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ADT door knocking ?


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Is it typical ADT alarm systems to send people arond door knocking? I was home today and a guy came to the door with ADT sign ,neck ID and what looked to be some kind of orderbook . He told he wasn't a salesman but started the the spill. I told him I already had an alarm system"he asked what kind" I couldn't remember but between the alarm system and the 3 great danes trying to bust thru the door and the fact that I'm usually home all the time I was good to go I was polite and told him that I appreciated he was out knocking on doors trying to make a living but was happy with my situation . Is it a common practice for ADT to send people out like this or is this a possible check out the neighborhood deal. I'm fortunate I live on a deadend street where everybody knows everbody and at least one person is home most of the time at every household

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More than likely an ADT dealer representative going door to door. However, it is not unheard of for unscrupulous individuals to use this same technique for information gathering purposes.

While you didn't engage this person in conversation, I recommended everyone in a similar situation get a phone # for the dealer that the person represents and call to confirm he or she is an actual employee.

Calling the ADT toll free # directly wont necessarily be helpful because these people generally work for local companies that are authorized ADT dealers.

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Tseem to like to hiy neighborhood every couple of months. I tell them we already have an ADT System. It was in the house when we bought it, just don't use it. Confuses the hell out of them because they can't find us in their records.

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this is normal. My dad worked for ADT for a short time(he hated it). The person you most likely met was probably working for a "dealer" and not the main headquarters in Knoxville.

The dealers work differently. I can't remember exactly why, but they are frowned upon by the actual ADT employees.

FWIW my Dad loved the product but hated the company. Their alarm systems are state of the art and he was told during training that they actually provide security to many govt buildings including the Pentagon.

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"Back up, fool, or I might not be able to keep my alarm system from chewing the ass-end out of your pants" usually does it for me...

I've never even had to explain that the system is state-of-the-art... Mother Nature has spent millions of years perfecting it... or that it's self-propelled and has an "auto-evict" setting for unwanted "visitors".

Or that it's backed up by an assh**e with a gun, a sorry attitude, and a general dislike for people who invade his privacy. :D

Progress may be nice, at times, but other times, the old ways are best. ;)

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Is it typical ADT alarm systems to send people arond door knocking? I was home today and a guy came to the door with ADT sign ,neck ID and what looked to be some kind of orderbook . He told he wasn't a salesman but started the the spill. I told him I already had an alarm system"he asked what kind" I couldn't remember but between the alarm system and the 3 great danes trying to bust thru the door and the fact that I'm usually home all the time I was good to go I was polite and told him that I appreciated he was out knocking on doors trying to make a living but was happy with my situation . Is it a common practice for ADT to send people out like this or is this a possible check out the neighborhood deal. I'm fortunate I live on a deadend street where everybody knows everbody and at least one person is home most of the time at every household

They do it, not good business practice but to each his own.

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Guest mustangdave

Being a Neighborhood Watch Block Capt...I saw this to happen my neighbor across the street...3 "dudes"...one at the door...one at the sidewalk...one casing the house from the street. I was at DEFCON 4...40 on my hip...phone in hand...WATCHING and being OBVIOUS that I was WATCHING them. Turned out it was like JCJ in post #4 said...it was an ADT rep going door to door trying to drum up more bid-nez. I just don't think its wise to send 3 "men of color" into a neighborhood that's posted "no solisitation"...looking a bit "thuggish"

To my knowledge this particular ADT Rep has not been back to our sub-division

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I never idenified my system and steped outside and shut the door behind me the danes were acting liking a bunch of savage wolfs "whatta a joke". I do think 2 would would bite if someone pushed the issue or handle me or my wife. Actually I live on on private street and I'm sure he got a less than warm reception from everybody. Its one of those streets thats marked deadend and private . When sunday drivers "get lost" on it they are basicly greeted with what the hell are you doing here stares from everybody.

Edited by laktrash
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Guest KimberChick

I made neat little "No Soliciting" stickers on a P-touch. It's flanked by little clip-art skull/crossbones that are programmed into the labelmaker. Speaking of, it's about time I replace the faded one. Only had one knock after install and it was a Witness. May have to expand it to "No Soliciting, Religion or otherwise" :D

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I made neat little "No Soliciting" stickers on a P-touch. It's flanked by little clip-art skull/crossbones that are programmed into the labelmaker. Speaking of, it's about time I replace the faded one. Only had one knock after install and it was a Witness. May have to expand it to "No Soliciting, Religion or otherwise" :D

These will help too.


