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I know nothing about hunting...

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So who wants to take me? When I say nothing, I mean nothing. Never been before. I live around the Knoxville area and if someone wants to take me and show me the ropes this season, I would appreciate it. May even buy you lunch or give you half of whatever I kill. :lol:

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Couple of things. I would offer but I don't know how much hunting I'll get to do myself this year. As limited as it will probably be, there won't be much time to plan AND it's in south central TN. Probably a Sat and a Sun morn if that and back to work. Quite a trip for you guys.

Another issue is unless someone will teach you on public lands, hunting areas are harder and harder to come by.

Now, my suggestion is if you and ftncityfatboy are serious, get in on a lease. That way your guaranteed a spot to hunt.

Next, change your offer to teach us to learn BEFORE the season. Use a camera as your gun. Start the first of September before bow season. Same thing, only hotter and with bugs.

Start deciding now if your a ground hunter or a tree hunter. Where your lease is and what's available on it helps that decision. Mostly field, go ground blind. Wooded, go with a cheap ladder stand or invest in a climbing stand. They are not hard to master. You might even be able to negotiate some training from members of the lease. Offer dinner and beverage of choice, most hunters don't mind sharing the methods, just not the spots!!

I'm no Jim Bridger but I usually knock my share down every year depending on how many times I get out there. Feel free to PM your questions for the "book" portion of the learning and start making friends in your area!!

Lesson one. Go out on your back porch and sit perfectly still till birds, squirrels, other wildlife begins to do it's thing nearby. That's 80% in my book. Just being able to not be seen and they (deer) see ALL movement! Scent control is fairly easy and done before you get in the stand.


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Actually have no idea as our lease was a sweetheart deal. The land that adjoins my brothers property in Wayne Co was just sitting there so he contacted the owner in Alabama and offered to post it, have a presence there to keep the trash dumpers and such off and we pay his county taxes plus a little bit. We also have insurance on it. Runs me about 200 to 250 a year depending on who all gets in every year. We usually have about 6 to 8 people. More people, less of a fee. Of course more people means more people. 6 folks hunting almost 600 acres works out pretty well. I'd say it would depend on if the group was leasing for profit or just trying to get enough people on board to pay the taxes and harvest some deer and making friends. The friends thing will be your best deal.

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If you lived closer to me in Clarksville, I would love to take you guys on a hunt! We got to keep the tradition going!

ROAD TRIP!!!! We can take the last train to Clarksville and you can meet us at the station, we should be there by 4:30..........How bout it JohnnyFox, kb4ns? Clarksville - north of Nashville on KY border?

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Guest Straight Shooter

It is my sincere hope, that you learn the difference between HUNTING deer, instead of SHOOTING deer.

IMO, not one out of 100 "hunters" today could tell me the difference.

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How bout it JohnnyFox, kb4ns?

As long as I could get my home schedule straight, I'd definitely be game. Plus, wd-40 wouldn't have to worry about revealing his good hunting locations. We'd be too far away to return to hunt later! :D

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Guest mosinon
It is my sincere hope, that you learn the difference between HUNTING deer, instead of SHOOTING deer.

IMO, not one out of 100 "hunters" today could tell me the difference.

i'm intrigued by this statement. I don't hunt but I talked to a guy who went deer hunting and didn't like because he felt like he was "assassinating" the deer. He likes to hunt birds and such but his deer hunting experience was, apparently, horrible. Can you elucidate more on this sentiment? I am very interested. I can't quite put my finger on it but somehow out of the hunters I talk to some seem more like harvesters and a few seem like real hunters.

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Guest mosinon
What's your definition of a "real hunter" for both of you to answer??

That is a fair question Rightwinger and I'll give it my best shot, though I haven't quite figured out the difference, hence my interest in StraightShooters post.

My father in law has a farm and gets four deer every year. Two on his tag, one on the farm tag and one on his wife's tag (actually he may get more). It doesn't take long, maybe thirty minutes. He knows where they are and just shoots he things. I don't have a problem with this at all. He raises cows and the deer he harvests means one or two more cows to sell. But he is purely interested in the meat and not the sport of the thing. Which is no big deal.

