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The District of Columbia Would Like To Sell You A Gun

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Guest Lester Weevils

The only legal way to get a gun in DC is via dealer transfer or purchase? I guess that makes sense since DC is probably considered another state or whatever?

New people moving to DC could now bring their guns with them, couldn't they?

They should have made a Snake Plisskin movie, "Escape from DC".

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Guest Lester Weevils
I guess DC does not understand what the SUPREME COURT said. They cannot prevent firearm ownership. They have no right to regulate who brings guns in.

Yes, but if you live in DC, then it is probably federal illegal to go buy a pistol in VA and then take it back home to DC. That would be like a TN resident buying a pistol in KY or AL and bringing it back home.

If the DC resident buys from a VA gun shop then wouldn't he have to get it shipped to an FFL in DC? Apparently DC doesn't have any FFL's currently open for business?

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Guest Lester Weevils

It sounds like having an FFL in DC would be about as good as a license to print money, even if you don't sell any guns. Just doing FFL transfers would be a goldmine!

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I didn't think about the interstate commerce part of the transaction. My guess is if DC starts transferring guns there will never be an approved FFL in DC. the government needs to keep out of it. Anyone want to open a gun shop with me and move to DC?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest President Fernatt

There are 2 comments from readers below that article and one states "( This is what the world has come to today. You carry a gun but I am using Jesus. Jesus is my protector and shield, not some man-made gun. -Mary )" :)

Don't get me wrong; I have a great personal relationship with Christ as my Savior but c'mon...this lady is ridiculous! God is her protector and shield but he has blessed us with the right and ability to use modern resources to protect ourselves. I believe God will protect me but he will work through me to do it. I'm not gonna jump out of a plane expecting him to save me when I know I could have easily put on a parachute...ya follow?

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Guest nysos
There are 2 comments from readers below that article and one states "( This is what the world has come to today. You carry a gun but I am using Jesus. Jesus is my protector and shield, not some man-made gun. -Mary )" ;)

Don't get me wrong; I have a great personal relationship with Christ as my Savior but c'mon...this lady is ridiculous! God is her protector and shield but he has blessed us with the right and ability to use modern resources to protect ourselves. I believe God will protect me but he will work through me to do it. I'm not gonna jump out of a plane expecting him to save me when I know I could have easily put on a parachute...ya follow?

I am not the religious type, but I watched an interesting thing on the history channel that was trying to scientifically debunk all the different plagues that happened in Egypt. Pretty much some of them they could scientifically prove, the plague of blood was iron in the water creating rust, turning it red, etc. - but what I got out of it was that everything should be provable by science. Everything within gods power is going to be a natural occurrence. I liked that thought of passive/natural power, but its also that mindset that says that some magic hand isn't going to come down and block a knife from stabbing you or anything. That lady can feel free to rely on her religion as a shield, I am going to use the abilities and knowledge I possess to defend myself.

and back to OP - Who wants to set up a business doing transfers in DC? $150 a transfer sound good?

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DC is a big city, and apparently more corrupt that Chicago. Why do they not have any FFL's?

They only somewhat recently allowed handguns or carry or something, I forget? Maybe just slow moving + looking for a way to profit from it and limit them by going around the supreme court ruling? Best of both worlds if they have just 1 state run FFL transfer where they can charge $100 per transfer... (best for the state's pocketbook, not gun owners).

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I didn't think about the interstate commerce part of the transaction. My guess is if DC starts transferring guns there will never be an approved FFL in DC. the government needs to keep out of it. Anyone want to open a gun shop with me and move to DC?

I was having a similar Idea. But remember DC is a swamp and didn't foreign diplomats receive hazardous duty bonuses for living in DC. I think now days we would need that just because it is so corrupt.

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