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Pawn shop rant


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I stopped in a fairly new pawn shop in Westmoreland today. I looked the place over, and while they had a nice display area, it was pretty much filled with junk. I spotted an odd looking rifle on the rack. I asked to see the rifle that resembled a Krag Jorgensen. The guy proudly handed the butchered rifle to me and declared it to be a genuine 30-40. He even showed me a round of ammo that fit it. I looked the rifle over. It had been sporterized with a fairly utilitarian, ameteurishly checkered stock, and a Williams peep sight added. I thought if it were cheap enough, it might make a decent truck rifle. That's when I flipped the tag over. The price was $2999.95.:eek:I first thought $299.95...a little high, but not too bad. When I finally realized I'd missed a decimal place, I returned the rifle to the guy, turned around and left; never to return. What's wrong with people!!??!?? I think he'd watched too much "Pawn Stars".

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I was at Gander Mountain in Bowling Green last weekend. They had an older Marlin lever 22 with a busted stock, almost no finish remaining, and designs made in the stock with nails driven into it. I believe the tag on it was $1299. What in the world is going on lately?

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Gander Mountain is a terrible place to buy a gun...lol I saw some poor schmuck in there gawking over a Ruger LCR. They had it on sale for $449.00 and they were all excited about it. I was playing with a Remington 870 until I saw the price that was $100 more than what I saw at the gun show for it. I really don't buy much there because they are high on a lot of stuff.

The best place is Academy Sports....why we don't have one in Knoxville I have no idea.

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Gander Mountain is a terrible place to buy a gun...lol I saw some poor schmuck in there gawking over a Ruger LCR. They had it on sale for $449.00 and they were all excited about it. I was playing with a Remington 870 until I saw the price that was $100 more than what I saw at the gun show for it. I really don't buy much there because they are high on a lot of stuff.

The best place is Academy Sports....why we don't have one in Knoxville I have no idea.

Dick's is just as bad too. I'm amazed that anyone would buy a gun at either store. This weekend I stopped at Dick's(the one on Peter's rd. Across from Hairy Lane :D There was some idiot buying a .22 rifle. He had no idea what kind of .22 he wanted. I suggested a 10/22 and he said he wanted something cheaper :(

Edited by Erik88
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You are correct about Academy. I stopped at the one in Chattanooga not long ago. Much nicer than Gander. Wanna open a franchise in K-town?

I used to go to the one in Brentwood, TN and the one in Greenville, SC when I traveled for work. I stopped by the one in Chattanooga a couple days after it opened as I happended to be driving through there. I picked up a new gun safe on a great deal because they had mis-marked the safe I wanted and had put the price of the lower model on it instead. I didn't realize it until I got home and took it out of the box. I called them and said that the safe I got was not the one I had asked for. They found the pricing mistake and honored what I paid on the better safe. It was a difference of almost $200.

They even offered to drive the replacement safe up to me in Knoxville on a Saturday no less!!! I appreciated their kindness so much that I saved them the trip and took it back down that evening since they were open until 10pm. I really doubt someone from Gander mountain, Dicks, or Bass Pro is going to drive 3 hours round trip to deliver a product that someone accidently got instead of the one they wanted, let alone one that they didn't pay the right amount for, and a freakin gun safe of all things.

I couldn't be more pleased with Academy. If they came to K-town I would never go to Bass Pro again..lol

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Dick's is just as bad too. I'm amazed that anyone would buy a gun at either store. This weekend I stopped at Dick's(the one on Peter's rd. Across from Hairy Lane :) There was some idiot buying a .22 rifle. He had no idea what kind of .22 he wanted. I suggested a 10/22 and he said he wanted something cheaper ;)

I told him he was a fool for buying a gun there because he was paying $100 more than anywhere else. Oh well, his money.

I think some people who aren't into guns really are more comfortable buying something from a big retailer. The gun stores scare them I think. They feel like they are getting a good deal because they are buying from a big store, however when it comes to guns it is quite the opposite.

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I told him he was a fool for buying a gun there because he was paying $100 more than anywhere else.

That's a great way to reinforce to those who don't know any better that we gun owners really are a bunch of rednecks. We should be better than that.