But I also have a friend who is only in it for the spectacular kill. He'll stake out an area, watch the deer coming through there for a few days while camping and carefully select the deer he wants to kill. He'll even give it a name. Then when he is ready he will start stalking that dear (lets call him Jimmy). SO he passes on a few shots at Jimmy until he gets the perfect shot on Jimmy and takes him down. This guy is all about the hunt, the perfect shot, the rack and so forth.

The difference isn't really clear, in both cases they get yummy venison, but, to my way of thinking, one is more interested in food and one is more interested in hunting.

This isn't a good answer as I can see much overlap between the two approaches but I hope it explains why I want StraightShooters opinion on this subject.

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To me, both are hunters. As long as they don't go out for a rack of horns and leave the carcass to rot, they seem to be following the laws and pursing their interest in an ethical manner.

To me, the only people that disgust me are the unsafe ones that will shoot at movement or without knowing the backdrop for safety and the ones that will shoot anything with horns and not complete the harvest. The ones that hunt out of season just to shoot anything are also scum. Where I hunt, I know there is out of season harvesting going on but I would turn a blind eye to a lot of it as there are folks down there so poor that a deer is a bounty to them. That's fine with me. They will have to deal with a game warden if caught but it would be a hard case to try in that county.

Thanks for the discussion. I'm sure more will chime in now that's it out in the open.

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Guest mosinon
To me, both are hunters. As long as they don't go out for a rack of horns and leave the carcass to rot, they seem to be following the laws and pursing their interest in an ethical manner.

To me, the only people that disgust me are the unsafe ones that will shoot at movement or without knowing the backdrop for safety and the ones that will shoot anything with horns and not complete the harvest. The ones that hunt out of season just to shoot anything are also scum. Where I hunt, I know there is out of season harvesting going on but I would turn a blind eye to a lot of it as there are folks down there so poor that a deer is a bounty to them. That's fine with me. They will have to deal with a game warden if caught but it would be a hard case to try in that county.

Thanks for the discussion. I'm sure more will chime in now that's it out in the open.

I should have been clearer (this is a muddy subject for me) I don't have any problem with either (made up by me) approach. I'm not trying to say one is wrong and one is right. But I am interested in StraightShooter's opinion.

We are on the same page when it comes to disgust.

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In your hypothetical, both are hunters. Both have had to pay attention to find out where the deer where, both are attentive to the habits of the deer, and both are harvesting meat as an end result.

I have taken deer early in the season that I would let pass if I had already had some in the freezer. After I put that meat in the freezer, I've let a ton of 'em walk, because I wanted one in particular. Not for the meat, since I already have that. That's a bonus (and usually not as good as the < 2 yr old that I've already taken). Most of the time, since my son and I are the only ones who eat venison, I end up giving a lot of meat away. I want that one, because I've picked him out as the one I want for whatever reason, usually that rack on his head.

So, I guess that's my answer. I'm sure it'll send some people into a frenzy because I admit I'll let a lot walk to take a "nice" deer. But, then again, I'm probably not too interested in their opinion of me, anyway.

Edited by Good_Steward
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Guest mosinon
In your hypothetical, both are hunters. Both have had to pay attention to find out where the deer where, both are attentive to the habits of the deer, and both are harvesting meat as an end result.

I see what you're saying Good_Steward and I can't disagree. I would opine that my father in law's knowledge of the behavior of the deer is mainly because he has to run the farm whereas my buddy actively studies this stuff.

I have taken deer early in the season that I would let pass if I had already had some in the freezer. After I put that meat in the freezer, I've let a ton of 'em walk, because I wanted one in particular. Not for the meat, since I already have that. That's a bonus (and usually not as good as the < 2 yr old that I've already taken).

Way to screw up my over generalizations. Hunt for the meat and for fun. This was already confusing enough!

Most of the time, since my son and I are the only ones who eat venison, I end up giving a lot of meat away.

Next time you end up with an over abundance of venison PM me. Signal Mountain isn't that far away!

I want that one, because I've picked him out as the one I want for whatever reason, usually that rack on his head.

So, I guess that's my answer. I'm sure it'll send some people into a frenzy because I admit I'll let a lot walk to take a "nice" deer. But, then again, I'm probably not too interested in their opinion of me, anyway.

I appreciate your answer Good_Steward, some very interesting stuff to think about there.

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