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Ask Santa for one.......

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I first read about them in the local paper a few years ago and was able to get one when they were only selling to current or former Military and I love it......they have several differnt versions and a few of my friends have bought one.....I carry mine on a shoulder sling that hangs at the waist...

They are made by RMJ Tactical....RMJTACTICAL.COM

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HA HA!!! Yeah, like a European Men's carry all.....except one that could inflict mortal damge.....Looks great in the gun rack.

Well, heck, I guess it would be legal -- not a club, surely a stretch to call it a knife.

Maybe they could claim "Any other implement for infliction of serious bodily injury or death that has no common lawful purpose", dunno.

There's a guy goes to my Y who wears leather kilts daily, he'd look really good strapped with one of them hawks.

- OS

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[/size][/font]There's a guy goes to my Y who wears leather kilts daily, he'd look really good strapped with one of them hawks.

- OS

Well now that certainly draws up an interesting picture........Leather kilts???


Sorta like these guys in the black ones .. but he also wears some kind of knit leggings too.


- OS

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Guest mustangdave
Well now that certainly draws up an interesting picture........Leather kilts???


Sorta like these guys in the black ones .. but he also wears some kind of knit leggings too.


- OS

Oh lord...Celtic Village People...???? :stick:

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.........Well.....since i bought one (several years ago and not as expensive), look at it like a buying a new/used gun that never needs bullets or cleaning.....except after cleaving the skull of a ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No offense, but the $20 tomahawk I got from Atlanta Cutlery a whole lot'a years ago will do the same thing, plus leave me money for another gun and/or ammo...

Sorry, but even though those things are nice looking hatchets... they're still just hatchets. ;)

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