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Is it typical ADT alarm systems to send people arond door knocking? I was home today and a guy came to the door with ADT sign ,neck ID and what looked to be some kind of orderbook . He told he wasn't a salesman but started the the spill. I told him I already had an alarm system"he asked what kind" I couldn't remember but between the alarm system and the 3 great danes trying to bust thru the door and the fact that I'm usually home all the time I was good to go I was polite and told him that I appreciated he was out knocking on doors trying to make a living but was happy with my situation . Is it a common practice for ADT to send people out like this or is this a possible check out the neighborhood deal. I'm fortunate I live on a deadend street where everybody knows everbody and at least one person is home most of the time at every household

These guys are crooks. They want to see and touch and watch you operate your current alarm system, which I did not allow, seems very unprofessional. Also, they lie to your face: the first time it took me 30 min to get the guy to admit that what he was doing is giving you an alarm system for "free" when you buy an ultra-expensive service agreement. For 30 min he kept insisting that the system was free because ADT just wanted to put their sign in my yard for advertising purposes, in hopes that others would see it and want to keep up with the jone's. The truth of the matter required me to become downright hostile to the man, at which point it turned out that his "free" system would cost more than my current one, by a wide margin.

I won't go so far as to say he wanted to figure out my system so he could use it to break in or sell it to someone who would try it, but his *demand* to see the system and to *examine* it were very, very odd and felt "off" --- I do not trust these guys AT ALL.

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I made neat little "No Soliciting" stickers on a P-touch. It's flanked by little clip-art skull/crossbones that are programmed into the labelmaker. Speaking of, it's about time I replace the faded one. Only had one knock after install and it was a Witness. May have to expand it to "No Soliciting, Religion or otherwise" :D

Heh, mine said... "Unless you have Girl Scout Cookies, I don't want what you're selling."

ADT's alarm systems may be "state of the art" (I had one in my previous house), they're still rendered useless in less than 1 second. Disconnect the phone line and it's just a noise maker. No one pays attention to noise makers until they've gone off for at least an hour these days. I pointed that out to the sales rep. He said... "um, I guess you're right. I never thought of that."

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Heh, mine said... "Unless you have Girl Scout Cookies, I don't want what you're selling."

ADT's alarm systems may be "state of the art" (I had one in my previous house), they're still rendered useless in less than 1 second. Disconnect the phone line and it's just a noise maker. No one pays attention to noise makers until they've gone off for at least an hour these days. I pointed that out to the sales rep. He said... "um, I guess you're right. I never thought of that."

I have always wondered, would a noise maker deter thieves?...Could they stay in a house with sirens going off?

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Guest RevScottie

They came to our neighborhood but they did not go door to door. I followed them in my car and saw they were just hitting certain houses. They wanted to come in to my Dad's house and look around so they could give him a quote and of course he did not allow them to. I called the local PD and they said that ADT had notified them they would be in the area. The whole thing seemed kind of strange and anyone could call the PD and say they represent ABC company and will be going door to door in a neighborhood. Also seemed strange that they had no company markings on their van either.

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Guest tnxdshooter
Is it typical ADT alarm systems to send people arond door knocking? I was home today and a guy came to the door with ADT sign ,neck ID and what looked to be some kind of orderbook . He told he wasn't a salesman but started the the spill. I told him I already had an alarm system"he asked what kind" I couldn't remember but between the alarm system and the 3 great danes trying to bust thru the door and the fact that I'm usually home all the time I was good to go I was polite and told him that I appreciated he was out knocking on doors trying to make a living but was happy with my situation . Is it a common practice for ADT to send people out like this or is this a possible check out the neighborhood deal. I'm fortunate I live on a deadend street where everybody knows everbody and at least one person is home most of the time at every household


When I worked for brinks home security also formerly broadview security we had people wearing brinks shirts, making fake brinks id and door knocking and telling people they needed to upgrade to the greatest and latest equipment. The people would upgrade and then call brinks when their home was broken into cuz their alarm system no longer worked. Come to find out a company called APEX alarms was behind the scam and brinks sued them in court and won and a cease and desist order was issued. Last time I heard they were back at it using the ADT name now. Brinks never door knocked you always signed up on line or called the 1-800 number and we sent a sales rep out to your home for a demonstration. I am almost willing to bet it isnt adt either it is probably apex door knocking cuz last i remember adt did the same thing brinks did. Appointment only sales pitches.

Edited by tnxdshooter
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