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Automated License Plate Recognition


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Guest Drewsett

"Traffic Enforcement is only the tip of the iceberg with ALPR"

I shivered when I heard this quote. I am all for policing, I just don't want to live in a police state.

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"Traffic Enforcement is only the tip of the iceberg with ALPR"

I shivered when I heard this quote. I am all for policing, I just don't want to live in a police state.

The rest of the iceberg is that you can use them at sudsy's car wash with a monthly pass and you don’t have to use a ticket to pay with. :confused:

If you aren’t a criminal don’t worry about living in a Police State; that’s just movie and internet hype.


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The rest of the iceberg is that you can use them at sudsy's car wash with a monthly pass and you don’t have to use a ticket to pay with. :confused:

If you aren’t a criminal don’t worry about living in a Police State; that’s just movie and internet hype.


So it doesn't concern you that this technology allows your movements to be databased? Who decides if you're a criminal or not? With the patriot act in place you can be held without charges.

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So it doesn't concern you that this technology allows your movements to be databased? Who decides if you're a criminal or not? With the patriot act in place you can be held without charges.

Not a bit.

They aren’t using the technology to track anyone yet. They are using it to catch law breakers.

I’m not a criminal and I’m not concerned about them having the ability to track me. All my financial transactions can be tracked by minimum wage workers in a cubical somewhere; that bothers me more than cops tracking my vehicle.

Sorry, but I just don’t look good in a tinfoil hat. I support law enforcement and will give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong.

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We have had those in memphis for a while. I have asked a few officers how they liked them and the answer always seems to be along the lines of " it's annoying, I usually have it turned off" so no matter what the intentions, "they" can be easily defeated by a cop being lazy.

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That show someone talked about with the license plate scanner and boots was about parking authority. Those people had racked up parking tickets so they put a boot on them. The license plate is legal to run all day. I run plates occasionally while out and about, you would be surprised how many plates are stolen or on incorrect vehicles because people don't want to pay the registration. I've had people try to argue the plate situation but when I explain the reason why they seem to calm down and understand. Not everybody who gets a paycheck from the government is out to take your guns or make you sheep.

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I suppose I'm just not very trusting. You build something like this, then you offer some type of "service" that persuades folks that it's a good thing, all the while building a system capable of tracking the movements or the citizens...I'm just saying. And it's not my local LEO I worry about, but everyone else that can access the system.

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At $17,000 a pop I don't think you need to worry about any bad people getting their hands on one.

As states above, were not here to take your guns and turn you into sheeple.

Yea, but...... What if you know someone who works for the MPD (probably in the RTCC) that would look in the database for your wife, girlfriend, husband, etc....? You could use the database for no good.

While I agree it is cool technology, who has access to the data?

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Not a bit.

They aren’t using the technology to track anyone yet. They are using it to catch law breakers.

I’m not a criminal and I’m not concerned about them having the ability to track me. All my financial transactions can be tracked by minimum wage workers in a cubical somewhere; that bothers me more than cops tracking my vehicle.

Sorry, but I just don’t look good in a tinfoil hat. I support law enforcement and will give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong.

plus 1

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I suppose I'm just not very trusting. You build something like this, then you offer some type of "service" that persuades folks that it's a good thing, all the while building a system capable of tracking the movements or the citizens...I'm just saying. And it's not my local LEO I worry about, but everyone else that can access the system.

There are people that are alive today because their cars called for help when they were in an accident and unable to call for themselves. I remember when the tinfoil hats didn’t like that because it could be used to track vehicles.

Yea, but...... What if you know someone who works for the MPD (probably in the RTCC) that would look in the database for your wife, girlfriend, husband, etc....? You could use the database for no good.

While I agree it is cool technology, who has access to the data?

Joey Greco. :D

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I am all for anything that makes the jobs of our LEO's easier, in the Vid a stolen vehicle was found that without the device probably would not have been.

And of course as with anything I am sure someone somewhere will eventually use the device for something other than what it was designed for but I think the advantages it brings far outweigh the possible abuse.

So long as we are not criminals that are driving stolen vehicles or those with the wrong plates we should not have anything to worry about.

I had a friend (roommate) years ago who had his plates switched without his knowledge. The BG's were smart enough to have switched with the same type and color vehicle that was stolen a red Ford pick up. Dude went thru a Felony type traffic stop over it, but then simply running the VIN # did sort it all out pretty quick, but it did freak him out pretty good.

How many of you ever even think to check your plates after being at Wally World or such places? BG's switch plates all the time after stealing something so it is just something that you may want to add to overall SA if you dont already do so. I have made it a habit since the my roomie got pulled over years ago. Just something to think about, it only takes a second.

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Guest Abominable_Hillbilly

This leaves me to wonder how often people with HCP's will be jacked up via pretextual traffic stops. The information will plainly be there.

That gun of yours could be stolen, see?

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Guest boatme99

A member on another forum from another state has experience with this.

His current wife has been pulled over a few times for failure to pay child support. The plate for any car they own shows up with both their names, hence, her harrasment.

The fellows support is completely taken care of, it was an old problem, but the system is FUBAR.

I can personally attest to the total incompetence of the whole "friends of the court" system in that state. I was harrassed for years there, even so far as a warrant for my arrest way after the kids were grown and support was done.

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