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My biggest complaint about glasses these days it that I have to wear glasses every time i go outside during the day, clear or cloudy. When I am wearing a suit I would prefer to wear glasses I can take off when I get inside and put in my coat pocket. All of the glasses today seem to be so rounded to go around the face that they do not fold flat. Ray Ban quite making my favorite dress glasses in the frame size that I like.

Some brands mentioned here that I have not tried. I will have to give some of these brands a shot. Always on the lookout for good glasses. My shooting glasses I only use for shooting and they otherwise stay in their case.

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I'd suggest Native Sunglasses. They can run anywhere from $75 to $150. The nice thing about them is most styles come with both a clear set of lenses and smoke lenses, both are polarized too. I've got a pair of Native Hardtops, I've also got a pair of Oakley X-Metal Juliet, Flak Jacket XJL, M-Frame and M-Frame 2.0 and I wear my Native glasses more than I do the rest. If you can get an account with www.3point5.com or www.promotive.com they will give you wholesale prices or a discounted retail price.

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Ray Ban quite making my favorite dress glasses in the frame size that I like.

I've run into the same thing. Wonder whats up with Ray Ban. They used to be the cats meow........ :):cool:

I had a set back in high school that I wish I still had. Were reflective that had a little darker tint on the top and bottom edge. That and the wrap around ear piece. Dummy me lent them out to a chick and that was the last I saw of them. Was soon there after discontinued. :cry:

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I had PRK laser surgery on my eyes last year....I'm super light sensitive, you can't find a pair that will help for around 100.00. I ordered special Oakley lenses for my frames and that ran me around 180.00. Waste your money on several different 100 dollar pairs, then spend 250.00 once and be happy.


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Venture II

Based on the appearance, these look like the safety glasses I wear every day at work. The styling is ok, they're just a little big for my apparently narrow face.

Speaking of that... Is there any sort of standard sizing for glasses? I see some brands list their styles by size, but there's no definition of how to determine what's small vs. large.

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Guest The Highlander

Check out the Boker (knives) website. Their eyewear is made to the STANAG military specs, and is about half of what Oakleys and such run. Most of them come with interchangeable lenses also.

The only problem with buying any glasses off the internet is that you just can't try them on.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Speaking of that... Is there any sort of standard sizing for glasses? I see some brands list their styles by size, but there's no definition of how to determine what's small vs. large.

When buying prescription glasses at the optometrist, they have a frame width spec measured in cm or mm, can't recall. I have the opposite problem. My head is so grotesquely huge, even the widest glasses typically stocked at optical outlets look like narrow granny glasses on my face. So when I go in, first get em to pick out the widest frames they have in stock or can order. Which ends up with only about 2 or 3 choices, and so the task from that point is to find the least-ugly of the restricted choice range. Thousands of frames in stock, and only a few that will actually fit.

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I wear Revision Hellfly sunglasses. Not as expensive as Oakleys, but I find them high quality. The Hellfly has a good variety of options for the lens and frame colors and styles. Due to regulations in my battery when I bought them, I had to go with straight black frame, smoke lenses, but they have more.

Revision Eyewear

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