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Rifle season. What are you carrying this year?

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I found a really good thicket on the property I manage. It's full of good trails, rubs and scrapes. I'm going to get above it (if I can with my medical issue), and knock a deer stupid with my scoped Remington Express 12 gauge slug gun!

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Don't mean to hijack the thread... maybe we should start a Savage 24 thread. I really like'm myself. Got a .22LR/20Ga, .222/20Ga, .30-30/20Ga, and another .22LR/20Ga Camper model.

Might not be a bad idea! LOL

My best friend has a .223/.410 that he loves. And I've been offered more than ten times what I originally paid for mine back in the mid-80's, but they didn't make many .357mag/20ga's and I ain't givin' it up for love nor money! As I've said before, it's my absolute favorite "modern" firearm. :biglol:


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Guest GunTroll

I'll continue the hijack a bit....

I really wish Savage would reintroduce the 24. With today's growing number of pred hunters and or interest in the sport in general, the rifle/shotgun combo really has a place in the field like it never has before. I hate carrying a shotgun and rifle when I go out on long hunts that take me into varied terrain and far from my truck. Some sets could go either way (rifle/shotgun) others only one will do....so why not have both in one package?? I have the plans up in my head as to how I would build it for the pred hunter in mind and progress the rifles design into the present a bit. Too many plans...to little time!

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I'll continue the hijack a bit....

I really wish Savage would reintroduce the 24. With today's growing number of pred hunters and or interest in the sport in general, the rifle/shotgun combo really has a place in the field like it never has before. I hate carrying a shotgun and rifle when I go out on long hunts that take me into varied terrain and far from my truck. Some sets could go either way (rifle/shotgun) others only one will do....so why not have both in one package?? I have the plans up in my head as to how I would build it for the pred hunter in mind and progress the rifles design into the present a bit. Too many plans...to little time!

Yeah, me too what you said. I bought mine originally because I couldn't count the number of times I'd jumped a coyote while pheasant hunting and I didn't shoot because either he got out of range too quickly or I just didn't want to ruin the hide. The .357mag/20ga was pretty much a perfect combo for that. There were other times when I'd go deer hunting in the morning and kick out a pheasant or a rabbit on the way back to the truck and my trusty ol' 24 was the perfect answer.


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Might not be a bad idea! LOL

My best friend has a .223/.410 that he loves. And I've been offered more than ten times what I originally paid for mine back in the mid-80's, but they didn't make many .357mag/20ga's and I ain't givin' it up for love nor money! As I've said before, it's my absolute favorite "modern" firearm. :whistle:


My 24C, camper's Companion model, it's the one with the short barrels and the ammo in the butt-stock, is a highly sought out model also. Probably the only way I'd part with it would be a trade on one of the other Savage 24 models I want. I'd like to have a .357 Max/20 gauge. you know, they did make a .308/12 gauge in the 24 also. Guess either my .222 of .30-30, will take a Tennessee buck.

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you know, they did make a .308/12 gauge in the 24 also.

I'm almost ashamed to admit that I didn't know that (or if I did, I'd forgotten), but I'm not surprised. Man, that'd be alot of gun in two barrels! lol

Guess either my .222 of .30-30, will take a Tennessee buck.

I reckon if they don't then it's just 'cause you ain't pullin' the trigger. ;)


Man, I just thought back to a time when my dad and I were hunting a dry creek bed in West central Kansas: Pop was up on the bank, busting through rabbit brush with his old 20ga. pump and I was walking the creek bottom with the 24 with both barrels loaded - 6 shot in the 20 and (because it was all I had) 158gr jhp in the .357. It was a frosty morning and I was wearing an old pair of cheap jersey gloves with a raggedy right thumb.

Pop kicked out a cottontail which came out in front of me and started running straight down the middle of the creek bed. Well, I threw the 24 to my shoulder, cocking it on the way up, and pulled the trigger just as it settled into line with the rabbit. Thing is, the raggedy part of the thumb on my glove hung on the barrel selector and, as the hammer fell, the selector flipped up to the rifle barrel. So instead of nailing the rabbit with a load of six-shot, I hit him dead in the @ss with a .357mag158gr jhp at a distance of about 60 feet. I heard the CRACK of the rifle and saw a "PLOOF!" of rabbit fur and for a split second I found myself wondering WTF?!! :eek: Then I looked down at the hammer of the 24 and saw the raggedy part of the thumb still hung on the selector. Wasn't enough left of the rabbit to pick up, although his ears were still intact and connected by a strip of skin. :yuck:

I told Pop what had happened and we shared a slightly guilty chuckle at the expense of the rabbit, then I took out my belt knife and cut the thumb completely off my right glove. We got five or six more rabbits and a couple of pheasants that morning and in the 25 or so years since then, I have never again worn raggedy gloves while hunting with the 24. :D


Apologies for the hijack, but the memory is a good one. (For me if not the rabbit.) ;)


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