need to carry in Nashville, but do you want to lose your permit or worse, due to relying on others, from the general public, law interpretation?

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My thought is that as long as you have the frame on your person you are "technically" in possession of a firearm since the frame is what the ATF considers as it has "the" serial number.

Now - I am not a lawyer and cannot speak as such and only a case tried in court with the backing of the judicial system in place has any merit here I would suggest contacting a liar (I mean lawyer). If you left the frame in the bushes outside and only had the barell, slide etc. then they could not prosecute you under the current law. Would I do this? Nope, then again I wouldn't go in carrying.

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For me in that situation? Concealed means concealed...

+1....I'm with crimson on this issue...."loose lips, sink ships" as the old saying goes.

Or...as Slickwilly would say..."don't ask, don't tell"!

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Guest godgunsanddogs

I"m not a Lawyer either,Thank God. But if you have the frame the batf considers it as having a firearm.. Thats why you can"t ship the frame except through a FFL.

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I don't know the law on this, but an unloaded and disassembled gun would be legal to be transported in a car, how would this be much different legally?

Because it's not illegal to transport an unloaded and/or disassembled firearm in car.

If you want to argue that a disassembled firearm is not a firearm, good luck, if the worst comes about.

You might try it on an airline, just to get all the feedback you can beforehand. :poop:

- OS

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You might try it on an airline, just to get all the feedback you can beforehand. :shake:


I think it would come down to the officer you are dealing with as to whether or not you might get charged. As defined by federal law (and as others have pointed out), a "firearm" is the part with the serial number (almost always the frame).

If I was to deal with you while I was at work, I would give you brownie points for disassembling it and have you run out to your car and lock it up and I'd get out of your hair. But I'm not every officer. I'm very gun friendly (better said - very responsible gun owner-friendly).

INAL, but my advice would be-

Lock the frame in your car, throw the barrel, slide, whatever else you want in your pocket, and go on about your business in whatever establishment you please. It's not worth risking everything that could result from a charge.

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