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TN CCW Defends Life Is Arrested needs help

Guest 45_Cal_S&W

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Guest Hornet Handler

Nine times out of 10 the first to call 911 is the one that is right in the cops eyes. If the BG gets to 911 before you do your screwed. If you ever feel you have to draw on someone you better be dailing 911 with the other hand.

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"The assailant continued an aggressive posture and came within legal shooting distance for the State of Tennessee."

Of course, there's no such definition of that in TN statutes.

- OS


#2. Why the Original Post all in the 3rd person? Weird.

#3. US Marine? Purposely omitted from your profile? Don't think so.

Please attach a link to the news story.

Edited by TN-popo
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"The assailant continued an aggressive posture and came within legal shooting distance for the State of Tennessee."

Of course, there's no such definition of that in TN statutes.

- OS

Sorry to see your plight.

But wouldn't have drawn my gun except to put a threat down permanently.

I did not ever hear of there being a legal shooting distance in TN. While I am not a TN citizen I visit quite often.

Anyone have any info on that?

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Sorry to see your plight.

But wouldn't have drawn my gun except to put a threat down permanently.

I did not ever hear of there being a legal shooting distance in TN. While I am not a TN citizen I visit quite often.

Anyone have any info on that?

Already told you.

There is no such thing.

- OS

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Guest Jamie
The CCW holder stated to the police that he feared for his life as the assailant approached him wearing a large tool belt with many visible tools in it stating he meant to do him bodily harm.

And what brought this on, anyway? The fellow just decided for no reason at all that you looked like you needed your head busted?

I'm thinking that, once again, we've gotten no where near the whole story...


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Guest crotalus01

Hate to say it, but in TN if you are in fear of your life enough to draw, you are in fear enough to fire. Period. It was made crystal clear in our HCP class that if you draw, you shoot. TN does not have a brandishing law, but in this case its going to come down to a roll of the dice on what the judge/jury thinks.

Similar case a year or so ago where a guy was threatened and advanced on, he revealed his handgun and placed his hand on the butt without clearing the holster. Judge ruled that had he cleared the holster he would have demonstrated "fear for his life or grevious bodily harm" but since he did not clear the holster he was convicted of Ag Assault.

Hopefully it will get thrown out for the shoddy police investigation, if not it will depend on what he judge/jury thinks. Hopefully they are not Antis....

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I live in White House and never heard anything about this. White House is still a pretty small town, but we do get alot of interstate traffic stopping in town to eat and get gas. I figured it would have been in our little community paper.

Edited by Jasongar8
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Hate to say it, but in TN if you are in fear of your life enough to draw, you are in fear enough to fire. Period. It was made crystal clear in our HCP class that if you draw, you shoot.

Horse pucky.

Potentially lethal confrontations are stopped all over this nation by showing a gun but not discharging it.

I've done it myself, twice, long time ago in previous incarnations.

Cops do it regularly, too.

Judge ruled that had he cleared the holster he would have demonstrated "fear for his life or grevious bodily harm" but since he did not clear the holster he was convicted of Ag Assault.

Clearing leather doesn't necessitate pulling the trigger, even in that isolated and in my opinion, wacky case.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest crotalus01

Of course I agree with you in theory and reality. I was simply relating what we were told was the letter of the law. I used to not be able to imagine a judge or DA that would punish a citizen for NOT using deadly force - but it happened.

Sad times for our Republic...

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Guest Jamie
Of course I agree with you in theory and reality. I was simply relating what we were told was the letter of the law. I used to not be able to imagine a judge or DA that would punish a citizen for NOT using deadly force - but it happened.

Sad times for our Republic...

If you're speaking of the same incident I think you are, the issue with the HCPer was concerning being on school grounds. ( It was during a ball game, if I recall correctly. )

The judge ruled that because the guy pulled the gun out of the glove box and laid it on the seat, but didn't even point it at his attacker, he couldn't rule that the fellow actually used it to defend himself.

Also, if I had actually shot every person I ended up pointing a gun at while I was a deputy, there'd likely be at least a small cemetery dedicated to me... :rock:

And that's not even counting one or two civilian encounters.


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Guest simboden

Potentially lethal confrontations are stopped all over this nation by showing a gun but not discharging it.

Seems like a reasonable progression; tell them to stop; and if that don't work, then pull the gun; if that don't work, shoot the gun; if that don't work, shoot again.

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the police only went off of the statements of the two men in the truck from which the assailant arrived in.

Is it possible that is because you were not there for them to talk to? After you pulled a gun on him did you call the Police?

Fill us in with the rest of the story. What did they tell the Police happened?

Oh and BTW… as someone who has been arrested for no crime other than having a gun in my car; let us know how that whole “NRA Member” thing works out for you.

Edited by DaveTN
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Rule #1: Put distance between you and the threat.

If he had just run away. A) The attacker may have had time to cool off and stop his attack. :) Witnesses could have testified that you, the victim, did in fact retreat. C) He could have out run the attacker or at least found a better place to make a stand.

The man did the wrong thing by brandishing his weapon. I'm sure he wishes he hadn't now. He needs a good lawyer. I'm sure you know how much money a good lawyer cost.

A concealed weapon is not to protect your pride and honor. You must take pride, honor and ego out of the equation. When it comes to fightin' you gotta get plum mad dog mean.

Edited by Will Carry
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"The assailant continued an aggressive posture and came within legal shooting distance for the State of Tennessee."

Of course, there's no such definition of that in TN statutes.

- OS

There also isn't a concealed carry permit.

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Between the low post count (i.e. newbie), the inaccuracies in recounting the law in TN, and the fact that the whole story makes no sense, but at the same time is facing charges yet tells the whole story (from his POV) on an open forum, and I recall no news story about this, I am calling a huge :poop: flag on the play.

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there is a lot in this piece that does not set right.

TN has no CCW permit, there is no legal distance to shoot someone.

Sounds like the permit holder needs a good attorney.

And if you want to tell a story about yourself tell it in the first person.

At worst this sounds like brandishing. Like I said get the bets attorney you can find.

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Rule #1: Put distance between you and the threat.

If he had just run away. A) The attacker may have had time to cool off and stop his attack. :poop: Witnesses could have testified that you victim did in fact retreat. C) He could have out run the attacker or at least found a better place to make a stand.

Agreed. Why not just run into KFC and yell "call the cops"? Highly unlikely someone is gonna chase you in unless you did something to p*** them off!

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