I know if someone (especially a twenty-something) I'd never met gave me unsolicited advice AND called me a fool on top of it, I would tell him to go perform an impossible act on himself.

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That's a great way to reinforce to those who don't know any better that we gun owners really are a bunch of rednecks. We should be better than that.

I know if someone (especially a twenty-something) I'd never met gave me unsolicited advice AND called me a fool on top of it, I would tell him to go perform an impossible act on himself.

DaddyO, what's with the age thing? I had spent several minutes explaining the different .22's and then telling him he would save a lot of money if he went elsewhere. I did not directly say you are a fool, but after he stared at me blankly I could tell it was like talking to a wall so I just walked away.

Maybe us "20 something's" shouldn't try to help people??

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DaddyO, what's with the age thing? I had spent several minutes explaining the different .22's and then telling him he would save a lot of money if he went elsewhere. I did not directly say you are a fool, but after he stared at me blankly I could tell it was like talking to a wall so I just walked away.

Maybe us "20 something's" shouldn't try to help people??

Then why did you state in your original post that you did call him a fool? Did you or didn't you? Big difference in helping people and pointing out to them that they are a fool because they don't make the same decisions we do.

Don't take this personally, but the vast majority of twenty somethings I have encountered who think they know something generally don't. You and others here may be the exceptions. I have a 20 something living in my house. He doesn't know squat, but he thinks he is a walking encyclopedia.

And yes, age makes a huge difference. Don't forget that all us middle agers were twenty somethings once and thought we knew it all.

Edited by DaddyO
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Then why did you state in your original post that you did call him a fool? Did you or didn't you? Big difference in helping people and pointing out to them that they are a fool because they don't make the same decisions we do.

The vast majority of twenty somethings I have encountered who think they know something generally don't. You and others here may be the exceptions. I have a 20 something living in my house. He doesn't know squat, but he thinks he is a walking encyclopedia.

And yes, age makes a huge difference. Don't forget that all us middle agers were twenty somethings once and thought we knew it all.

No I didn't directly call him a fool.more or less implied. I should have been more clear.

I don't claim to know everything. Very far from it.

And he even asked me about a. 22 that I wasn't familiar with and I told him that.

Edited by Erik88
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i wouldnt say its the opposite on gun stores always being cheaper. i went to shooters depot and got my SA GI and then went to Sportsmans Warehouse to look for a Galco holster they had the same gun for almost 100 cheaper.

There is 1 example. However gun stores are almost always cheaper. By a lot!!

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It's time to weigh in as an official member of the "Old Fart Club" DaddyO. Age is not necessarily a good thing. I am VERY close to your age. I hope I never get so old, closed minded, and obnoxious, as to not appreciate a fellow shooters opinion regardless of their age. I don't have to take their advice, but I love hearing the logic behind it. It may be sound, or it may be something I can correct, or offer a different point of view on. Youth does not always equal wrong!

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Guest bubruins

I'd say that Mosin Nagants are one such item found at a pawn shop. I'm am yet to find a 91/30 MN in a pawn shop for less than $180 OR with a matching bolt/receiver. Even though this is only a $50 or so difference from what they would sell for at most reasonable places, just think about how many poor guys get suckered into buying a "Russian sniper rifle" at that price and condition.

This is one of the reasons that I no longer actively look for guns in pawn shops.

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I'd say that Mosin Nagants are one such item found at a pawn shop. I'm am yet to find a 91/30 MN in a pawn shop for less than $180 OR with a matching bolt/receiver. Even though this is only a $50 or so difference from what they would sell for at most reasonable places, just think about how many poor guys get suckered into buying a "Russian sniper rifle" at that price and condition.

This is one of the reasons that I no longer actively look for guns in pawn shops.

To change the subject a bit; where can a person find a deal on a Mosin. I'd like to have a carbine.

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To change the subject a bit; where can a person find a deal on a Mosin. I'd like to have a carbine.

The M44 carbines have become a bit less common. They're still out there, but not in the same numbers as the 91/30.

If you want a 91/30, I saw some at D&T Arms in Rivergate on Saturday, and I believe G&L usually has a few. Those are probably the closest places to find one.

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