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Wood boring beetles in deck beams of new house?

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Guest jackdm3

Whatever you do, wear something to cover your arms, face and hands! I went to depot and got this little vial of concentrated liquid death made by ZEP to mix with a gallon of water. Don't let its mist come back on you. Found out the hard way what pyrethroids (sp) are and how long it takes for the scarring to disappear from covering your hands. It ain't your mama's ordinary bug spray!

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Guest Ae-35

That's not the stuff I use, the Ortho .... just keep it out of your eyes, never has caused any skin problems, at least not for me.

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Go to Lowes, get the Ortho Termite killer, read label, works on carpinter bees too spray the deck , one tbs, per 1 gal of water in sprayer. The bees will still come and touch the wood, then leave !!!! I have to spray my porches very spring. Try to spray when it's not going to rain for a couple of days, be sure to spray any holes all ready in wood. One good soaking and you're good till next year. If ya don't get rid of them quick, not only will they do a lot of damage, but this winter the woodpickers will dig big trenches getting to the bee larva.

Allright I'll check that out in the morning when I go. I gotta get wood filler to fill the holes anyway.

Beer + racket ball racket = hours of fun

See that's the thing I don't have any swarming. I found 2 holes, a little bit of damage, and a dead one in a hole. That's it. That's why I initially thought it was beetles because I didn't see them buzzing around.

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My wife picks up old 9mm brass off our deck then uses them to block the hole. They fit perfectly and it seems to have cut down on the numbers substantially. You can't really see the brass unless you are looking for them.

Try to make sure the bees are in the hole at the time but if not it still keeps them at bay.


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I've been fighting with the bees boring holes in my deck and fence for years but this year I have begun having the problem that Rightwinger talked about. I've got some woodpeckers that are just ripping holes in anything that wood. I've gone through three tubs of wood filler trying to fill the holes but don't know how to run birds off.

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