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Case cleaning

Guest mbushell

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I use turtle wax with my walnut media. I use Zilla brand that is the "desert blend" it is a lot finer and doesn't get stuck in the flash holes like most other media can. It also doesn't seem as aggressive as larger walnut yet cuts a lot better than corn cob.

Another trick I happened upon is adding airsoft BB's to the mix. I would say add about 1/3 by volume to your mix. It seems to supercharge the action. I happened upon in when I didn't have enoguh media for a job so I added the BB's to bulk up the volume of the walnut media. It worked so well I always have the BB's in with my media.

The only problem is if you have the same caliber cases as the BB's then they can get stuck in the cases. But for me it works great. I use them for 223, 9mm and 45 ACP without issue.


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Guest mbushell

Yeah the nu finish does work. I've also found that the more you clean the, more you clean. I also use zilla, and 1x1 blocks of wood. Same principal as the bb's i guess. It must have to do with more weight, is more friction, and better cleaning action.

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