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Photoshoot- Model+Guns

Guest SMZRU275

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Guys, it's kinda rude to leave unflattering comments about the OP's friend, doncha think?

If you don't like her looks, cool... just don't be dicks about it. The OP isn't telling y'all that your 400lb wife is ugly... so don't call the OP's friend slutty or ugly because of her mods.

That said, I find beauty in unique expression and find her very pretty. :)

I'm with strickj on this one. The OP was nice enough to share some cool pics, negative and judgmental reactions were entirely unnecessary.

As for all you proclaiming to be so old fashioned, why don't you do like my old fashioned grandmother says: "If you don't have anything nice to say, STFU".

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Guest foister82

I thought this was a forum about guns. Would it matter if Heston was on the beach in a speedo holding a Colt govt model? Heck no!

If you want to critique pictures of women go Google hotornot if that place is still around.

Sent from my Droid Charge via tapatalk.

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I thought this was a forum about guns. Would it matter if Heston was on the beach in a speedo holding a Colt govt model? Heck no!

If you want to critique pictures of women go Google hotornot if that place is still around.

Sent from my Droid Charge via tapatalk.

Uuuuhhh... NO

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I thought this was a forum about guns. Would it matter if Heston was on the beach in a speedo holding a Colt govt model? Heck no!

If you want to critique pictures of women go Google hotornot if that place is still around.

Sent from my Droid Charge via tapatalk.

Uuuuhhh... NO

And of course Mike checked that out for us.


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I'm with strickj on this one. The OP was nice enough to share some cool pics, negative and judgmental reactions were entirely unnecessary.

As for all you proclaiming to be so old fashioned, why don't you do like my old fashioned grandmother says: "If you don't have anything nice to say, STFU".

I guess I'm old fashioned enough to not use silly abbreviations or acronyms when asserting my thoughts, either.

It kind of tells.

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Guest SMZRU275
Guys, it's kinda rude to leave unflattering comments about the OP's friend, doncha think?

If you don't like her looks, cool... just don't be dicks about it. The OP isn't telling y'all that your 400lb wife is ugly... so don't call the OP's friend slutty or ugly because of her mods.

That said, I find beauty in unique expression and find her very pretty. ;)


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Not trying to be a dick just stated i don't like piercings, hell i dont like tats either or women with short hair that look like boys. I have nothing against those people personally i just dont find it attractive and never have and i wont apologize for disliking those things either.

You could always try just keeping your opinion to yourself.

Edited by Major Kong
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Not trying to be a dick just stated i don't like piercings, hell i dont like tats either or women with short hair that look like boys. I have nothing against those people personally i just dont find it attractive and never have and i wont apologize for disliking those things either.

Sent with Droid Incredible using Tapatalk.

There's one in every crowd. :D

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Not trying to be a dick just stated i don't like piercings, hell i dont like tats either or women with short hair that look like boys. I have nothing against those people personally i just dont find it attractive and never have and i wont apologize for disliking those things either.

Sent with Droid Incredible using Tapatalk.

"If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all" (edited for politeness)

For example: i might not like loudmouths or close-minded ignorant people but I'm not going to state you are either...it goes along with having self-control and just generally being a well mannered person.

Edited by Magiccarpetrides
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"If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all" (edited for politeness)

For example: i might not like loudmouths or close-minded ignorant people but I'm not going to state you are either...it goes along with having self-control and just generally being a well mannered person.

It's always nice to find messages waiting when you return from vacation :D

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and a well deserved one at that. Im thinking that more and more people on this forum need some time to sit in the corner and ponder on their actions/words

Well, anybody can have a bad day. They do a pretty good job of killing off the hopeless cases with amazing speed.

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It's always nice to find messages waiting when you return from vacation :popcorn:
and a well deserved one at that. Im thinking that more and more people on this forum need some time to sit in the corner and ponder on their actions/words

He's not on vacation because of his comment here. He was a previously banned member.

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  • 1 month later...

I was just watching a movie with the wife. We like some old movies and the misses just got a new boxed set. We was watching Little Miss Broadway and when I seen Phyllis Brooks I thought of this thread. I stand by my antiquated, bassackward view on things: They Just Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To.


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